The Realms of Evenandra |
The high elves of Evenandra see themselves as the people who most embody the will of the Sept and it is their sacred duty to live up to that expectation. Everything must be made perfect and that perfection must exist in harmony with everything else. They set themselves incredibly high standards and once they’ve met those standards they find new higher standards to meet.
![]() Stop the Press! This Isn't Right! |
When people first arrived haphazardly spread across Novitas there was much chaos and confusion. No one truly knew where they were or what was happening. Different groups, some of whom had been on opposite sides of battle were deposited together. But one group of elves had a very different experience. Unlike so many others there were just elves in this group, no foe arrived with them, and no conflict followed them here. These elves found themselves at the unlocked gates of a massive city fortress with no inhabitants. Inside they discovered empty houses, workshops and schools. Preserved food had been stored there. Arms and armor were on hand. Everything they could think to want was there already. As the elves explored the city they revealed detailed plans for the city that had been drawn up. In time they came to understand that this city was once the home of the Knight and that while living there they had been preparing an idea to create a perfect society. The Knight had been working on this for what appeared to be a very long time, possibly even prior to the Gods’ War on Vargainen. This city was designed almost literally for them. And it had instructions on exactly how to expand the city further, how to protect the city and how it could flourish over time. The elves saw it as no coincidence that they were the ones to discover this fortress and its plans. It was a gift from the Knight for their diligent service, and it was their sacred duty to carry out the Knight’s blueprint for an ideal society. Quickly they set to work reading everything that the Knight had left for them. As elves they knew a patience the other species rarely lived up to. There was no rush to start, they needed to understand what the Knight had done and why. Locking the gates to outsiders they studied each day, prayed for guidance, and kept everything just as immaculate as they found it. It took them three decades but soon they understood what they had to do. In 34NL they declared this city fortress to be the city of Evanessa. It would be the capital city of the elven nation of Evenandra. Only elves had been shown this gift of the Knight so it seemed only elves had the capacity to build such a perfect society. Any elves who wished to be a part of this nation were invited to join them. Many elves made the journey when they heard. Others tried to gain access as well but in the early days non-elves were turned away at the gate. Not every elf joined them however. Many had already become involved in the research taking place at the Scholar’s library in Nalbendel. There was a respect for what was being built with Evenandra but they had already committed to their own great project. The elves of Evenandra accepted what they could not change and continued with their sacred mission. Individuals would be raised from birth to best serve a necessary role in the perfect society. These roles in turn were each patterned on one of the Seven further cementing the holy structure the society would emulate. Those who had found the Knight’s instructions became the first Lawgivers of the Knight’s Caste they would shape this new society and lead it. The Knight had left behind many instructions on how best to accomplish different goals. Their intent seemed to largely be focused on something that could be gifted to one of the nations of Vargainen before the war. However the Knight created this fortress as something of a test case. Everything needed was there ready to be used so the elves did exactly that. The elves claimed the land east of the Daggertop mountains. Using the mountains as a natural border they had what they needed to keep others out while still having pristine forest and plenty of coastline for fishing. The Wardens of the Blood Caste traveled the length of the mountain putting a special silver powder into the ground as they went, others walked along the entire shore of this new nation dispersing the same powder there as well. The Knight had left them with what they needed for what would be the first of many improvements to come. It took nearly a century to complete but the effort was worth it. When it was done the Magi of the Learned Caste performed a great rite. It is said that for days after it was completed the border of Evenandra glowed so brightly it could be seen for miles in any direction. A calm fell over the land and from that day forth no naturally occurring undead rose again in Evenandra. The land was sanctified such that the Undead could not rise there without nefarious aid and only the most magically capable intelligent undead were able to even attempt to enter it. While this had been happening the Muses of the Wyld Caste were taming the lands. One by one they found every patch of native