
Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Traps

Last Updated: 1/15/24


Section: Gameplay

Summary: Traps can be simple props or more complex electrical mechanisms. They cause negative effects when triggered.

Primary Topics: Definitions for traps

Secondary Topics: Information about trap tags

Tertiary Topics: Creating trap props

Tinkering Item

Item Name: Trap

Tinkering Level: 1 to Master

Crafting Point Cost: 4 to 24

Encampment Item: No

Lootable Item: No

Description: A trap that can be armed with up to it's level worth of Trap Tags

Traps can be used as surprise attacks in plots to catch players off guard. Player characters can also use them to protect their belongings or set up ambushes.

Trap Types

There are two types of traps in the game: "zero-level" traps and level based traps. Traps only inflict killing blows if they explicitly say that they do.

Zero-level traps are stationary, simple traps such as a pit trap. They can't be armed or disarmed, they simply exist. Each zero-level trap has a fixed effect on anyone who is impacted by it. For example, if someone falls into a pit trap they take two leg wounds and cannot leave the pit. Player characters normally can't create zero-level traps.

Level based traps may or may not be stationary depending on the design, and are armed with one or more trap tags. A level based trap typically has a buzzer in it that indicates when the trap has been sprung. Other traps designs could potentially exist with rules and plot approval on a case by case basis.

Level based traps are each armed with trap tags indicating what the trap does if the buzzer goes off. A level based trap can be armed with a number of trap tags equal to or less than its level. When the trap is sprung, each of these tags take effect going from front to back, then the trap tags should be destroyed. Only the character who triggers the trap is affected by any trap tags included, though others can choose to voluntarily take trap effects for roleplaying reasons so long as they are not doing it gain a mechanical advantage.

For example a group are walking down a road and one character sets off a tripwire trap. The person right next to them could voluntarily also take the trap's effects because it seems appropriate to the circumstances. On the other hand if a group of characters want to have Dispel Magic used on them, they can't deliberately set up and set off one trap with a Spellbane trap tag in it and have everyone present get the effect. That would be using this rule for advantage.

Traps must be created to be disarmable in some fashion. Any character can attempt to disarm a trap - by preventing the buzzer or triggering mechanism from functioning. If the buzzer doesn't go off the trap has been avoided.

When a player can access the trap tags in a trap without the buzzer going off they can 'disarm' the trap by removing the tags. Trap tags removed can be kept for later use (if they are not fragile).

Level based traps that are in containers can be moved when armed, but the person carrying the trap is the one affected by it if the buzzer goes off for any reason. Traps that take the form of trip wires, pressure plates, etc. must be stationary once armed and should only be moved if disarmed.

Crafting Level Based Traps

A level based trap is crafted using the Tinkering skill. Characters must have the same level or higher of tinkering skill as the trap to construct it. Traps cost 4 craft points per level to construct. A character who is a master crafter can create a level 6 trap for 24 craft points.

During preproduction these traps can be upgraded from one level to another by paying the craft point and coin difference. To do this the character must have a tinkering skill capable of crafting the level of trap being upgraded to. Keep in mind this will require putting a new item number on the trap.

Trap Tags

A trap tag is a one-use consumable item produced with tinkering. They are placed in level based traps to arm them, causing negative effects to anyone who triggers the trap. After performing their effect the trap tag is then consumed.

Each trap tag will have on it what type of tag it is: Alchemical, Physical, Spell, or Environmental. Alchemical trap tags are stopped by any effect that prevents harmful alchemicals (such as Spirit Shield, or Poison Immunity). Spell trap tags are prevented by any effect which prevents spells (such as Anti-Magic Shield or Anti-Magic Aura). Physical trap tags are just like getting hit with a melee attack to the torso, any relevant Armor or Body applies. If a trap tag's effect say it hits multiple times, such as two '4 Magic!' hits, it would take 2 prevention effects to stop both hits. Otherwise, one shield stops the entire trap tag.

Some trap tags give the Hexed condition, typically with a duration for the rest of the game day. These will often give a character another condition as well. When this happens the other condition cannot be removed through normal means, you must remove the Hexed condition to remove the other condition.

Fragile trap tags can be disarmed, but should be destroyed immediately whether the trap went off or not. All fragile trap tags say this on them.

