The Kingdoms of Novitas

The Kingdoms of Novitas


Summary: A brief overview of Novitas, the continent on which the game takes place.

Thought to be the only continent with living mortals, Novitas was on its own for almost sixteen centuries.

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Novitas was once the peaceful home of the Sept, a haven before the Dark Three's resurgence from their Wahkarn prison. When the Dark Three escaped the Spet abandoned Novitas, turning their attention to the mortal realm of Vargainen where they and Dark Three went to war. Whatever happened during that war culminated in the gods' collective withdrawal from the world, seemingly a measure to avoid mutual annihilation. Unable to save Vargainen, they transported its mortal inhabitants en masse to Novitas to ensure their survival- meaning that current mortals live in what was the land of the gods.

Over the ensuing 1600 years, nations have risen and fallen on Novitas. Today, six distinct powers hold sway: Fionn A’ilean, the Kingdom of Gersh, the Kingdom of Terra, the Realms of Evenandra, the Republic of Civen, and the Theocracy of Vlean. The independent Dellin Tribelands, a loose confederacy of tribes, maintains its autonomy through military strength. At the continent's heart lies the demilitarized Freelands, a region without central governance or universal laws. Each city within the Freelands establishes and enforces its own rules.

For sixteen centuries, the people of Novitas believed themselves the world's sole mortals. The recent discovery of Vargainen's survival has begun to shift this perception, though not entirely.

The Nations of Novitas

Organizations in Novitas

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