Inn & Kitchen Work Group

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Inn & Kitchen Work Group


Term Name: Inn & Kitchen Work Group

Description: The Inn & Kitchen work group is in charge of staffing the in-game inn and cooking food for the players during each event.

Abbreviation or Synonyms: Inn Work Group

Rule Type: Out-of-Game

Keeping players fed is an important job.


The Inn & Kitchen workgroup oversees the innkeepers who staff the inn, they purchase then cook the food which is served, they oversee the kitchen, they also decorate the inn at the start of each event and clean it up at the end of each event.

The marshal for the inn workgroup is Hannah Vary and the second is Vacant. You must speak to them before using the kitchen for any reason.


Volunteers for the inn work group perform a variety of different tasks at game and between games. Innkeepers come from this workgroup. Food is prepared either at or between games (depending on the dish) and transporting food to game is another important job this work group performs.

Creating and maintaining (which generally means laundering table clothes) is another task members of this workgroup perform.

If you are interested in volunteering for the inn workgroup contact Hannah Vary or Vacant.

What's Allowed in the Inn

The rules for Players (PCs and NPCs) in the Inn are as follows:

  1. NO COMBAT IN THE INN. When any player attacks (with a weapon or a tag bag) another player inside of the Spinning Jenny an innkeeper will call for a 'Time Stop!' and the attacking player(s) will be teleported to the totem pole.
  2. Players may poison the food of another player while inside of the Inn. This does not include the food and water supply of the inn. IE: If you leave your food unattended it can be poisoned by another player, but you cannot poison the watercooler(s) or food that is being made.
  3. Players may open trap boxes inside of the Spinning Jenny at their own risk. However if the trap alarm goes off, the innkeepers will call for a 'Time Stop!' and the responsible player(s) will be teleported to the totem pole. Players may not set up tripwires or pit traps in the Inn.
  4. NO TABS. Players can not start a tab.
  5. Innkeepers are not responsible for lost or stolen items. While theft is allowed inside of the Inn, innkeepers cannot steal from Players.
  6. Players must supply their own feast ware (cups, plates, cutlery) and are responsible for doing their own dishes.
  7. Players must pay with coin only. The Inn does not accept gems, shells, scrolls, potions, alchemy components, and so on.
  8. Players may not use the back door to the kitchen at any time. Innkeepers may use the back door during their shift only.

Innkeeper Expectations

As an Innkeeper you are expected to:

  1. Show up to your shift on time or preferably early.
  2. Work with the other innkeeper and divide tasks between the two of you.
  3. Follow the health and food safety guidelines listed on the Inn Shift Checklist.
  4. Prepare and serve food as directed by provided recipes and directions.
  5. Refill the watercooler(s) and snack bowls when they are running low.
  6. Maintain the appearance and cleanliness of the Inn. IE: Cleaning up garbage, sweeping when necessary, cleaning up spills, and encouraging PCs not to leave gear behind.
  7. Clean up after your shift. DO NOT LEAVE DIRTY DISHES IN THE SINK.
  8. Communicate with the next shift’s innkeepers about leftover food or food shortages.

Making an Innkeeper NPC

When making your innkeeper NPC keep the following in mind:

  1. Your NPC must be a human. You will be playing a human resident of Maplewood. (See point 3)
  2. You can use clothes from the NPC totes or your own clothes if you prefer. Your garb does not need to be elaborate as you will be cooking in it. (An apron will be provided for use.)
  3. You can make a simple backstory for your NPC, please keep in mind that your purpose is to provide background flavor for the PCs and not to participate in a plot or storyline.
  4. Please submit your innkeeper backstory for approval by the Inn Marshal or Inn Second.

Innkeeper Compensation

As payment, innkeepers are given 20 coin. At the end of your shift and after all cleaning has been done, report to the Logs desk to receive your payment. Innkeepers are expected to split tips 50/50 with one another at the end of their shift.

You will also receive 2 XP per shift of innkeeping. Those who go above and beyond (helping with set up, tear down, etc) will receive bonus XP at the Inn Marshal/Second’s discretion.

Any volunteer work done between events varies but will be rewarded with XP upon completion. Reminder: All projects done in between events must first be approved by the Inn Marshal or the Inn Second.

Volunteering Outside of Events

Innkeeping is not the only way to participate in the Inn Work Group. If you are interested in helping between events, please contact the Inn Marshal or the Inn Second for approval. In between events you can help out by:

  1. Taking home Inn linens to wash and or mend.
  2. Repairing broken Inn props.
  3. Making props for the Inn.
  4. Participating in set meal prep days as coordinated by the Inn Marshal.
  5. Special projects.

Categories: Out-of-Game Rules | Work Groups

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