Alchemist's Laboratory

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Alchemist's Laboratory

Tinkering Item

Encampment Item

Item Name: Alchemist's Laboratory

Tinkering Level: Master

Crafting Point Cost: 24

Encampment Item: Yes

Lootable Item: No

Description: Gives a Savant +5 Production Points that break cap.



A Savant with an Alchemist's Laboratory gains 5 additional production points which break cap. These points stack with the bonus points gained from the Savant title for a total of 30 points.

Multiple character's in a party can each have their own Alchemist's Laboratory.

An Alchemist's Laboratory can only be created by a Master Crafter with both the Ornamenting Five and Tinkering Five skills.


An alchemist's laboratory is a collection of lab equipment which should be represented by at least 5 different props which require inspection by props and atmosphere staff.

Prop should be an assortment of tools and materials, occupying roughly 2 square feet. Feel free to be elaborate and creative with this. Bottles, vials, mixing stations, etc. Should be clear that "this is a laboratory." No modern looking chemistry equipment.

Categories: Items | Tinkering Items | Encampment Items | Master Level Tinkering Items | Production Points

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