creature and figured out how they could be made a part of the perfect society. The Makers of the Hand Caste built roads and settlements in beneficial locations, housing to hold the elves still emigrating and the new ones being born. Priestesses and Priests of the Benevolent Caste welcomed newcomers and saw to the spiritual well being of each citizen. Finally the Shadows of the Deathly Caste walked the world and learned what was transpiring elsewhere, they brought back their kin whenever given the opportunity, and otherwise watched to learn what was happening in Novitas. In that first century no nation was truly organized except for Evenandra. Theirs was a holy mission and nothing would stand in the way of the Great Endeavor. Over the course of the next 3 generations Evenandra built and grew. The wilderness was tamed, some species were domesticated, others were cast out or killed in case of things like Orcs. Wardens still needed to pay attention to Fae and Elementals, but beyond them the only dangerous threats came from outside of Evenadra. The focus of the people now shifted, when they were taming the land oddities were found, unusual places, odd objects, strange artifacts all left behind from the time when the Sept lived upon Novitas. Each of these had been brought back for storage if they could be moved, or marked on maps for later exploration if that wasn’t possible. Now the Magi began the process of figuring out what could be learned from these discoveries. The most famous of these discoveries was a strange ore that was very similar to the silver powder the Knight had left them for the rite to sanctify the land. This ore was black with white and silver veins through it. No one quite knew what it was but it was given to the Makers to see what they could create with it. This was how they learned to craft Evenandran Steel or as others call it, Elven Steel. At that time it was found to have qualities which neutralized poisons, so much of it was primarily used to create dishware. Later in 829NL when Evenandra learned of a safe route (avoiding the Draconic Empire) to send an official delegation to visit Terra for the first time they brought along an extravagant set of ornate Evenandran Steel dishes and mugs, stamped with Clan Quartzhammer’s seal on one side and an anvil for the Craftsman on the other. This meeting went poorly to say the least. The delegates did not drink out of formality for in Evenandran society at the time drinking at a first meeting was considered incredibly rude. They refused every offering of ale from King Quartzhammer, offending him greatly. The Terrans found the dishes to be hopelessly impractical so they melted them down and made weapons out of the material. These weapons were light and agile, the Terrans were quite impressed so they showed their new tools to the delegation and asked if they would be interested in trading the swords for more raw ore, once more offering a drink to seal the transaction. The delegation, unable to come up with appropriate words… left immediately. One of the Elven Steel swords was later gifted from Terra to the Emperor of Civen in 862 NL. The Emperor brought it into battle and discovered it was as effective against wraiths as an enchanted weapon. Evenandran spies learned of this and Evenandra began producing their own weapons from the material. Soon the ore was in high demand all over Novitas. As the first millennium drew to a close Evenandra had seen little conflict in or outside of its borders. The people there were happy, productive and the Great Endeavor was proceeding completely according to plan. When the War of the Avatars broke out there was a certain sense of shock from the leaders in the Knight’s caste. They had spies all over the world keeping an eye on their neighbors. Sure, they witnessed the increased agitation in Civen and Gersh, but they never suspected the Dark Three could act in such a direct manner. Never ones prone to making quick decisions, it was something that would have to be deliberated later. In that moment they had to concern themselves with the force coming from the Dellin Tribelands to attack them. The Tribelands had never been a meaningful threat, but a large organized force could potentially inflict some damage. Extra Wardens were dispatched to the border and they spent the entire war there repelling the Dellins in what was largely a battle of bows due to the rugged mountain terrain. It wasn’t until it was too late that Evenandra understood what the purpose of the attack on their border truly was. By keeping the Wardens occupied where they couldn’t really win or lose, Evenandra wasn’t there to help Nalbendel when they needed it. The Shadows living among Nalbendel performed their first duty one last time. Seeing the imminent destruction of that city they smuggled out as many Elves as they could so that they could travel safely to Evenandra. That those Elves brought with them the most priceless and unique of items from Nalbendel was merely a bonus to the lives saved. At least that is what anyone from Evenandra who recounts the story will tell you. Those with more cynical viewpoints have differing