Roleplaying Skills

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Roleplaying Skills

Roleplaying Skill

Role-playing skills are rewards for players taking an active step roleplaying a particular aspect of the world.


Each of the role-playing (RP) skills can only be learned with approval from a Plot Marshal. A character, with their permission, can take the first rank in any role-playing skill at any time. Further ranks can only be gained when role-playing skills are reviewed twice a year (typically in February and August) by the plot staff.

Any character can take the Scholar role-playing skill up to Rank 5 with approval. Characters made before the Scholar roleplaying skill was created should speak to the Plot Marshals to figure out initial placement beyond the Beginner rank.

Otherwise, each character is limited to having at most 2 different role-playing skills. Only one of these two skills can go past the 2nd rank. For example, a character with maximum rank in all their RP skills can have something like Scholar 5, Merchant 2, and Medium 5.

List of Role-Playing Skills


Druids are the masters of the wild and the natural parts of the world. They can communicate with the elementals and learn great secrets. Often this places them in charge of negotiating with Elementals, Fae, and the more intelligent species of the wild to find peaceful resolutions to complex problems. While many druids are followers of the Elemental, not all of them are. Some simply have a natural affinity for the wild, while others seek to control it for their own benefit.

Druids again additional languages, control over wild creatures, cast special rituals based on the season and can find rare plants between games.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Druid 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Gain the Elemental language skill, and gain the choice of Apian, Canine, Sylvan, or Diabolic languages.

Druid 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Druid 1 (Beginner) 4 Throw a no incant 'Charm Wild!' 2/event/ druid rank.

Druid 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Druid 2 (Trained) 4 Perform a special seasonal ritual that gives you different bonuses depending on the month.

Druid 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Druid 3 (Proficient) 4 Gain one (sometimes more) scarce plant component each month at check in.

Druid 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Druid 4 (Expert) 4 Work with the rules workgroup to create a custom ability.


Mediums can see Sparks, both in the living and in the dead. Their connection to Sparks is so strong they can even speak with spirits and hear what they have to say. Many Mediums use this gift to try to help spirits move on, viewing it as maintaining the natural order. Others choose to exploit this for personal advantage; some consider the ability to see Sparks and speak to ghosts nothing more than a curse.

Up until very recently ghosts were invisible to all but mediums. Something has changed that and now everyone can see ghosts, though only mediums are capable of conversing with them.

Mediums can speak with the dead, reap and move Sparks easier, hold seances to allow others to speak with the dead and compel spirits to do their bidding.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Medium 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Speak to and hear spirits.

Medium 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Medium 1 (Beginner) 4 Take sparks with ease, or return them to their owners.

Medium 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Medium 2 (Trained) 4 Hold a seance, allowing others to see spirits. Protect yourself from spirits.

Medium 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Medium 3 (Proficient) 4 Compel spirits with spells that wouldn't normally affect them.

Medium 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Medium 4 (Expert) 4 Work with rules to create a custom ability.


Merchants are a unique breed in Novtias. If no one wants to travel because it's significantly more dangerous than staying in one place, there is a great deal of money to be made traveling. Transporting goods from nation to nation and city to city is a very profitable way to earn a living.

Transporting goods is sometimes done by ships in the coastal regions but there aren’t many rivers to traverse. Most ships are light and have minimal, if any sails. Over land merchants typically use pack animals, or wagons and carts drawn by those same pack animals. While there are no horses in Illumina there are oxen, donkeys, dogs and such.

The best merchants don’t just buy and sell goods at game, they create stories of what the trade empires they build do during their downtime between events. The value a good merchant brings to a party cannot be understated.

Merchants can trade in valuables for their coin value, trade in consumables for other consumables at check-in, gain a personal vault and find rare items between games.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Merchant 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 May pay trade in up to 100 coin of valuable items for coin, and trade in additional valuable items to pay for crafting/ production check-in costs.

Merchant 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Merchant 1 (Beginner) 4 May exchange consumables at check-in

Merchant 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Merchant 2 (Trained) 4 No limit on coin gained from valuable items at check-in. May have one personal vault.

Merchant 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Merchant 3 (Proficient) 4 Gain random scarce items at check-in

Merchant 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Merchant 4 (Expert) 4 Work with rules to create a custom ability


Anyone can learn, scholars take the time to learn as much as they can. Scholars excel at gathering more in-depth information than others. As a byproduct of this they also slowly accumulate an understanding of different languages and master the ability to perform rituals over time. While most characters need to master schools of magic to perform rituals associated with those schools, scholars can do so through the knowledge they've studied.

