Smite Calls

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Smite Calls

Combat Call

Call: Smite

Call Type: Offensive Effects

Description: An agent of the gods lashes out at a foe stripping them through 'Smite!' stripping them of protection.

Common Sources: Chosen of the Soldier and Grak

Associated Condition(s): Smote


Condition Name: Smote

Effect: Characters who have been Smote have been Grounded and lost any Damage Requirement or Basic Kill Condition by an agent of the gods.

Duration: 10 Minutes

Common Sources: Chosen of the Soldier and Grak

Common Cures: Waiting

'Smite!' is a powerful tool used for fighting enemies of the faithful.


Only those empowered by one of the gods can gain access to the 'Smite!' call. The call strips enemies of their defenses and keeps them from escaping.


The 'Smite!' call never inflicts damage. When 'Smite!' comes from a melee attack it may be blocked, ranged attacks that call for 'Smite! may not be blocked. 'Smite!' is not a spell. Characters hit by the 'Smite!' call are inflicted with the Smote condition.

The Smote Condition

A character with the Smote condition gains the Grounded condition for as long as they have the Smote condition. They also lose any Damage Requirements as well as any Basic (damage-type) Kill Conditions they have.

The Smote condition lasts for 10 minutes.


The Grounded Condition

A Grounded character is unable to utilize extra-planar movement effects or magical disguises for 10 minutes.

They cannot gain the Banished, Dissipated, Ley Transit, or Sparkless conditions. Preventing the Sparkless condition means calling 'No Effect!' to the Reap Spirit spell.

If you presently have the Banished, Dissipated, or the Ghastly Visage conditions they are dispelled immediately and unpreventably.

Damage Requirements

Some creatures are hard to injure and only vulnerable to one (or more) damage types. We call this mechanic a Damage Requirement which is sometimes abbreviated to 'DR'. When a character has a Damage Requirement they are immune to all other damage types except the ones listed. Only attacks that call for a required type of damage are capable of hurting that character. Characters with Damage Requirements cannot gain an immunity if that immunity would make them impervious to all types of damage.

Kill Conditions

A creature with a kill condition has incredible regenerative abilities. They can heal from most wounds and will return to a battle if not taken care of. When a character with a kill condition is not actively fighting for a full minute (including when they are not fighting because they received a Torso Wound condition) they will heal any lost body points, and lose any Wound conditions (as well as the Bleeding Out condition) they may have suffered.

If a character with a kill condition gains the Dead condition they will stop healing.

Basic Kill Conditions

A basic kill condition is any kill condition that can be met by a damage type. These characters are immune to all killing blows that do not have one of the damage types listed. Characters who are immune to killing blows who also have a kill condition will count as having the kill condition met if they are hit by an appropriate attack even if that attack is then prevented because of the immunity to killing blows (they don't become Dead, but they stop healing).

These are the most common kill conditions, and some spells can even temporarily give them to player characters.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Calls | Offensive Effect Calls | Smite Calls | Grounding Calls | Kill Conditions | Damage Requirements | Conditions

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