Spell Rules

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Spell Rules


Term Name: Spellcasting

Description: Characters can cast magical spells or rituals using magic items, consumables or their own 'Power'. Spells can have a wide variety of effects.

Abbreviation or Synonyms: Magic, Spells

Rule Type: Gameplay

Magic is a very broad term. It can refer to spells, rituals, items, even a damage type. This page will discuss how the mechanics shared by these things work before getting into detail about how to cast spells specifically.

Magic and Spells

The word magic can mean several things in Novitas. Spells are magical abilities characters have learned how to bring about. Different characters cast spells in different ways, but certain requirements must always be met to cast them. Rituals are generally mystical pieces of paper with arcane writing on them. Characters can precisely follow the instructions given on a ritual to create a particular effect. Spells can also be imbued into a variety of different items to change how they are cast.

A spell is a practice of magic commonly understood by many characters in the world. Each spell does something specific and the effects are the same no matter who is performing it or how they perform it. All over the world, spells are identical.

There are 7 schools of magic: Aegis, Battle, Compulsion, Enchantment, Nature, Necromancy, and Restoration. The schools have themes to the effects they produce. Each school has 10 spells. Spells all have a level from one to five, and each school has exactly 2 spells at each level.

Characters learn spells like other skills, and then use their own magic power points (which are also learned as a skill) to perform the spell. This is the most common form of magic use.

An item or rule that lets you cast a 'Prismatic Spell', allows you to choose which spell it casts based on the criteria listed (generally any spell of a certain level, sometimes a spell of a particular school).

Casting Requirements

The basics of all spell casting follow one set of guidelines. Some items types will add some additional rules specific to those item types.

For a character to cast a spell they must: know the spell, have enough power points available to cast the spell, and have a free hand. If all of these criteria are met they may proceed to casting the spell.

Spell Knowledge

A character knows a spell if they have spent the skill points to learn it. Alternately a character can have access to a spell through a rod or a tome.

Many magic items also cast spells. A character can cast spells out of any item they are attuned to without needing to know the spell, and the item will provide the necessary power to cast. These items do not teach the spell; if a character wants to cast the spell separately from the item they need to have spent the skill points to have learned it.

Power Points

Cast a spell costs its level in power points to cast. Power points are a skill characters can learn, and some items can provide extra power points as well.

Characters can never spend more than 20 magic power points in a single game day. Attempting to do so causes the character to gain an unpreventable Torso Wound condition as the magical energies tear the character apart. This will also cause the spell casting to fail. Abilities that grant characters power points that break cap do not count against this limit.

Some abilities and rules allow characters to pay fewer power points to cast a spell. This cannot bring the spell's cost to 0 power points unless the source explicitly says that it does. Abilities that reduce power point costs do not stack unless they explicitly say they do.

Free Hands

A character must have a free hand to cast a spell. Hands are considered free if there is nothing held in that hand and the attached arm has free unrestricted movement. You must be able to fully raise your hand and can't hold anything between your arm and your body. Worn gear never hinders casting by itself (such as armor and passive bucklers).

When using an item to cast a spell if that item is not worn on your body you must have it in hand, in which case it does not count against your hand being 'free'.

If the target of the spell being cast is an object the caster has in hand, that does not count against your hand being 'free'.

Characters with two Arm Wound conditions cannot cast spells.

Casting Spells (Incantations)

To cast a spell, you must speak an incantation. Spells have no fixed incantations, each character is free to create their own unique way of showing how they cast magic. While most players use spoken words, this isn't required; incants can be sung, chanted, or even dramatically role-played. The important part is that no matter how the player casts spells, their incants must meet the requirements.

Requirements for a proper incantation:

  • An incantation must be a minimum of 8 words, which must include the name of the spell being performed.
  • You may not bluff one spell and then cast a different one, such as by putting multiple spell names into the incantation.
  • The incantation must clearly convey EXACTLY what you are casting.
  • Incantations must be spoken loudly and clearly enough that players standing 10 feet away will know that a spell has been cast.
  • You may not make the incantation gibberish or attempt to work it into a conversation. It must be both clear that you are casting a spell, and what spell you are casting.

Interrupting Incantations (Failing to Cast)

If an incantation is partially finished and the player performing it gets hit by any attack (even if that hit is fully prevented) the spell is interrupted. The assumption here is that even if you are immune to a fire, it is still disruptive to be engulfed in flames. Pausing in the middle of an incantation for more than a moment will also cause the incantation to be interrupted.