Though the name might imply someone who spends all day studying books and learning through formal teaching, it doesn't have to be that. Scholars can be shamans of a Dellan tribe, wise people, craft people well trained in the arts, explorers who have met many different cultures, or any number of other learned individuals.

Scholars can learn world lore between events, learn additional languages, gain ritual skills without school mastery, craft tomes and learn a signature spell.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Scholar 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Learn lore of the world between events. Speak an uncommon language. Learn one ritual skill.

Scholar 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 1 (Beginner) 4 Speak one more uncommon language. Learn two new ritual skills. Substitute basic ritual components 1/event/scholar level.

Scholar 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 4 Speak two more uncommon languages. Learn two new ritual skills. May craft tomes.

Scholar 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 4 Learn one uncommon language and a rare language. Learn two more ritual skills. Learn a signature spell.

Scholar 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Scholar 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.


Status is a catch-all term for those individuals who can influence others because of their connections. It is a skill which represents having close ties to governments, leading groups of people or having close ties to powerful organizations. Sometimes status can also be used to represent having influence over people due to relative fame. If a foreign power or organization something you’d like to have your character work with, that is commonly what status is for.

Status players gain the ability to call meetings that can grant various abilities such as giving those present polyglot, preventing characters from lying by imposing the truthful condition and making a meeting space safe with sanctuary and magic lock. They also gain the ability to cast some Compulsion spells with no Power point cost.

Some players may be currently in the Status playtest. Click here for more information on the abilities characters in that playtest have access too.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Status 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Can gain a variety of effects after talking for a minute.

Status 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Status 1 (Beginner) 4 Can throw 2 no incant Charm or Silence humanoid tag bags/ event/ Status rank

Status 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Status 2 (Trained) 4 Gain additional uses of the rank 1 ability and another option.

Status 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Status 3 (Proficient) 4 Can cast any level 4 Compulsion spell 2/ event.

Status 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Status 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules to design a custom ability.


Since there are special abilities for each Chosen depending on the God they were chosen by, these RP skills each have a dedicated category.

Chosen characters have earned the attention of the gods through their actions. Not every Chosen agrees with the god who supports them, though they will need to come to terms with it eventually if they wish to advance their rank. As one of the Chosen it is a character's duty to make that God's presence felt by others; that God has selected those characters as their agents in the world to carry out their agenda.

Generally, a Chosen of one of the Seven still revere all of the Sept and not just the God who chose them. It's just that their specific God sees more in that character than the others do.

A player must select which god has chosen their character. Before deciding that your character is Chosen, it is recommended that you read that God's relevant worldbook section to understand their impact on the world.

Chosen of the Craftsman

Chosen of the Craftsman don’t just create, they create things that aid the community. The Craftsman creates for a purpose, and that purpose is to help others. Chosen of the Craftsman exist inside of a community of others and they see their role as building that community up and helping it excel.

To fail at being a Chosen of the Craftsman is to be selfish, building only for themselves or to build tools deliberately for those who wish to harm the community. Redemption from this error is possible though like smelting ore, the candidate must work the impurities from his or her mind before they can be reforged.

Chosen of the Craftsman gain bonus craft points, gain 48 dedicated tinkering points, and can cast some Enchantment spells at no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Craftsman 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Gain 4 additional craft points each event

Chosen of the Craftsman 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast a level 2 Enchantment spell at no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Craftsman 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Gain 48 craft points to use for tinkering alterations, no skills needed.

Chosen of the Craftsman 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any 2 level 4 Enchantment spells at no power point cost each event.

Chosen of the Craftsman 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to design a custom ability.

Chosen of Darkness

Those individuals who are Chosen by Darkness earn this distinction because of their capacity to act in an underhanded manner. They degrade the causes they join, tearing them apart from the inside until they are a hollow mockery of what they were designed to be. A successful Chosen of Darkness appears just like everyone else, even in the presence of other Chosen of Darkness. Sometimes they will help each other gain more influence, other times they compete, but none would ever expose another to outsiders.

Failing to live up to Darkness’ judgment is to reveal Darkness’ plans to outsiders, to get caught, or to take unnecessary risks.

Chosen of Darkness have the ability to ignore 'Detect' calls, be immune to the truthful condition, and cast some Compulsion spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of Darkness 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 May ignore 'Detect!' calls twice per event.

