Languages (Rare and Extremely Rare)

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Languages (Rare and Extremely Rare)

Character Skill

Knowledge Skill

Some languages are so rare that even finding a possible teacher is a challenge.


Rare languages are those that are characters not only unlikely to ever encounter, but even if they do they are exceedingly difficult to get someone to teach your character to speak. Often this is because the culture that speaks the language is hostile to player character species, but for some of these languages it is also because the language is not native to Novitas.

All rare languages require either plot marshal permission to learn or need to be acquired through a roleplaying skill. To get plot marshal permission in this case requires plots that are generally long and drawn out over many months. Players cannot teach each other these languages.

The ritual Polyglot allows players to speak common and uncommon languages. It does not give access to ANY of the rare languages.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Elemental Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Druid Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Elementals.

Goblinoid Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Chosen of the Scholar Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Orc hordes.

Ratfolk Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Chosen of the Scholar Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Ratfolk.

Thieves' Cant Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval or Scholar Level 4 1 Understand the codewords of the Thieves Guild

Rare Language Details

Any of these languages can be obtained as the one rare language gained at Scholar Level 4.


The native language of the elemental planes is not shared easily, and bargains must be struck with Archons to teach it. Thankfully, various druid orders have passed down the knowledge from mentor to student for generations.

Characters who are Druids gain this language at their first level of the roleplay skill.

There is no written version of this language, although some master Druids claim that this language can be seen in the building blocks of the universe.


The language of the Goblinoid races. Simple and to the point. Rarely written down, but a written version of the language does exist.

Characters who are Chosen of the Scholar may choose this as one of two possible languages at their first level of the roleplay skill.

You can message logistics staff for the font used for this language.


The language of the Ratfolk, characterized by a lot of chittering and clicking sounds.

Characters who are Chosen of the Scholar may choose this as one of two possible languages at their first level of the roleplay skill.

You can message logistics staff for the font used for this language.

Thieves' Cant

A code language made by members of the elusive Thieves' Guild of Novitas. This language does translate directly to Common, though some symbols have been added to here and there to quickly communicate important concepts like warnings and locations of safe houses. To keep the cipher from being broken, it is common for different thieves to add a lot of personal flair to writing in order to make it not obvious to an untrained reader what letter is which.

When spoken, Thieves' Cant is nearly entirely slang and jargon meant to sound like common while passing basic information back and forth. An untrained listener won't even recognize that Thieves' Cant is being used, but when communicating in this way complex concepts are often impossible to convey.

You can message logistics staff for the font used for this language.

Extremely Rare Languages

Some languages are so rare and mystical in nature not even the scholars can find them easily. A teacher alone isn't enough to learn them, characters require plot marshal permission to obtain. To get plot marshal permission in this case requires plots that are generally long and drawn out over many months to years. Players cannot teach each other these languages.

The ritual Polyglot allows players to speak common and uncommon languages. It does not give access to ANY of the extremely rare languages.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Black Speech Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval 1 Speak the language of Sky Beasts

Immortal Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval 1 Speak the language of the Illuminated

Extremely Rare Language Details

Black Speech

This terrible language causes pain to those who hear it and as such it is very recognizable for what it is, even to those who do not speak it. Many consider this language to be evil, and don't look kindly on it being spoken. It is believed to be the direct creation of Darkness itself, though this could simply be Darkness taking credit for something that already existed.

Documents written in Black Speech are almost always evil and dangerous in nature.

You can message logistics staff for the font used for this language.


This is the language of the Divine. An extremely rare language, it is exclusively used by divine agents of the Sept.

You can message logistics staff for the font used for this language.


Speaking Foreign Languages

Characters who know languages other than Common can speak them at any time. To do this announce what language you are speaking and then proceed to say what you want to say.

It is a common misconception that you must use a hand signal while speaking another language but this not an actual rule, just a common practice. It is easier to use a hand signal than say 'In Draconic' repeatedly, but it isn't always possible if your hands are full or you are otherwise unable to make a hand signal.
As long as people overhearing the conversation understand what language is supposed to be represented, any means of communicating when you are speaking that language and when you are not works.


If your character has a language skill to speak a language they can automatically read and write in that language. Should you desire your character be illiterate that is perfectly acceptable and you can roleplay that however you desire as long as you are consistent. Learning to read and write could be a very interesting arc for character development. Just don't suddenly regress and spontaneously cease to be literate without cause.

Different languages are all represented by different fonts for in-game documents. For simplicity sake these fonts are simple replacements of English letters with characters that don't look like English. This means that someone could treat foreign languages as a cipher, and translate them back into English. Don't do this. Other languages have different grammar structures, different words, different structure. They don't follow the rules of English. Translating an unknown language is a painstaking process that could take years to figure out one document. We use alternative fonts for simplicity sake to create interesting looking props, they are not designed to be solvable puzzles.

Documents of any importance that are written in other languages should always include a translation in normal English fonts. These can be read by anyone who speaks the corresponding language in-game. These translations will note at the top what language is needed to read it, saying something like '<In Elvish>'. When you see this, only read the translation if you speak the language.

The fonts are available for players to download so they can make their own props using them. A simple prop like a bow that says "Pew Pew Pew" in Elvish on it, looks cool, and adds to the setting while carefully concealing a joke so that it's subtle. No one needs to know what the bow says. Characters who want to be able to translate this kind of prop can get a translation guide from the logistics desk for any language they can speak. This is the one time where translating alternative fonts back to English is appropriate... to see the inconsequential, but fun little details people have added to enrich the game.

Savant Title

A character earns the Savant title after obtaining all 20 production points and learning the following skills:

Savants gain 5 production points that break cap. When producing potions or scrolls Savants, instead of being limited to only spells they know, may also copy potions and scrolls they have on hand to determine which they can make. This cannot be used to copy scarce items.

Only Savants can use an Alchemist's Laboratory.

Scholar Roleplaying Skill

Unlike other roleplaying skills Scholar may be taken by any player regardless of what role-playing skills they may possess. Though the name might imply someone who spends all day studying books and learning through formal teaching, it doesn't have to be that. Scholars can be shamans of a Dellan tribe, wise people, craft people well trained in the arts, explorers who have met many different cultures, or any number of other learned individuals.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Scholar 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Learn lore of the world between events. Speak an uncommon language. Learn one ritual skill.

Scholar 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 1 (Beginner) 4 Speak one more uncommon language. Learn two new ritual skills. Substitute basic ritual components 1/event/scholar level.

Scholar 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 4 Speak two more uncommon languages. Learn two new ritual skills. May craft tomes.

Scholar 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 4 Learn one uncommon language and a rare language. Learn two more ritual skills. Learn a signature spell.

Scholar 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

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