opinions. Evenandra was already one of the most magically prosperous nations, having carefully preserved much of what they found in their initial exploration. Other cultures were far less organized, individuals found ancient treasures and in each case did what they wanted with them. In both Evenandra and Nalbendel the artifacts of old were stored to be studied by the wisest and most knowledgeable. Now Evenandra had the most interesting and valuable items from both cultures. For Elves they set to work quite quickly. Never again would they let a foreign force occupy them at the borders. The Wardens needed to be free to act whenever and wherever they were needed without needing to concern themselves with defending the homeland. Modifying the rite that sanctified the land against undead, they prepared something new. This time they would mark the border with a wall built of pure marble. Each segment was only a single two-inch brick tall and this wall lined the entire border of Evenandra, even just offshore of the coastlines. The wall was ensorcelled with powerful Aegis magic that would allow a single archer to safely deter large forces by themselves. Leylines beacons were built into guard posts at regular intervals so that defensive forces could be deployed rapidly in the event of an emergency but only one person needed to be stationed there to summon them. Outside of the wall the Muses cleared all growth to ensure clear lines of sight to any who would approach. Then the Makers buried numerous deadly traps in a pattern only they knew. These traps were so well designed they only needed to be repaired and rearmed roughly once a decade. Once more Evenandra felt a sense of total security, and so they returned to their work on the Great Endeavor. Now though there were more eyes focused outward than before. Evenandra was becoming more perfect with each passing year. The rest of Novitas however had shown how deeply they needed guidance. Diplomats were assigned to work with each nation. With Fionn A’ilean they gave direct aid as requested. In Terra they sent envoys to improve relations with the Quartzhammer clan, focusing on the youngest members knowing that while they might be able to change the King’s mind, they would have a much easier time creating good relations with his successor. Civen had given up the idea of having an Emperor and was now being led by a Senate of elected officials. They couldn’t focus on just one individual as easily so they began to select individual candidates they could support for future considerations. In Gersh plans were made to send delegations to entreat with agents of the Bitter Mikado. Finally in the Dellin Tribelands with no central leadership to speak of, Shadows infiltrated several of the more powerful tribes living among them for decades before carefully introducing replacements so that they could maintain an eye on what was happening there. This left only the place where Nalbendel once stood and the still unclaimed territory from Quaradar. Gersh, Terra and Civen were each eyeing this territory for expansion. The Bitter Mikado was unwilling to make any agreements regarding non-expansion at that time, but representatives of Fionn A’ilean were willing to sign on in a show of strength with their cousins. Evenandra gathered representatives from Terra, Civen, and Fionn A’ilean together in 1371NL on the shores of the Eldirloch where the city of Nalbendel had once stood. The document became known as the Treaty of Ghage. Since then Evenandra has watched as the world continued to change, now much more rapidly. The War of the Avatars had destabilized the continent even as the Great Endeavor continued and Evenandra grew more stable. The Civen occupation of Vlean served the order of the Knight but it did not serve the Knight’s idealism. Evenandra watched on in horror as the bloody conflict began and that feeling did not change as it continued. When the conflict had gone too long even by Elven standards they stepped in. Agents of Evenandra managed to bring the two sides to the table and a ceasefire was negotiated in 1585. Hope of peace for Novitas had returned, but Evenandra was forced to watch as wave after wave of conflict swept through the Freelands. Unwilling to see matters escalate into another large scale conflict they declared the Treaty of Ghage null and void. Though each nation tried to make claims to parts of the Freelands, Evenandra hoped it could be the ones to claim it on behalf of everyone. They quickly found they were not welcome there. In the end the experiment was deemed a failure but Evenandra found a way to make something beneficial come of it. A new treaty was signed in the same place as the last one. A town now stood on the lake, so it was named the Treaty of Pinedale. This time Gersh and Vlean participated as signatories. Once again the Freelands were free from official influence. Now Evenandra looks on and plans its next move. Their Great Endeavor continues on, bringing harmony and peace to the citizens of this perfect nation. The questions of the people are how to become more perfect and how to give that perfection to others in a way that they will accept it.