Chosen of Darkness 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Compulsion spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of Darkness 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Become immune to the Truthful condition for 10 minutes twice per event.

Chosen of Darkness 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Compulsion spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of Darkness 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of Draconus

Chosen of Draconus are expected to find their own path. Commitment to personal goals and individuality are critical concepts for those worthy of Draconus’ notice. Each Chosen of Draconus creates their own mysteries whether this is through prophecy, ritual practices, or simply insane rambling. The Chosen of Draconus are never exactly what they seem.

Failing Draconus is to be subjugated, normalized and made fully transparent. It is unclear if he offers forgiveness, or if he even cares that much when it happens. Some maintain that those out of Draconus' favor no longer benefit from his patronage rather than see direct punishment due to the situation.

Those Chosen by Draconus gain various spellcasting buffs.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of Draconus 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Gain access to any level 1 spell, or gain a signature spell if you know them all.

Chosen of Draconus 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 Select 1 level 2 spell. For each rank of chosen cast that spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of Draconus 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Gain a power point cost discount one spell at the cost of the ability to cast another.

Chosen of Draconus 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any one level 4 spell at no power point cost each event

Chosen of Draconus 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of the Elemental

Many expect the Chosen of the Elemental to be druids and those closest to the natural world. This isn’t always the case. Some individuals are Chosen for their passion and interest in living life to the fullest. The Elemental expects her Chosen to live life passionately about what they care about. Emotions are not something to be feared, they are something to be encouraged.

A Chosen of the Elemental fails her by bottling up their emotions and not expressing what they feel is important. Oddly, destroying nature is not something that causes the Elemental any issues as long as it is destruction through violence and new growth will be possible. Disrupting land such that it will not be able to grow new life, on the other hand, is the greatest way to draw the Elemental’s ire.

Chosen of the Elemental gain the ability to influence the wild around them, gain a druid RP rank that does not count against RP skill cap, and cast some Nature spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Elemental 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Throw 8 'Grounding!' tag bags each event.

Chosen of the Elemental 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Nature spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Elemental 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Gain a rank in the Druid skill that does not count against RP skill cap.

Chosen of the Elemental 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Nature spell at no power point cost twice per event.

Chosen of the Elemental 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of Grak

Those Chosen by Grak embody his principles more than any other Chosen. They seek conflict so that they can prove their worth. This doesn’t mean they challenge everyone they meet; it generally means that when they see someone that they think will provide a worthy challenge they will do everything they can to provoke conflict so they can win it. The weak (who are most people) don’t demonstrate any challenge as such aren’t worth fighting unless it is necessary.

To betray Grak is to die of old age, to surrender, live in comfort, or accept slavery over oneself. There is no penance for these betrayals.

Chosen of Grak gain additional combat abilities and the ability to cast some Battle spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of Grak 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Twice per event you may call for 2 slay (or more with a great weapon) while wielding any weapon.

Chosen of Grak 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 battle spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of Grak 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 You may replace an attack or throw a tag bag for 'Smite!'

Chosen of Grak 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 battle spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of Grak 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of the Knight

To be a Chosen of the Knight is possibly the most difficult of any of the Seven. The Knight selects Chosen because they see their capacity to live up to near impossible ideals. A Chosen of the Knight is expected to have a code and adhere to it.

Failing the Knight is not simply from breaking that code but for not attempting to fix a problem. The Knight realizes even they are capable of error and fully expects their Chosen to fail in living up to their own ideals. A true Chosen of the Knight learns from their mistakes AND demonstrates this through action, attempting restitution and adaptation to not make the same mistakes in the future.

Chosen of the Knight gain the ability to strengthen shields, can gain monstrous armor, and cast some Aegis spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Knight 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Apply a base paste to a shield twice per event.

Chosen of the Knight 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Aegis spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Knight 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Gain 4 Monstrous Magic Armor twice per event. This does not stack with any other source of Magic Armor

Chosen of the Knight 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Aegis spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of the Knight 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of the Mother

Those who are selected as Chosen of the Mother care deeply about the wellbeing of all others; not just their community, but every individual they come across. A Chosen of the Mother tries to improve the lives of everyone. They are frequently healers, but some provide aid in other ways.

To fail as one of the Mother's Chosen, someone needs to stop trying to help others and take the easy way out or by using violence as something other than the last option. Thankfully, redemption is always available for those genuinely willing to seek it.

