Props & Atmosphere Work Group

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Props & Atmosphere Work Group


Term Name: Props & Atmosphere Work Group

Description: The Props & Atmosphere Work Group creates the props the game uses and approves the props that players bring into the game.

Abbreviation or Synonyms: Props Work Group, Props and Atmo, Props, 'P & A'

Rule Type: Out-of-Game

Keeping the game immersive is an important job.


The Props and Atmosphere Work Group sets the tone for what the game looks like. They decide what props meet the standards of what the game wants in play. Costuming for our creatures and npcs are created largely from donations and whatever Props and Atmosphere builds. Of all the work groups Props and Atmosphere has the most special projects for various objectives. The make-up table is also staffed and stocked by the Props & Atmosphere workgroup.

The marshal for the Props & Atmosphere workgroup is Christina Mevec and the second is Liska Gutierrez.


Props and Atmosphere volunteers staff the make-up table, making our various creatures and npcs stand out when they are sent into play. They make sure those same NPCs meet the garb standards listed in the encounter codex, and watch them for exposed skin that shouldn't be exposed (so that a creature's skin color is consistent). You don't need to be an expert in make-up to work the make-up table, volunteers can be taught to use the spray gun and other tricks of the trade.

Between events volunteers work on making new costuming, repairing worn costuming, and anything else that keeps the visuals of the game to the highest standards we can manage.

If you are interested in volunteering for Props & Atmosphere contact Christina Mevec or Liska Gutierrez.


Prop donations need to be approved by the Props Marshal, Christina Mevec or the Props Second, Liska Gutierrez before you will get experience for them. Not every item is of use to the game, and some things we have as many or more than we actually need. It can take a month for this experience to be awarded, so please have patience when you do make donations.

Categories: Out-of-Game Rules | Work Groups

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