Untyped Calls

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Untyped Calls

Combat Call

Call: Untyped

Call Type: Damage Type

Description: An attack that only causes damage.

Common Sources: A weapon, the Conjure Stones Spell

Associated Condition(s): None

Untyped calls are the most common form of damage type that players will encounter.


Untyped calls represent the most basic way to communicate damage. They consist solely of a number, indicating the amount of damage being inflicted. This is most commonly based on the might for melee attacks, and accuracy for ranged weapons.

Untyped calls are also commonly referred to as "regular" or "mundane" damage calls.

Untyped Effect

Any time a character is hit by an attack that only calls a number with no damage type attached, it is treated as untyped.

Every character has a base attack that deals 1 damage. When attacking with a weapon, players can make a call of '1!' to indicate the untyped attack but this is not required. Players should be mindful that a successful hit with no call is treated as a 1-damage attack.


Damage Types

Each attack that deals damage will always have a damage type, even if that type is nothing (aka untyped or mundane). For most damage types characters only need to pay attention if they have a special defense that works against that damage type or requires a certain damage type.

The damage types are:

Some damage types count as another damage type at the same time. For example 'Elven Steel!' counts as 'Silver!' for anything requiring 'Silver!' damage. You do not need to memorize these; creatures that are vulnerable to the second damage type will list the advanced types associated with it. For example, a creature that has a damage requirement for 'Silver!' will say Damage Requirement: Silver or Elven Steel in their codex entry, which the NPC will be briefed on before they leave the Logistics building.

'It's immune to everything!' a character exclaims as they fight a creature they've never faced before. Their party has hit it with every damage type and none of them seemed to work.

When new creatures are introduced this is a common statement. However, it's only ever true when talking about spirits, and not even all of them. Most creatures are meant to be defeatable using normal combat rules, and that means they are going to be vulnerable to at least one of the damage types. People often forget magic because it only comes from spells. Acid is rarely needed, but it is also not something typically found on standard weapons. This often isn't the actual issue. If a player hit an opponent that has a damage requirement of poison and that character had a prevention effect that stops one hit of poison it might appear that they are immune to poison. Unless you hit them multiple times, you might not realize that is what they are vulnerable to.

The moral of the story is if nothing works... keep trying different things, you probably missed something.

Calling Damage

Each time you attack with a weapon you'll make what is known as a call to tell your opponent what happens if the attack lands. You generally make this call as you swing before you know if it will land, and do so repeatedly over the course of a fight.

The most basic call is just a number, you declare how much damage you are doing. This is most commonly based on the might for melee attacks, and accuracy for ranged weapons.

All characters attack for 1 damage by default, so they could call '1' each time they swing their weapon. When attacking for only 1 damage with no other calls involved, you do not have to call anything. An attack with no call can be assumed to be 1 damage.

If a weapon has a special damage type, you must add that to the attack's call unless you use a replacement call.

Example: A silver weapon wielded by someone with 2 Might would call '2 Silver!' with each swing of their sword. If this same character only had 1 Might they could call for either '1 Silver!' or 'Silver!' either is acceptable.

Example: A character with a goblin iron weapon must call for 'Poison!' with each attack. Because the poison call doesn't always deal damage, a character with 1 Might and a goblin iron weapon should always call '1 Poison!' if they attack with this weapon to make it clear they are doing damage.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Calls | Acid Calls | Conditions | Equipment Conditions | Damage Types

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