When this happens, nothing is lost (such as power points or item charges), but the incantation must be restarted from the beginning.

Written Incantations

Whenever working with a magic item that includes a written incantation, it must be performed exactly as written. Even if the incantation is something that can be memorized you must still roleplay reading the text from the paper using enough light to be able to read the document.

If a ritual or tome is not written in Common you must also be able to speak the language to use it. Scrolls only require the read magic skill to use them, they are never written in alternate languages.

'No Incant' or 'At Will' Abilities

Some abilities say they are 'at will' or require 'no incant'. These terms mean the same thing. In either case an incantation is not needed to cast the spell. All other criteria of spell casting must still be met.

When you cast a no incant spell you must still announce the spell as you perform it so others know what is happening. Call out the spells name aloud as if it were a standard call.

'Throw a tag bag for <Call>'

When an ability says to throw a tag bag for a particular call it doesn't need to be cast (even if the call normally comes from a spell), you simply take a tag bag and throw it while making that call.

Spell Results

Having successfully performed the incantation the spell resolves, having its effect on the world. You spend the power points required to cast the spell at this time (or destroy the consumable used, expend charges from an item, etc).

Spells follow the normal rules for effects regarding if they stack or not. They also use the same definitions of traits like duration and flag requirements.

Each spell has a range you can use it at. This tells you how the spell (or spell producing item) is directed to its target. You are not required to be able to see your intended target to cast a spell.

A spell's target is who or what the spell is cast upon. For example: You can't cast Magic Lock to magically lock a person, only objects that can be opened and closed.

A spell can be identified as a 'buff' spell if it has a range of touch or self AND does not require the target to be Helpless.

Whenever one character casts a buff spell on another character the second character may always voluntarily choose to reject that spell's effect. When they do this they should announce 'No Effect!'. Any power points or consumables used to cast the spell are still consumed.

Remember especially with new players you may need to explain what a spell does, be patient. For offensive spells the explanation is generally taken care of by the calls used. However you may still need to break character for a moment to explain more complicated effects.

Spell Listing

Aegis Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite

Magic Armor

Aegis 1 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Grants the target 2 points of magic armor. None


Aegis 1 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Give the target 2 extra body points, or protect tougher targets against killing blows. None

Spirit Shield

Aegis 2 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Prevents the next poison, acid, or harmful alchemical effect against the target. A level 1 Aegis spell

Anti-Magic Shield

Aegis 2 Long
(Game Day)
Touch Character Prevents the next offensive spell call that hits the target. A level 1 Aegis spell


Aegis 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Focal Point Creates a Sanctuary Field around the caster. A level 2 Aegis spell

Improved Magic Armor

Aegis 3 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Grants the target 4 points of magic armor. A level 2 Aegis spell

Anti-Magic Aura

Aegis 4 Short (1 Minute) Touch Character Prevents all spells from effecting the target. A level 3 Aegis spell


Aegis 4 Special Touch Character Grants the target Toughness, Spirit Shield, Anti-Magic Shield and Improved Magic Armor. A level 3 Aegis spell

Poison Immunity

Aegis 5 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Protects the target against all poison, acid, and harmful alchemical effect calls. A level 4 Aegis spell

Aura of Reflection

Aegis 5 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Prevents offensive spells from affecting the target and lets them be cast back. A level 4 Aegis spell

Battle Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite

Magic Strike

Battle 1 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Melee Weapon Weapon's next hit is deals 4 damage. None


Battle 1 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character The target gains +1 Might. None

Magic Swarm

Battle 2 Instant Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 4 tag bags that deal 4 Magic each. A level 1 Battle spell


Battle 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character The target's spells produce handfuls of tag bags. A level 1 Battle spell

Slaying Swarm

Battle 3 Instant Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 4 tag bags that deal 4 Magic Slay damage each.. A level 2 Battle spell


Battle 3 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Causes target's spells to generate extra tag bags. A level 2 Battle spell

Combat Prowess

Battle 4 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Immediately give a target mastery of all combat skills. A level 3 Battle spell


Battle 4 Short (1 Minute) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit For the next minute throw unlimited tag bags that call for 4 'magic' each A level 3 Battle spell

Battle Mastery

Battle 5 Long
(Game Day)
Touch Character The target is immune to Magic damage. A level 4 Battle spell


Battle 5 Short (1 Minute) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Throw an unlimited number of tag bags that each call for 4 Magic Slay. A level 4 Battle spell

Compulsion Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite


Compulsion 1 Short (1 Minute) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 4 tag bags that call for Disengage. None


