Producing Consumables

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Producing Consumables


Term Name: Production Points

Description: These points determine how many consumables a character can create each event using the pre-production system.

Abbreviation or Synonyms: PP

Rule Type: Gameplay

Players use their character's production skills and the pre-production process to create consumable items to use in the game.

Production rules can get confusing; new players can safely skip them until they are interested and ready to start making consumables of their own.

Are you here to fill out your preproduction form and just want a quick cheat sheet? Here you are:
The cost formula is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For the list of consumables, click "Preproduction" in the sidebar and then click the relevant item type.
For ornamenting, tinkering, and weaponsmithing, see this page.


Characters use production points during preproduction to produce a variety of different paper consumable items. Consumables produced last until they are used, allowing characters to stock up on tools for future encounters or to barter for other goods.

Production Points

Characters can gain production points through a variety of means, most commonly the skill of the same name. For each production point a character has they may spend that production point between events and 1 coin to produce consumable items. This is done using the pre-production system.

A character may not have more than 20 production points unless an effect says that it breaks the production point cap. Characters may also purchase additional production points for 2 coin each up to the normal cap. Because of the 1 coin cost to use production points, this effectively means extra production points cost 3 coins each (total).

Confused? That's okay! Production can be confusing, and trips everyone up occasionally. The easiest way to understand cost is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For example, a Potion of Dissipate is a level 2 consumable. It costs 2 production points and 2 coin to make.

What consumables a character can create is based on what other skills the character has. A consumable requires a number of production points equal to its level to produce. Scarce items may not be produced by player characters through any means unless those means explicitly say they let you make a scarce item.

There are four subtypes of consumable items made with production points: Alchemicals, Potions/ Oils, Scrolls and Trap Tags.

Alchemicals and potions/ oils will also require containers to keep the finished product in. Players are responsible for supplying their own containers, but logistics does sell them at cost to players. There are no specific requirements for appropriate containers, except that for safety reasons glass is prohibited. In this instance plastic is completely acceptable (and standard).

Consumable Types


Alchemical items represent mundane chemistry that has a particular effect.

Using the alchemy skills a character can produce alchemical items of any level the character has the appropriate skill for. There is a list of all alchemical items and any player with enough skill levels can automatically produce anything on that list.

Each alchemical item states how many copies it produces per time it is made. For most this will be 1, but for some items it could be many more. When ordering these items using preproduction list how many times you wish to pay for that item with production points, logs will multiply that by the number produced and get you the correct number when assembling your order.

Potions (and Oils)

Potions are spells prepared in advance so that a user simply drinks to benefit from them (a potion that is rubbed on equipment or skin is called an oil, they are mechanically identical the only difference is how usage is roleplayed).

Spells can be prepared in potion (or oil) form using the Brew Potion skill. To produce a potion (or oil) the character must know the spell they wish to produce a potion (or oil) for, and the spell must indicate that it can be made into a potion (or oil). Each spell has in it's entry whether or not it can be made into a potion (or oil). A character with the Savant specialist title may alternately copy any non-scarce potion (or oil) they have in their possession instead of needing to know the spell.


Scrolls are spells partially prepared in advance that must be read aloud by someone who has the Read Magic skill to activate them.

Characters with the Scribe Scroll skill can produce scrolls. To produce a scroll the character must know the spell they wish to create a scroll from. A character with the Savant specialist title may alternately copy any non-scarce scroll they have in their possession instead of needing to know the spell.

If the spell being put into a scroll is level 4 the character must possess a ritual quill as well. When the spell is level 5 not only must the character have a ritual quill, but they must also consume one dose of ritual ink (an alchemical item) per level 5 scroll produced.

Trap Tags

Trap tags are placed in level based traps to bring a variety of devastating or problematic effects to those who trigger the trap.

Characters with the tinkering skill can produce trap tags. The character can make trap tags of a level up to their level in the tinkering skill.

Production Point Items

There are a variety of different consumables players can get as loot which grant additional production points. These break the production point cap when used. State that you are using them when you fill out your pre-production for the month, and then be sure to turn them in when you pick up your order at check-in.



A consumable item is any item with a limited number of uses. Most consumables can only be used once. Wands are an exception to this, they have a fixed amount of power points available to them when created and when those power points are consumed the item is consumed.


Are you lost and looking for the page with information relevant to your preproduction form? Click here for production, and here for crafting.

Every month dozens of players attend events and as many as half of them will want to create new magic items, produce potions, and make other in-game items. It can take logistics staff hours a month putting all of these orders together, so we use the preproduction system to help make that job a lot easier on them (thank you!).

Preproduction forms are due by 11:59pm on the Sunday prior to an event. Use that form to:

By doing this logistics staff has everything they need to make and gather in one single place, making the job much easier.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Spell and Item Rules | Production Rules

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