Pit Traps

A pit traps is a zero-level trap, represented in game by tarps on the ground. If a player touches the tarp in any way their character is considered to have "fallen" into the pit.

When a character touches a pit trap they gain the Leg Wound condition for each of their legs. A spiked pit trap inflicts the Torso Wound condition. Other types of pits could be designed for unusual circumstances. If a pit has other effects an NPC will be around to inform players of what those effects are.

Once a character has fallen into a pit, unless the character has a special means of escaping it, they are stuck in it until another character assists them in getting out through role-playing, .

A player under the effects of the Shadow Skin spell that falls into a pit still takes the automatic leg wounds.

Trap Props

Traps have a great deal of freedom in what makes a valid prop. Unlike most props in Novitas modern electronics are acceptable (and more or less required) to build a trap prop. Those electronics should be concealed inside of the trap as much as is possible.

At their most basic a typical trap will have 3 parts, all available from any electronics vendor or Amazon for a few dollars each. You'll need a battery housing, a buzzer, and a switch. The stronger the battery you use, the louder the sound from the trap. This can be a double edged sword. You want the buzzer to be hearable, but you don't need to deafen everyone with it. Switches are typically pressure sensitive, but other ones can work too. You'll use the switch to set the trap off, if someone completes the circuit the buzzer goes off.

A second switch can be added to add another means of disarming a trap. You'll need to do this if the primary switch can't be reached to be disarmed. Remember all traps MUST have some way of disarming them. You can conceal the method or make it hard to do, but a trap requires that someone could conceivably figure out how to disarm it.

Traps are generally either inside of containers (your standard box trap) or trip wires.

With a standard box trap when the lid gets opened the trap goes off. The switches for these are generally in the lid with something on the bottom half of the container to keep the switch depressed. They can be disarmed by finding the switch and sliding something very flat into the opening to hold the switch down when you open the lid. If this is too difficult to do, a second switch can be added that a player can off. This might be a hole in the box where a tool can be inserted to depress the second switch, or a screw that can be turned to disable the second switch.

Trip wires are considerably less complex. A typically trip wire trap does not require a switch. Instead the circuit runs through two tacks placed onto each side of a clothespin. When the clothespin is closed the circuit is complete and the buzzer goes off. You can then place something with low friction that doesn't conduct electricity into the clothespin, such as a small scrap of leather. Tie fishing line to the scrap of leather and run the line to something stationary. Be sure to firmly attach the trap to something as well. When the fishing line gets pressure, the leather is pulled out from the clothespin and the circuit is completed setting off the buzzer. Players can disarm this style of trap by cutting the fishing line (so make sure the fishing line part of the trap is 'replaceable'), untying one end of the trap, or by removing the trap tags which are generally immediately visible in this type of trap.

Pressure plate traps are also a viable option. In this case you take a heavy object and set it up so that if the object is moved a circuit is completed and the trap goes off. This trap is generally disarmable by removing the trap tags which are immediately visible or by avoiding the object entirely. If these are impossible to disarm that is acceptable so long as nothing can be stored inside or underneath them .

It is helpful if traps have a clothespin inside or on them to hold trap tags, but this is not a requirement.

Trap Tags

Alchemical Traps

Trap Name

Level Type Duration Scarce Fragile Description

Hemlock Extract Trap

1 Alchemical Instant No No Deals '4 Poison!' damage.

Kazvak Tranquilizer Trap

1 Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Poison Weaken!'.

Minotaur Bile Trap

1 Alchemical Instant No No Inflicts '4 Acid!'.

Anesthesia Trap

2 Alchemical 1 Hour No No Knocks a victim unconscious.

Goblin Gas Trap

2 Alchemical Until Cured No No Inflicts 'Poison!' with no damage.

Ratcatcher Trap

2 Alchemical 1 Hour No No Inflict's the Poisoned condition. If not cured in an hour the victim dies.

Caustic Splash Trap

3 Alchemical Instant No No The victim gains the Leg Wound condition for each leg.

Ettercap Web Trap

3 Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No No The victims hands become stuck to the container

Glue Trap

3 Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Poison Pin!'