Compulsion 1 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) hit Creates 2 tag bags that call for Weaken. None


Compulsion 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 2 tag bags that call for Charm. A level 1 Compulsion spell


Compulsion 2 Short (1 Minute) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 2 tag bags that call for Silence. A level 1 Compulsion spell


Compulsion 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 2 tag bags that call for Pin. A level 2 Compulsion spell

Memory Loss

Compulsion 3 Special Tag Bag or Touch Character(s) Hit or Touched Causes or cures 2 instances of Memory Loss. A level 2 Compulsion spell


Compulsion 4 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Temporarily set a target's Body to 10, with some bonus consequences. A level 3 Compulsion spell


Compulsion 4 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 2 tag bags that call for Terror. A level 3 Compulsion spell


Compulsion 5 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Creates 2 tag bags that call for Dominate. A level 4 Compulsion spell

Mind Blank

Compulsion 5 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Makes a target immune to compulsion effects. A level 4 Compulsion spell

Enchantment Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite

Magic Lock

Enchantment 1 Long (Game Day) Touch An entryway or container Prevents an object from being open or closed. None

Enhance Armor

Enchantment 1 Long (Game Day) Touch Physical Armor Increase a piece of physical armor's protective value by 1. None

Enchant Shield

Enchantment 2 Long (Game Day) Touch Shield The target shield prevents the next Acid or Spell effect that hits it. A level 1 Enchantment spell


Enchantment 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Weapon A weapon can deal silver damage A level 1 Enchantment spell

Enchant Weapon

Enchantment 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Weapon A weapon can deal Elven Steel damage. A level 2 Enchantment spell


Enchantment 3 Longest (Event) or until expended Touch Weapon Store the magic of another spell in your weapon to draw upon it later. A level 2 Enchantment spell

Dispel Magic

Enchantment 4 Instant Tag Bag or Touch Character(s) Hit or Touched Remove all magical effects beneficial or harmful from a target. A level 3 Enchantment spell

Ablative Armor

Enchantment 4 Long
(Game Day)
Touch Armor Enchance armor to prevent the next two hits without 'Pierce!' that hit it A level 3 Enchantment spell


Enchantment 5 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Make a target temporarily immune to all regular damage. A level 4 Enchantment spell


Enchantment 5 Long (Game Day) Touch Weapon A weapon can deal Elven Steel damage and it does increased damage. A level 4 Enchantment spell

Nature Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite

Conjure Stones

Nature 1 Short (1 Minute) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Throw unlimited 1 damage tag bags for 1 minute. none

Mend Armor

Nature 1 Instant Touch Character or Object The primary means of repairing armor of all varieties. None


Nature 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character The target gains the Dissipated condition. A level 1 Nature spell

Pin Wild

Nature 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Keep nature creatures, such as fae and animals, from moving, effectively removing them from combat. A level 1 Nature spell

Elemental Weapon

Nature 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Either allow a persons entire arsenal to deal nature damage or throw four '4 nature' tag bags or throw two '4 primal' tag bags. A level 2 Nature spell


Nature 3 Long (Game Day) Touch Character Gives 2 natural armor to provide extra protection. A level 2 Nature spell


Nature 4 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit For when you absolutely need to remove a foe from a fight, making them not able to impact it at all. A level 3 Nature spell


Nature 4 Short (1 Minute) Tag Bag or Touch Character(s) Hit or Weapon The best way to deal with a shield wall. Enchant a weapon to deal acid damage or throw infinite acid tag bags. A level 3 Nature spell


Nature 5 Instant Self Self Flee from any situation travelling to what is ideally a safe location. A level 4 Nature spell

Primal Form

Nature 5 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character A character takes on characteristics of an elemental and can order natural creatures around. A level 4 Nature spell

Necromancy Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite

Ghastly Visage

Necromancy 1 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Mindless undead think you are one of them. Enter unhallowed areas. None

Reap Spirit

Necromancy 1 Special Touch Dead or Unconscious Character Take another persons spark or permanently kill most undead. None

Pin Undead

Necromancy 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Hold undead in their place effectively removing them from combat. A level 1 Necromancy spell

Creeping Rot

Necromancy 2 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch or Tag Bag Weapon or Character(s) Hit A weapon can deal poison damage or generate four tag bags that inflict 4 poison. A level 1 Necromancy spell

Brackish Boon

Necromancy 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Protect a target from harmful poison effects, causing them to become healed instead. A level 2 Necromancy spell