High elven culture is built heavily around idealism. They are deeply moral people but that morality is never black and white. They see morality as iron and gold. Iron is basic, ugly, crude and brutal. Gold is rare, beautiful, and refined. Killing is not good or evil. Context matters. Killing can be crude, ugly, brutal and basic, but when it is rare and reserved for those moments when it is absolutely necessary it can serve to improve society. There is nothing at all immoral about a killing that was necessary such as in defense of the homeland. So in such matters the deed is done and never thought of again. The same can be said for smaller matters too. Running through a beautiful garden, destroying the beauty it brings is crude and destructive. Such an act is just as immoral as wrongful killing. The world is made less perfect by the act regardless of scale. With this philosophy in mind High Elves seek perfection in all things. Actions that will bring more beauty and perfection into the world are to be emphasized, while those that diminish the world are to be avoided. Each High Elf hopes to leave a legacy of beauty. To be remembered in story and sung in song is the highest hope of many. The high elves want to capture the fleeting beauty of the individual, to preserve its spark of flame for all time, while building a society that enables each person to shine their brightest. Because high elves see each death as a loss of uniqueness they try to preserve their dead so that the person’s physical beauty and uniqueness can last through the ages. To this end the bodies of the dead are brought to the embalmers who restore the person through make-up and magic to as close to they appeared in life as possible, and are then encased in amber or quartz. Those bodies which are considered beyond redemption are cremated. Bodies which cannot be recovered are thought of as tragic losses. At high elven mausoleums the dead are typically remembered through art. Gifts of song, sculpture or paintings are commonly left for the honored dead. After a period of display these gifts are cataloged into a record of the dead by the Shadows who tend the mausoleums. The most cherished individuals will sometimes be moved to larger mausoleums so that these gifts have somewhere to be stored. Evenandran society tends to be rather insular. It is not uncommon for the elderly to look down on the younger, lesser, species of Novitas. The worst are pretentious and stuck on themselves, the best can be condescending and patronizing. Those that have not spent much time abroad are known to talk loudly and slowly to foreigners. The ones who do travel are often shocked to discover just how similar other species are to the elves and are left with a newfound humility. Some of these elves come to be outcast by elven society, due to the belief that without the sense of superiority the Great Endeavor will come crashing down upon itself. High elves diligently seek to improve Evenandra to great heights of perfection. This may seem like a misnomer. If they are already perfect how can they possibly be more perfect? To their way of thinking there is always room for improvement. Evenandra is as perfect as it can be right now, but there are flaws they haven’t discovered yet which upon discovery will be corrected just like any other. The people do not sit idly by in their paradise. Reaching untold heights is the real objective, and this path is known collectively as “the Great Endeavor”. Watching other societies fail, sometimes dismally, is painful for the Evenandran people. They also recognize that these other nations can impact them indirectly or even directly. So they watch what happens elsewhere with a sense bordering on revulsion. Debates are held, plans are made, the question is asked: “at what point do we need to intervene for everyone’s benefit?” Evenandra is easily the society most advanced in magical arts in all of Novitas. It is known for the creation and implementation of all manner of rituals. Many believe that the rituals the Crimson Couriers use to deliver mail were derived from Evenandran advancement. The land is beautiful beyond compare with every inch of land carefully planned to be utilized efficiently for living or cultivation. No square foot of land isn’t in use, but much of that land is carefully laid out gardens which have no practical purpose other than improving the atmosphere for everyone around. Fragrant flowers are planted in perfect balance so that everything smells fresh and perfect no matter what building you might be near. Some say all of Evenandra is a garden and they aren’t wrong. The forests are all orchards in perfect rows. Every city street, fountain, river and building are veins and bones of a massive, carefully groomed arboretum. Even the farmland is perfect and beautiful. The end result is nothing short of stunning. Wildlife prospers with careful accounting and planning. Domesticated animals, which is nearly all of them, grow to huge proportions when this is beneficial, and the planted crops and fruits of the forest are always bountiful. In the highly unusual event of serious crime or an individual who cannot be integrated into society regardless of all effort to do so, the punishment is almost always exile. For those who cannot be integrated it is very common to heavy-handedly suggest they travel Novitas for a bit to find themselves before such a formal exile becomes necessary. The hope is that they will come to miss home and upon return will redouble their efforts to fit in. Firebrands and those who seek to disrupt the status quo deliberately are rare, but when they do occur they are cast out rapidly.
Many claim Evenandra is a paradise. Many of those making this claim are high elves themselves but there is truth to this claim. The nation is free of crime, hunger, poverty and undeath. Each citizen learns to become a dedicated specialist that melds perfectly into the whole of society. Children are educated in schools and temples until they reach sufficient age to venture out into the world. Many are sent abroad to see what other cultures are like so as to better appreciate what Evenandra has to offer. When the time comes the young are finally assigned what is believed to be the most suitable profession for them. They learn from a master in that field until they are ready to become one themselves. Callings are not based on what the individual enjoys the most but instead what they are best at. With each elf doing this society as a whole is betterred. An elf’s duty is to their society and their society in turn has a duty to provide them with everything they need in professional and personal life: housing, materials, tools, recreation and companionship. In the pursuit of perfection many take up hobbies to indulge in those desires they cannot fulfill from work alone.
Beauty is a currency with form favored over function. High elves make art for its own sake and it can be found everywhere. There is no art they don’t practice to a high degree of efficiency. Painting, sculpting, theater, dance, music, literature, sport, if there is a way to create beauty from it the Evenandran people find a way to practice it.