Spreading Rot Trap

3 Alchemical Instant No No Inflicts an Arm Wound condition on the arm closest to the trap.

'The Cleaner' Trap

3 Alchemical Instant No No Inflicts 'Dispel Alchemy!'.

Anti-Magic Venom Trap

4 Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Poison Enfeeble!'

Corrisive Blast Trap

4 Alchemical Instant No No Inflicts four hits of '4 Acid!'.

Lie Detector Trap

4 Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts the Truthful condition.

Nerve Toxin Trap

4 Alchemical Instant No No Inflicts the <Limb> Wound condition to all four limbs.

Red Rage Trap

4 Alchemical Medium (10 Minutes) No No The victim must attack the first person they see.

Healer's Bane Trap

5 Alchemical Long (Game Day) No No The victim is coated in ethereal sealant.

Night-Widow Venom Trap

5 Alchemical Instant No No Inflict a Torso Wound condition.

Physical Traps

Trap Name

Level Type Duration Scarce Fragile Description

Slicing Blade Trap

1 Physical Instant No No Inflict '4!' damage.

Ogre Punch Trap

2 Physical Instant No No Inflicts '8!' Damage.

Scattershot Trap

2 Physical Instant No No Inflict two hits of '1!' damage each.

Tempest Trap

2 Physical Instant No No This physical trap inflicts a hit of '4 Nature!'

Exsanguination Trap

3 Physical Instant No No Causes the target to start bleeding out.

Powder Keg Trap

3 Physical Instant No No Inflicts '12!' damage.

Impaler Trap

4 Physical Instant No No Inflicts '16!' damage.

Giant's Knife Trap

5 Physical Instant No No Inflicts '4 Slay!' damage

Terran Tunnel Digger Trap

5 Physical Instant No No Inflicts '20!' damage.

Piercing Lance Trap

5 Physical Instant No No Inflicts '4 Pierce!' damage.

Spell Traps

Trap Name

Level Type Duration Scarce Fragile Description

Burning Dart Trap

1 Spell Instant No No Inflicts '4 Nature!' damage.

Eldritch Bolt Trap

1 Spell Instant No No Inflicts '4 Magic!' damage.

Grounding Trap

1 Spell Instant No No Inflicts 'Grounding!'

Treasure Repellant Trap

1 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflict 'Disengage!' from the trap.

Hush Puppy Trap

2 Spell Short (1 Minute) No No Inflicts 'Silence!'

Spitfire Trap

2 Spell Instant No No Inflicts two hits of '4 Nature!'.

Starburn Trap

2 Spell Instant No No Inflicts two hits of '4 Magic!' each.

Curse Trap

3 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Curse!'.

Eldritch Blast Trap

3 Spell Instant No No Inflicts three hits of '4 Magic!' each.

Haze Trap

3 Spell Game Day/ Permanent No No Inflict 'Memory Loss'.

Knucklecracker Trap

3 Spell Instant No No Inflicts the Arm Wound condition on the arm nearest the trap.

Pin Trap

3 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Pin!'.

Inferno Trap

3 Spell Instant No No Inflicts three hits of '4 Nature!' damage each.

Kneecapper Trap

3 Spell Instant No No Inflicts the Leg Wound condition on both legs.

Anti-Magic Trap

4 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Enfeeble!'.

Evasive Trap

4 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Banish!'.

Magic Swarm Trap

4 Spell Instant No No Inflicts four hits of '4 Magic!' damage each.

Mind Killer Trap

4 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Terror!'.

Spellbane Trap

4 Spell Instant No No Inflicts 'Dispel Magic!'.

Waiting Thief Trap

4 Spell Instant No No Inflict the Limb Wound condition to every limb.

Eldritch Barrage Trap

5 Spell Instant No No Inflict five hits of '4 Magic' damage each.

Great Betrayal Trap

5 Spell Medium (10 Minutes) No No Inflicts 'Dominate!', orders the victim to attack.

Heartstopper Trap

5 Spell Instant No No Inflicts a Torso Wound condition.

Environmental Traps

Trap Name

Level Type Duration Scarce Fragile Description

Slag Trap

3 Environmental Instant No No Destroys the contents of a container

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Item Types | Tinkering | Trap Tags

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