Necromancy 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Set an enemies total body to 1. A level 2 Necromancy spell


Necromancy 4 Medium (10 Minutes) Tag Bag Character(s) Hit Prevent targets from casting spells. A level 3 Necromancy spell

Grim Sight

Necromancy 4 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Finds the presence of living or undead around the target. A level 3 Necromancy spell


Necromancy 5 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character The target grows into a huge monster and gains monstrous characteristics. A level 4 Necromancy spell


Necromancy 5 Medium (10 Minutes) Self Self Take on characteristics of the undead and gain the ability to control them. A level 4 Necromancy spell

Restoration Spells

Spell Name

School Spell Level Duration Range Target Spell Description Prerequisite

Heal Body

Restoration 1 Instant Touch Character Heal any body damage a target has. None


Restoration 1 Instant Touch Character Learn about any ailments and conditions affecting a target. None

Restore Limb

Restoration 2 Instant Touch Character Cures all limb wounds on the target. A level 1 Restoration spell

Purify Spirit

Restoration 2 Instant Touch Character Cures a target of all poisons in their body. A level 1 Restoration spell

Heal Mortal Wound

Restoration 3 Instant Touch Another Character Heals a target of their torso wound and stops them from bleeding out. A level 2 Restoration spell


Restoration 3 Medium (10 Minutes) Touch Character Makes a target immune to killing blows and turns all damage against them to blunt. A level 2 Restoration spell


Restoration 4 Instant Touch Character Heal a target of all wounds and restore their body points. A level 3 Restoration spell


Restoration 4 Medium
(10 Minutes)
Touch Character Cast certain unlimited lesser Restoration spells for 10 minutes. A level 3 Restoration spell


Restoration 5 Instant Touch Character Heals a dead target, bringing them back to life. A level 4 Restoration spell

Second Breath

Restoration 5 Long (Game Day) Self Self The character is revived after taking a torso wound. A level 4 Restoration spell


Spell Durations

Each effect has a duration, how long it will last.

Durations always fall into the following categories:

  • Instant: The effect does it's job and then ends immediately.
  • Short (1 Minute): These effects are generally meant to be used in a combat situation. Because 1 minute is difficult to track in a combat situation, we rely on players to use their best judgement and the honor system.
  • Medium (10 Minutes): 10 minutes is long enough an extended fight. These effects are meant to last for the entirety of a typical combat encounter or to be used on the way to one. Players should generally avoid trying to 'get more value out of their buffs' by chasing secondary encounters while a buff from a previous encounter is still functioning. This has a tendency to lead to behavior that is bad for the community/ game. Sometimes though, you finish an encounter and immediately stumble onto another one, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Long (Game Day): This effect lasts until convergence. Generally, these effects are defensive buffs or major penalties. These effects are used well in advance because you predict you might run into a situation where it will be relevant.
  • Extra-Long (Event): These effects are generally the most powerful, costly, or conditional to use. This duration is very rare and mostly appears on rituals.
  • Continuous: These effects last for as long as you are using a particular item and stop when you take the item off (only to start again when you put it on again). They exclusively come from magic items and tinkering items.

Using Flags

If an effect requires a flag it will list it to let you know. Any effect that requires a flag does not take start until the flag is put into place. If you do not place the flag within one minute of causing the effect (such as within one minute of casting a spell), the effect ends immediately. Should the flag fall off the effect will also fall off (end) as well. To help avoid this players are allowed to put multiple flags onto a person or object. Only if all flags fall off does the effect end. If multiple effects that require flags are on a single thing, only one flag is required to be placed.

Stacking Effects

When two different effects both enhance the same thing, we call the interaction of those two effects 'stacking'. Characters can benefit from multiple bonuses to the same trait as long as they come from differently named effects. A character cannot benefit from two effects with the same name at once.

Example: A character has 1 Might, they normally deals 1 damage with their sword. Someone casts the Strength spell on them (increasing their Might by 1 for 10 minutes), now they deal 2 damage with their sword. A different person gives them a Strength potion which they drink. These effects have the same name, 'Strength', so the character only gets a bonus once. However, if they were to use a Weapon Stone on their sword (which increases Might with that weapon), they would now deal 3 damage with it for as long as the two effects last.

Ending Spells Early

Buff spells that have a range other than tag bag can be ended at any time by the target of the spell. The caster of a buff spell can also end it if they touch the target who must be either willing or Helpless and then declare aloud that the spell is over.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Spell and Item Rules | Power Points

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