Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Item Slots |
Item Slots | |
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Section: | Gameplay
Summary: | Slots limit the number of magic items a character can use at one time. Characters attune items to their slots each event preventing others from using the same item. Attunements can be changed before future events.
Primary Topics: | How item slots work
Secondary Topics: | Item slots available |
Characters can have a limit on how many items they can use at one time.
Characters have a limited capacity to carry different magic items. We call this capacity item slots. Each magic item has a slot associated with it. When a character chooses to use that magic item it takes up the corresponding slot for them for the event. A character can choose to use different items at future events, but once a slot has been used for an event, that is the only thing that can be in that slot until the end of that event.
Characters have one slot for their: Feet, Head, Neck, a Rod (or Tome), Torso, and Waist.
Some locations have more than one slot. One magic item that goes into that slot can be put in each slot of that name. For example, all characters have 2 ring slots, so they may equip one ring in the first slot, and a different ring in the second slot. There are two Accessory, Arm, Back, Ring and Wand slots.
Finally the weapon and the shield/buckler slots each have no limits. A character can equip as many weapons and/or shields as they wish to.
Objects that a character has assigned to a slot are known as 'attuned'. Once an item has been attuned it cannot be used by other characters for the remainder of the event. In order to use an epic item it must be attuned at the start of an event, unless the character acquires it during play. Any craftable item does not need to be attuned until a character decides they wish to use it. Only items that require slots (or are slotless) ever become attuned.
Some items are listed as having a 'variable slot'. These items can be assigned to ANY slot of the player's choosing, but they do take up a slot still.
Items that are labeled as slotless do not occupy any slot, but still require being attuned to use them.
Table of Slots
These are the slots available to each character and sample props that might be made into magic items to occupy those slots.
Any prop that would typically be worn as part of a pair should be worn that way (the two props together count as one single magic item occupying one slot). With these items both must be worn to get any benefits.
Item Name | Slot Used | Slots Available | Skill Required | Maximum Craft Points | Description | Excluded Items
Accessory | Accessory | 2 | Ornamenting 1 | 8 | Backpack, quiver, sheath, belt pouch, haversack, frog, scabbard, earring, bandoleer, spurs, straps, glasses, goggles, anything that doesn't fit another slot. | Anything that obviously fits another slot.
| Arms | 2 | Ornamenting 4 | 20 | Bracers, rerebraces, cuffs, ornate bracelets, manacles, gloves, gauntlets. | arm cuffs, arm warmers, half gauntlets, simple bracelets
| Back | 2 | Ornamenting 3 | 16 | Cloak, Capes, Spaulders, Mantles, Pauldrons, elaborate shawls | Besegews, epaulettes, parrots
| Off-Hand | 1 | Ornamenting 3 | 16 | A buckler. Characters have no limit on how many bucklers they may attune to, but they can only use one at a time. | Shields
| Feet | 1 | Ornamenting 5 | 24 | Boots, sandals, sabatons | Ankle straps, spurs, toe rings, socks.
| Head | 1 | Ornamenting 4 | 20 | Headwear such as helmets, hats, crowns, elaborate headbands, tiaras, coifs, hoods and approved masks. | Scarves, bandanas, hair accessories, facial jewelry, earrings.
| Legs | 1 | Ornamenting 4 | 20 | Greaves, pants, full leg armor, non-armor skirt. Loincloths worn clearly beneath the waist. | Leg warmers, ankle or boot wraps, garters
| Neck | 1 | Ornamenting 2 | 12 | Ornate or elaborate necklaces, chokers, gorgets, chains of office, torcs collars, bevors or stoles. | Simple necklaces or chains
| Ring | 2 | Ornamenting 1 | 12 | A ring worn on the hand. | Things that aren't rings
| Rod/ Tome | 1 | Ornamenting 2 | 16 | A rod. | Things that are not rods.
| Off-Hand | 1 | Master Ornamenting | 24 | A shield. Characters have no limit on how many shields they may attune to, but they can only use one at a time. | Bucklers
| Rod/Tome | 1 | Maven 3 | 120 | A tome. | Books, items that aren't the item type 'Tome'.
| Torso | 1 | Ornamenting 5 | 24 | Shirt, breastplate, vest, surcoat, well constructed tabard, jacket, coat, tunic, bodice, chemise, dress, robe, chain hauberk | Bandoleer, nipple piercings
| Waist | 1 | Ornamenting 3 | 16 | Belt, sash, chain skirt, war belt, cingulum militaire, waist, cincher, elaborate chain belt | Simple waist chain, belly button piercing
| Wand | 2 | Ornamenting 2 | 12 | A wand. | Things that are not wands.
| Main or Off-hand | 1/1 | Weaponsmithing* | 24 | Any weapon. Characters have no limit to how many weapons they can attune to, but can only use one weapon at a time in each hand (and can only use a weapon in both hands if they have the right skills). | Things that are not weapons |
Magic Items
A magic object or item is any item with magical properties. There are no automatic rules for what a magic item could do, some very unique ones are in circulation, as are a variety of more standardized ones.
All magic items will have a number on them and should be represented with a prop that is better than average looking for whatever it is.
In order to use the special abilities of the item a character must first either identify the item themselves using the identify magic skill or they must have someone else do that for them. Weapons which have not been identified still call for their damage types because those damage types should be readily identifiable to everyone just by looking at the weapon.
Anyone who looks at a magic item should be able to immediately tell the item is magical. Characters can simply ask one another 'Is that glowing?' in reference to an item, and the other player should say 'yes' if the object is magical. Sometimes magic items are given a blue glow using an electric light or glow stick of some kind to make it very clear the item is magical. This is done to avoid a situation where one character figures out something is magical, and they are able to slip away with it while others don't ever realize the object had value - when it should be obvious.
There are a wide range of effects magic items can have. These are some of the more regular terms/ abilities you will encounter with them.
Epic Crafting
We also sometimes use the crafting system for designing epic items. This is something only ever done by GM's to create loot for the game, or for special Feb Feast items. In these two cases there is no coin cost or skills involved. The craft point value assigned is simply a limit on how many can be spent on a single item. When making one of these items it still must occupy a slot, but the item is not restricted by that slot's normal craft point maximum.
Some crafting features are exclusively available to epic items, and some are further restricted to only appear on Feb Feast items. Feb Feast only features are almost exclusively available to Feb Feast items. These features will almost never appear on loot acquired during game play.
Item Slot Modifier Features
There are some epic crafts that change what slot the crafted item will occupy.
Option Name | Ornamenting Craftable | Weaponsmithing Craftable | Craft Point Cost | Description
Variable Slot | Feb Feast Only | No | 4 | This item must occupy a slot, but the player may choose which slot each event. Variable slot items may not occupy the weapon or shield/ buckler slots.
Slotless Item
| Feb Feast Only | No | 12 | This item which would normally occupy a slot does not. |
Categories: Gameplay Rules | Spell and Item Rules | Ornamenting | Weaponsmithing | Crafting Rules
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