Evenandra welcomes any who wish to visit but anyone who causes trouble is cast out. It is said that once ostracized a person’s spark can be recognized by the walls and their entry forbidden in the future, if this is true or not few know as most are unwilling to get ejected and once it has happened they don’t want to find out what happens if they return. Citizens of Evenandra are all elves, others are treated as somewhat respected guests (though they are often also watched with a sense of sideshow curiosity). Non-elven visitors cannot stay forever, after 7 days in Evenandra they are expected to be actively on business of some kind or they are expected to be on their way. Those who think the elves won’t track them have no idea how quickly the Wardens can relay such information. Any elf regardless of birthplace is considered a citizen of Evenandra and can be given a role in their perfect society if they wish it. Those who maintain loyalties elsewhere are still welcome but will not be given positions of authority. The one exception to this are Dellins. Any individual who openly displays membership in a Dellin Tribe is not welcome in Evenandra. This has been tradition since the War of the Avatars and shows no sign of changing. Wardens on the border spend a great deal of time and effort finding and cremating the bodies of Dellins who regularly attempt to bypass the traps outside the wall as some sort of rite of passage. This practice only serves to keep this rule in effect.
Naming Conventions
High elves follow all the same naming conventions of other elves. See page XX.
Worship in Evenandra centered around the Sept and only the Sept. Citizens attend worship frequently but it is their sworn duty to Evenandra to consider the Sept at all times, not just during moments of worship. Consider that the Sept can be found in any moment, not just reverence. Living a full and productive life is a service to the Sept by itself. There is little time spent debating what the Sept wants, they already know: patience, persistence, and perfection. Theology is of little importance to the average Evenandran, a life well lived is a life dedicated to the Sept. The high elves bask in the firm knowledge they are the Sept’s chosen people. Draconus is a more complicated matter. To a high elf he is a god to be pitied. But as the Sept have no instructions on Draconus other than to say he is not one of their number, the high elves follow their lead. Draconus and his worshipers are not their concern. So long as they do not disrupt their society Draconus worshipers are left alone. In the unusual circumstances where a citizen of Evenandra begins to worship the God-Beast they often do so in such a way as to remain followers of the Sept still. Often this leads to many visits from the Stewards trying to guide them away from such folly. It won’t lead to exile unless that person starts to preach their highly unorthodox views. This leads to such practitioners doing so in secret, which for a Draconus worshiper is a fairly common practice. The Dark Three are evil to be routed out immediately. Worship of the Dark Three is an offense worthy of capital punishment. Grak and Nox worshipers tend to be found quickly in Evenandra, it’s rare they cover their tracks successfully for long. Darkness’ faithful are the real problem. They are always seeking new ways to bring down the perfect society and the Stewards must remain ever vigilant to ensure these corrupted individuals can’t sow their dissent and sabotage the Great Endeavor. Though the elves believe their society to be immune to corruption, individuals can fail and it is their job as citizens to hold each other up at all times.
The Caste System
There are seven castes in Evenandran society, sculpted in the image of the Gods. At the head of each caste are “Knights” who are responsible for maintaining order in their castes. The Caste Knights handle induction ceremonies, resolve disputes and oversee assignments. Caste Knights are arbiters of justice and select new members. Each caste is ruled internally by its own knights and the six lower castes are overseen by the Royal Caste of the Knight. Outsiders are often confused by the overuse of the word Knight but the high elves are practiced in the distinctions between them.
The Ruling Caste. Members of this caste are given the utmost respect in Evenandran society, they keep it functioning. It is a lawgiver’s duty to follow the example of their patron god and lead others in deed and word. They serve as agents of the crown, military leaders, and social planners. Lawgivers organize the 6 lesser castes together so that their actions are coordinated and flawless. Disputes or concerns that are beyond the scope of just one caste are answered by the lawgivers. Caste Knights of the Lawgivers refer to themselves simply as “Knights”.
The Blood Caste. Violence in Evenandran society is seen as a necessary evil to be used as a last resort when no other option presents itself. The Wardens carry out that solemn duty. They perform physical enforcement of laws and serve on battlefields. Both the army and the navy come entirely from the ranks of the Wardens, as do city guards, and those who guard the wall. Caste Knights of the Wardens are known as Knight-Captains.
