The Wiki Roadmap

The Wiki Roadmap
Created: 1/17/2025


Primary Topics: General wiki information that is not covered on the homepage.

Secondary Topics: A list of current and future projects.


Term Name: The Wiki

Description: A thing that nobody ever reads
A website where you can find most information related to game.

The wiki is a work in progress that is constantly updating. Here is an idea of what is being worked on, what is on the docket next, and some future ideas of things we would like to do.

About the Wiki

The Novitas Wiki (aka the site you are on now) is a constantly evolving, ever-changing website you can visit for the most current information on rules, items, and setting information for the Kingdoms of Novitas LARP. It also serves as a GM reference point, scarce item registry, and database that staff uses to print all the paper slips players receive during preproduction.

The current Wiki Wizards are Ryan Green and Shauna Goldstein. The wiki volunteers mostly collaborate with the Rules Committee but frequently intersect with other workgroups, like plot and logistics, because of the broad range of subjects that are covered.

How You Can Help

There are a few ways that you, as a player, can help with the wiki.

  • Report any problems with the wiki or suggestions you have that could improve it by completing this form. See below roadmap so to make sure that your idea or concern isn't already on the list of plans.
  • All spell pages have a section dedicated to player-submitted incants that you can contribute to (unless no players have submitted incants for those spells). This is a fun chance to show off the creativity of our players- fill out this form to potentially have yours added!
  • Be patient with updates- coding a reference encyclopedia from the ground up takes time.
  • If you have coding experience or would like to help edit the wiki, contact Ryan Green.
    • We have a certain way of doing things when it comes to the wiki. It really helps to understand the rules, have knowledge of the setting, and be familiar with how the community works. There also is some spoilerage on fun in-game things to discover when working on it. We're a bit picky about who edits, so don't be discouraged if we turn down your offer to help. There are tons of ways to get involved in the community by helping with other workgroups.

Current Projects

These are projects actively being worked on. Some of the pages referenced here may be in various states of progress. If you notice something has broken, contact an editor or complete the error form.

  • Status meeting clarification (just make another faq section on rp skill page? Reference list of spells?)
  • Anti magic shield spell list- convert to table
  • Finish updating RP Skill pages to new code format/ link to main RP skill page
  • Setting pages- transfer worldbook information to the wiki
    • Gods and countries are the priority here
    • Currently pasted en mass from the worldbook, but has no actual formatting and most are walls of text.
  • Undo any needlessly complicated coding
    • This will never be done, thanks Ryan.
  • GM Hub
    • Needs links to character backgrounds and RP skills Ryan plz

Projects Up Next

These are projects that are up next to be worked on, or work has started but not in earnest. They either require time to code or collaboration with a workgroup.

  • Update alchemical pages to new code format
  • Start linking and adding references to public alchemical pages
  • Scarce items- change to new code format
  • Photo references- collaborating with the social media team, list sent
  • Workgroup pages- more detailed pages, which groups need help, any prerequisites (ex being able to cook a hot dog to work the inn)
  • Wiki editing guide in case anyone is crazy enough to want to assist with it.

Potential Future Projects/ Project Wishlist

These are projects that we would like to do but are not as important as others or require significant time, coding, and research investment.

  • Pre-production hub- a spot where all preproduction information is in one place. Maybe a calculator? Is that a thing I can program? Math is hard.
  • PC pages- PCs that are retired or otherwise infamous that people may hear referenced frequently (ex Baldisere, Titus, Lord Sidhan).
    • Have bits in them that NPCs would be able to reference before going on plots like how to get their attention or who tf these people are
  • NPC pages- well-known NPCs who had major plots that are referenced frequently (ex Reggie, LithisulusLord Syphilis, Grandfather Burlap).
  • History pages- so that the cool stories don't get lost to time (ex the fall of Pinedale).

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Page last modified on February 04, 2025, at 02:15 PM
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