Acid Calls

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Acid Calls

Combat Call

Call: 'Acid!'

Call Type: Damage Type

Description: A corrosive attack that erodes defenses.

Common Sources: Vial of Acid, the Ruin Spell

Associated Condition(s): Acid Residue, Broken


Condition Name: Acid Residue

Effect: This condition does nothing by itself. It only modifies another condition changing how it is cured.

Duration: Based on other call.

Common Sources: Scarce items, some monsters

Common Cures: Anything that cures the Poisoned condition.

Equipment Condition

Condition Name: Broken

Effect: A broken item is worse than useless, it's a liability

Duration: Until the item is repaired

Common Sources: 'Acid!' damage

Repair Methods: The Mend Armor spell

'Acid!' is a type of damage representing corrosive attacks and chemicals that burn skin leading to susceptibility to other debuffs.

'Acid!' Description

The primary value of the 'Acid!' call is destroying shields. This can have tremendous strategic importance in the middle of a fight. As a damage type it is also possible for a creature to require 'Acid!' damage to meet a damage requirement or kill condition, though there are very few of these creatures.

'Acid!' is also sometimes paired with different offensive effect calls. This make those no longer count as spells. This is very similar to when 'Poison!' is paired with those calls, except that with 'Acid!' there are far fewer creatures with immunity to 'Acid!' than there are with immunity to 'Poison!'.

Acid Calls

The 'Acid!' call sometimes inflicts damage. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Acid!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Acid Residue condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Acid!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield. However, when 'Acid!' damage hits a shield for a cumulative total of 4 damage it will break it, causing the Broken condition.

The 'Acid!' call can also be used to modify Offensive Effect calls. When this happens the call is no longer counted as a spell (if it was) and it can now be blocked by shields. The attack now applies the Acid Residue condition in addition to whatever other conditions the other call applies. Any conditions applied by that call are now all removed when the Acid Residue condition is removed. Any defense which prevents 'Acid!' prevents the entire call.

The Acid Residue Condition

This is an unusual condition in that it doesn't do anything by itself. This condition only occurs if an 'Acid!' attack applies other conditions (such as an attack calling for 'Acid Pin!').

If the call that applied Acid Residue applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Acid Residue condition which will remove the other conditions as well. Anything that removes the Poisoned condition can remove the Acid Residue condition.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or items like Theriac and Catholicon.

For example:A character is hit by an attack that calls for 'Acid Pin!'. Normally with the 'Pin!' call it is a Compulsion spell, that causes the Pinned condition, which is removed with an item like Smelling Salts (which removes Compulsion conditions). Because the 'Acid!' call has been added, it is no longer a Compulsion spell. The 'Acid Pin!' call applies the Acid Residue and Pinned conditions both. Using Smelling Salts will not remove either condition. Acid Residue has changed what the solution is. Using a spell such as Purify Spirit or Theriac will remove the Acid Residue condition and when that happens it will remove the Pinned condition with it.

The Broken Equipment Condition

If a shield takes 4 or more cumulative points of damage from 'Acid!' it gains this equipment condition. Broken shields do not block/stop anything. In fact, should the shield be hit by any attack (even ones that are normally shield blockable), you automatically treat that attack as hitting the arm holding the shield.

Other items may gain this condition through other means. Anything that would give this condition to another item will explicitly say so.

To remove this condition the Broken item must be placed flat on the ground (or some other stable surface) and the player must role-play repairing it while casting the Mend Armor spell.


Removing Conditions

Most conditions last until the duration listed on the condition runs out or the end of the event, whichever comes first. The exception to this is if a condition explicitly says it lasts for longer than an event. In these cases the condition will last for the duration listed.

For conditions that modify other conditions such as the Poisoned condition if the condition that is modified lasts longer than an event, the Poisoned condition will also last longer than an event.

An example of this would be something calling for 'Poison Memory Loss!'. Because the Lost Memories condition has a duration longer than an event, the Poisoned condition that comes with this call would last longer as well.

Other than time, conditions can be removed by things that remove either the condition by name or things that remove that condition based on it's effect type. When the 'Poison!' or the 'Acid!' call modify another call they change what effect type the second call is.

'The Lost Memories condition is normally a Compulsion spell. However, with the 'Poison Memory Loss!' call where it has been modified by 'Poison!' the Lost Memories condition counts as a Poison. Anything that would remove a Compulsion effect (like Smelling Salts) or a spell effect (like the Dispel Magic spell) will not remove this condition. Instead things that remove the Poisoned condition remove the Lost Memories condition.

The Mend Armor Spell effect

This repairs all damage to either physical or natural armor. Repairing both takes a second application. Alternately this will remove the Broken condition from a shield.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Calls | Acid Calls | Conditions | Equipment Conditions | Damage Types

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