The Learned Caste. Masters of magic, Magi know the deepest held mysteries and secrets of the arcane arts. It is their job to catalog new information, study it and identify what can be shared and what must be kept concealed. Many wonder just how much dangerous information is kept hidden in the secret libraries of the Magi. Not all Magi deal with magic however. Architects, teachers, researchers, and theorists all can be found among their ranks. Anyone whose occupation is primarily of the mind is part of this caste. Caste Knights of the Magi are known as Knights of Wisdom.
The Hand Caste. The most numerous of all the castes, Makers build what Evenandra needs. Tools, buildings, food, raw materials, all of these things are procured and prepared by Makers. Anything society needs they produce and distribute, including to each other. Their job is to ensure that each individual has all of their needs met for life. Caste Knights of the Makers are known as Knight-Makers
The Wyld Caste. These are the tenders of the land, the sculptors, the artists who make life worth living. In a civilization where there are no wild lands, they cultivate gardens that stretch down every road. Many are musicians or composers. Unlike other castes that specialize more heavily, Muses are more likely to practice several different art forms at once. The only true specialists among the Muses are those who are famed as Attendants, bringing joyful companionship to those applicants they deem worthy of it. Caste Knights of the Muses are known as Knights of Beauty
The Deathly Caste. Shadows have perhaps the most varied of jobs of any one caste. They handle the preparation of the dead for encasement in amber, and the cremation of those who cannot be encased. When ghosts arise in Evenandra something that happens with a surprisingly high frequency for such a perfect society it is the Shadows who help appease them. Unknown to many, numerous spies and assassins are also trained from within the Deathly Caste. They are sent all over Novitas to ensure that Evenandra’s interests are always represented and to give warning of grave threats from abroad. The members of this caste are trained in the interpretation of body language and are experts at disguise. As such actors come from this caste rather than the Wyld Caste, and theater is a valued part of Evenandran society. Caste Knights of the Shadows are known as Death Knights.
The Benevolent Caste. Stewards are the Septons, the healers, and the caregivers. They take care of the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of the people. When something is wrong, or someone is having issues, they are the first to know. It is the role of the Lawgivers to direct the other castes, it is the role of the Stewards to make the castes aware of issues that can be solved. Caste Knights of the Stewards are known as Knight-Stewards.
Evenandra is completely and utterly self-sufficient as far as needs go. However they do still trade with other cultures. Generally this is for things they would enjoy having, foreign art is a common import if only to compare it to elvish art and feel superior. Evenandra also engages in a practice of trading with other cultures for things they don’t need at all in the hopes that what they give will be put to good use in return. They find that others hold goods as being more valuable if they had to work to get them. In this way they distribute medicines and food that might not have been taken if received as a gift. Being so sure of the perfection of their society they also offer up their own art to others, the better to inspire them to greatness. Many are unaware just how frequently art made from Evenandran Steel is melted down and turned into weapons elsewhere. Components used in magical arts are among the few things that can’t always be sourced in Evenandra and these are what will typically be met with the highest demand there.
Merchant opportunities
Bringing art to or from Evenandra is a common exchange. Oddly some use their ability to travel and access to Evenandran libraries to serve as information brokers. Relics, especially dangerous ones, are generally easy to sell in Evenandra. Food is plentiful there and can generally be exported as well. Evenandran makers are keen to work with those who represent foreign societies in particular rather than merchants seeking to enrich themselves alone.
There are two kinds of nobility in Evenandra. Caste Knights are the leaders of their respective Castes. They earn the distinction for years of dedicated service and excellence at what they do. This variety of nobility is earned by an individual for their deeds. The other kind of noble are the elven Noble Houses. These nobles have familial nobility which is purely hereditary. Their lives are surprisingly similar to others. In terms of lifestyle and economic impact the difference between a commoner and nobility is almost non-existent. Nobility might display their family crests more prominently, and are more likely to travel abroad with a larger retinue. What makes the Noble Houses different is the expectation that they will continue to earn their familial honors. The noble families raise their children from birth with the expectation that they will make worthy Lawgivers. Commoners can and are selected to be Lawgivers as well, but the Nobles expect it of their children. Those that are assigned to other castes are still members of the family, but to some they might be seen as disappointing, though most would never admit that aloud. Each of the Noble houses traces their lines through matrilineal lines. Women are the heads of the households, manage assets, and generally preside over house affairs. Family names pass along the female line. Men are often married off to increase a house’s status. Commoners typically have a great deal of respect for the nobles, they know how hard they work to earn their titles and how little benefit it actually provides them. Individual members of noble families who earn notice from the Queen are awarded with titles such as Duke, Duchess, Magistrate, Seneschal or Marquis. Caste Knights who serve with distinction are awarded with titles such as Dame, Count, or Baron. Other individuals who catch the Queen’s attention will be given the title of Lord, Lady or an honorific based on their profession.
