
Update History

Last Updated: 1/12/2025

Character Skill

Roleplaying Skill

The Maven role-playing skill represents the depth of a character's accumulated knowledge, extending beyond the confines of traditional schooling or bookish learning.


Maven represents diverse ways of learning and wisdom drawn from a multitude of experiences:

  • The seasoned travels of a Civen merchant: Navigating foreign markets and cultures.
  • The meticulous craft of a Terran artisan: Mastering a skill through dedicated practice and refinement.
  • The cunning of streetwise thieves: Acquiring knowledge through observation, deception, and resourcefulness.
  • The ancient lore passed down through generations by Dellin shamans: Honoring tradition and embracing the wisdom of ancestors.
  • The insights of any individual who has dedicated themselves to a particular field of study: Learning from experts and embracing a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

Maven is the sole source of uncommon languages outside of character creation or other roleplaying skills. How the player decides they learned these languages is up to them. It could involve studying ancient texts, learning from travelers, or even experiencing a divine revelation.

Essentially, Maven reflects a character's individual journey of knowledge acquisition. How they gain these skills is a deeply personal and character-driven experience.

Mavens can learn world lore between events, learn additional languages, gain ritual skills without school mastery, exchange basic ritual components during rituals, craft tomes and learn a signature spell.

Unlike other roleplaying skills, Maven may be taken by any player and can be taken to level 5 regardless of any other RP skills they may possess.

Maven Roleplay Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Maven 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Learn lore of the world between events. Speak an uncommon language. Learn one ritual skill.

Maven 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Maven 1 (Beginner) 4 Speak one more uncommon language. Learn two new ritual skills. Substitute basic ritual components 1/event/Maven level.

Maven 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Maven 2 (Trained) 4 Speak two more uncommon languages. Learn two new ritual skills. May craft tomes.

Maven 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Maven 3 (Proficient) 4 Learn one uncommon language and a rare language. Learn two more ritual skills. Learn a signature spell.

Maven 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Maven 4 (Expert) 4 Work with the Rules committee to create a custom ability.

Maven 1 (Beginner)

Learn one uncommon language. Gain one ritual skill without meeting any prerequisites (you may choose a skill you already learned with a skill point, refund that skill point).

After each event you attend you may submit one lore request. Gamemasters will do their best to answer it before the next event.

Maven 2 (Trained)

Learn one uncommon language. Gain two ritual skills without meeting any prerequisites (you may choose a skill you already learned with a skill point, refund that skill point).

Once per event for each level of Maven you have you may substitute a basic ritual component for another basic component during a ritual, effectively treating it like it is the component you need. Simply use the ritual component as if it was the one required and turn it into logs as normal, there is no special preproduction required for this.

Maven 3 (Proficient)

Learn two uncommon languages. Gain two ritual skills without meeting any prerequisites (you may choose a skill you already learned with a skill point, refund that skill point).

Mavens at this level can also craft any basic ritual with a custom incant during preproduction. This costs 4 crafting points and the incant must meet a minimum of 16 words. Logistics has the right to veto any incant they deem unfit.

Lastly the maven may now craft tomes with crafting points during preproduction, using spells of a level equal to or less than to their Maven level. They cannot modify epic-quality tomes, even if the tome only has one school of magic.

Maven 4 (Expert)

Learn one uncommon language and one rare language. Gain two ritual skills without meeting any prerequisites (you may choose a skill you already learned with a skill point, refund that skill point).

Finally, the maven may select one level one spell to be a signature spell. Once per game day, they can cast that spell with no incant and no power point cost. Further casting of the spell is possible as long as the character meets normal casting requirements.

Maven 5 (Master)

Work with the rules committee to create a custom ability.

Sample Master Maven Abilities

This is a selection of premade possibilities for level 5 Maven. They are intended for use by GMs and to give players an idea of what they could possibly create. Players are welcome to select any of these options but are not required to.

Mind Like a Steel Trap

A character with this ability is immune to all "Memory Loss" calls. This includes variant calls such as "Poison Memory Loss" or "Acid Memory Loss".

Master Ritualist

Work with rules to design a custom ritual, which you will get a free copy of. Rules may, at their discretion, make additional copies of this ritual available to be looted.

Master Scavenger

Three times each event you may produce a temporary basic ritual component of any school that must be used immediately.

Ritual Alteration

Once each preproduction you may exchange any ritual intent for any other ritual intent of equal or lower level. When you do, you may decide what the phrasing of any incantation on the intent has. This has no cost.
Some intents have required themes to their incantations, logistics will notify you if this is the case for the one you are seeking.

Knowledge Seeker

You may submit an additional lore request.

Categories: Skills | Role-Playing Skills | Languages | Rituals | Craft Points | Memory Loss Defenses

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