The greatest of the noble houses is that of Her Majesty Queen Agralana, Blessed of the Seven. Queen Agralana has the final say in all matters of Evenandran society. It is her job to steer the Great Endeavor. Her job largely is done through watching, when something occurs that she wants to change, she declares what she wants to happen, it is relayed on to the castes and that thing comes to pass. It is Her Majesty who elevates houses to Noble status, and on incredibly rare occasions strips that same status from those not living up to the expectations that come with it. The Queen descends in a direct line from the leader of the first elves who settled Evanessa.
The laws of Evenandra are at once incredibly complex and remarkably simple. They can be summarized as: Do what is best for the Sept and the Great Endeavor. How to do this is taught to each Evenandran from a young age and they internalize it. But things change and new laws come to pass. So it is then the duty of the government to make sure that citizens know what is needed of them, ignorance isn’t an excuse, but if the government has failed to inform someone of the law it is the citizen who is owed. When guidelines or laws change the Wardens are deployed to stand watch for a time in locations where that law might be broken, there they inform individuals passing by of what the new rules are to ensure laws are not violated by accident. They do this not to display their authority but rather to serve the public.
Evenandra has never been invaded, has barely been attacked, and has never fought a major war. Despite these facts Evenandra maintains one of the largest fighting forces in Novitas. Second only to Civen in size, the Evenandran military is easily the best armed force by a significant margin. And yet no one knows this because they’ve never been deployed. Instead they train, stand watch, and they defend their borders. Wardens are also deployed to aid citizens in daily life. It is an incredibly common sight in Evenandran cities to see Wardens on every street corner. They are not there for “law enforcement” but rather for public aid. Need help moving something heavy, help is a street corner away. The Wardens are not only willing to help, they expect to be put to work helping citizens with everyday menial tasks that are better done with assistance. Thus having a huge army is not a drain on society, it benefits them while always being ready.
Status Opportunities
There are many individuals inside of Evenandra that want to fix what they see as the problems of other cultures. Some could be in Maplewood to try to help others as you see fit. Shadows infiltrate neighbors so that Evenandra is never caught by surprise. Merchants trade on behalf of Evenandra all the while reporting back what they find. Nobles might find their way to Maplewood in the course of performing their duties. Anyone who wants to be well connected with Evenandra while they travel can easily represent that with status. Status can be used with any of the castes to firmly establish that connection.
Civen’s conquest of its neighbors is something the elves always found distasteful. There was hope that they were growing out of it, but when they conquered Adecia during the War of the Avatars they held onto it even afterwards. Every time they seem to be on the right path they take the easy approach instead. It’s disappointing to say the least. Elven memories are long, and so they wait, hoping that maybe someday Civen will learn.
Fionn A’ilean
The cousins of Fionn A’ilean are always welcome to join Evenandran society. In fact so close are the two peoples that those who do not fit into Evenandran society are often sent to Fionn A’ilean to live instead. Their ways are quite different but they all see each other as one very extended family.
Snow goblins are regarded with disgust and pity. They were elves once but they were robbed of their beauty and grace, left twisted and broken. The fate of these beings is considered just as foul as being transformed into one of the undead. And yet as these creatures were once elves they are treated with remote dignity. Their bodies are a grotesque reminder of the parodies the Dark gods inflict upon the world.
The feud between Terra and Evenandra has been going for a long time even by elven standards. Elves feel the Terrans are discourteous alcoholics who don’t understand beauty. Terran crafts are deeply practical but to the standard of Evenandra they are never complete. A tool that isn’t beautiful isn’t really a tool at all. That’s before even getting into the idea of living below the surface with minimal gardens, no sunlight, and cramped quarters. Despite being a peaceful, productive society that Evenandra would love to see all across Novitas, the idea of Terra is a nightmare to most Evenandran people.
The Dellin Tribelands
The people of the Tribelands have always been colored by their actions during the War of the Avatar. Even though no significant losses were incurred it was a horrible affront to them and to many an embarrassment that they were so easily prevented from aiding their kin in Nalbendel. To Evenandra the Dellin Tribelands are the ultimate expression of human degeneracy.
The Freelands
A wild place that doesn’t wish to be tamed. With no national government to watch or influence the Shadows don’t know how best to monitor the Freelands. Instead they are forced to watch each community of any significant size. There are many there who are still quite concerned that this is a breeding ground of volatility. Support for the Temperance League is seen as one way to positively influence the Freelands.
High elves have respect for the order that exists within Vlean as it is a central tenet of the Knight’s teachings, but it doesn’t seem to coexist with justice. That Vlean is dedicated to the Sept is admirable, but their version of Sept worship is so formal and strange. Vlean is seen as a curiosity to be studied. Can humans build an ordered society? In the meantime Vleanoans are forbidden from sending missionaries into Evenandra, a law that became necessary after the open borders policy was abused a few too many times. Evenandran merchants try to send food to Vlean often to help with their hunger issues there, many are unsure why it hasn’t seemed to make a meaningful dent in the matter.
Heretics. Even the snow goblin merchants who trade with Evenandra can abstain from worshiping the Three while in Evenandra and yet these “diplomats” could not. In an effort to avoid an incident those who openly worshiped the Dark Three were sent away and the rest left with them. What happened in Vargainen is a terrible tragedy but that is no excuse to give succor to the Dark Ones.
Notable Locations
The capital city of Evenandra, also known as the “Alabaster City” is built in and around the citadel of the Knight themself. The existing fortress is of such scope that entire city districts sit within the many courtyards and gardens possessed within. Seven individual keeps overlook the major districts wherein are housed the caste knights. There are several books written by Elvish scholars about the intricate layout and history of each district. Art and sculpture in the form of building and living spaces adorn the Alabaster walls from inside and out, granting them purpose and beauty unrivaled anywhere else.
Mage College of Evenanessa
The Mage College is believed by many to be the greatest magical school in all of Novitas. It is exclusively for the Magi of the Learned caste but some others are granted limited access to the classes there. Part of the campus includes the Great Library of Evenandra which has succeeded Nalbendel as the greatest known repository of knowledge. The Library is divided into many sections each with different levels of access. Divisions are primarily related to how dangerous the information could be in the wrong hands.
Room for Growth
These locations are deliberately minimally defined. Players and Gamemasters alike are encouraged to develop these locations further in ways that other players can add on more details later.
Arcana Gorgannash
Publicly known as the Arcane University of Novitas, Arcana Gorgannash is located in Evenanessa and was founded in 1276 NL. It is open to foreigners and is intended to teach them about the dangers of magic under the guise of normal schooling. This is a different school than the renowned Mage College there.
Among rows and arcs of carefully tended trees are tall, narrow buildings paneled in carved rosewood and mahogany. Residences are built atop them with balconies and glass windows above the glistening green treetops. Dawn from there has been described as seeing the sun rise over a gently rolling ocean of trees. Roaming livestock and tame sika (spotted deer) wander within their enclosures of manicured hedgerows and deep streams stocked with trout and perch.
Firimonde is widely renowned for its wines, ciders, and sweet scents. The orchards and vineyards span several miles in perfectly groomed rows as far as the eye can see. Firimonde is a very popular vacation spot for wealthy nobles of other nations due to the immense beauty during the autumn season.
Tirion is a city run primarily by the Hand Caste. They spare no expense when welcoming diplomats and merchants alike. It is said that the city shines almost as brightly as Evenanessa itself. The city is designed to make itself accessible to large volume trade with warehouses, counting houses, and loading docks.
This huge cathedral built out of crystal stands on a barren hill. It was erected on the site of an ancient battle from the time when Evenandra was first being founded. Inside a mammoth sculpture room holds alcoves that contain the encased elves that died in that battle and an everburning torch.
The northern region of Evenandra is so harsh that it rivals the Snow Kingdoms of Gersh. The juxtaposition of the outside climate and the inviting indoor spaces are an expression of architectural artistry. Though few, structures are constructed from worked crystal buttresses with polished ice panes refracting light into the spaces beneath. Within the low, transparent domes are greenhouses and homes built with open trellises as opposed to rooftops. Subtle heating is accomplished through directed hot springs. The rarified air is used to imbue the much sought after produce grown within with the exotic fragrances and flavors that only the local mineral waters can provide.
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