Chosen of the Mother can remove the bleeding out condition for free, cast Heal Mortal Wound during one of their Triages per event and cast some Restoration spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Mother 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Remove the Bleeding Out condition from another character four times per event.

Chosen of the Mother 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Restoration spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Mother 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Once per event you may cast Triage with no power point cost, can cast Heal Mortal Wound with that Triage.

Chosen of the Mother 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Restoration spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of the Mother 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of Nox

The Chosen of Nox live in suffering themselves. Selected for their misery and their desire to spread that misery, the Chosen of Nox are as a result the most miserable people you’ll ever meet. They may not be subtle infiltrators, but they can hide in plain sight just as well. The Chosen of Nox sell poisons indiscriminately and encourage others' poor choices such as drug or alcohol addiction. When given the opportunity the Chosen of Nox will spread diseases and plagues, sometimes protecting themselves before doing so (but not always).

To fail Nox is to find happiness, joy, and an end to suffering. Nox can’t abide emotional healing. There is no returning to Nox’s good graces; if he notices your lack of suffering, he’ll be sure to fix this for you immediately.

Chosen of Nox gain additional production points for poisonous alchemicals that don't count towards production cap, gain extra uses of poisonous alchemicals, and can cast some Necromancy spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of Nox 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Gain 4 production points that can be used each event to create up to level 2 alchemical poisons, with no skill requirements.

Chosen of Nox 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Necromancy spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of Nox 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Any time you use a poison you may use that item a second time within the next 10 minutes.

Chosen of Nox 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Necromancy spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of Nox 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of the Scholar

Those who are Chosen of the Scholar earned his attention with their patience, their interest in learning and their pursuit of knowledge. They are expected to keep that willingness to learn even though it is expected that they will tire of an initial pursuit at times and seek new, different knowledge. The Scholar does not have a preference for what their Chosen are learning, only that they continue to expand their knowledge. Keeping secrets from those who aren’t worthy or might be dangerous with knowledge is also a common habit of the Chosen of the Scholar.

Failing the Scholar requires removing the ability of others to learn and grow, or the destruction of knowledge completely such that none will know it. Redemption is possible but it takes time, planning, and coming up with a way to undo what has been done.

Chosen of the Scholar can gain additional languages, exchange ritual intents, write custom ritual intent incants, and cast some Compulsion spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Scholar 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Learn an uncommon language and either the Goblinoid or Skaven language.

Chosen of the Scholar 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Compulsion spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Scholar 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Exchange ritual intents for other ritual intents, write custom incants.

Chosen of the Scholar 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Compulsion spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of the Scholar 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of the Soldier

Those Chosen by the Soldier do what is necessary to serve the greater good. They put themselves at risk and in danger to accomplish what must be done regardless of the cost. To fail the Soldier, a Chosen must allow defeat over doing what must be done.

Those that fail the Soldier often fade away un-absolved into obscurity, or are sometimes recruited by Darkness or Grak. Ironically a Chosen trying to earn their way back into the Soldier’s good graces requires doing what must be done to prove themselves again, often at great personal cost.

Chosen of the Soldier gain additional combat abilities and the ability to cast some Battle spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Soldier 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Twice per event may call for '2 Slay!' with any weapon (or more with a great wepaon)

Chosen of the Soldier 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Battle spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Soldier 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 You may replace an attack or throw a tag bag for 'Smite!' once per event.

Chosen of the Soldier 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Battle spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of the Soldier 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Chosen of the Stranger

Those Chosen by the Stranger are selected for their discretion with secrets and their ability to put to rest those who need to be put to rest. They are often tasked with putting to rest ghosts, undead or even sometimes those among the living who have upset the Stranger. Each has a great respect for the importance of death in the natural order of things, but that doesn’t mean they don’t fight to help the living.

Failing the Stranger is done through causing indiscriminate death, not respecting death, deliberately creating undead, or revealing the secrets of the dead. She is capable of forgiveness, but it is a challenging and often long process to earn.

Chosen of the Stranger gain abilities that allow them to control undead, gain a rank in the medium skill that does not count towards RP skill cap, and can cast some Necromancy spells with no Power point cost.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Chosen of the Stranger 1 (Beginner)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission 4 Throw any combination of 8 'Disengage! or 'Disengage Undead!' tag bags each event.

Chosen of the Stranger 2 (Trained)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 1 (Beginner) 4 For each rank of chosen cast any level 2 Necromancy spell with no power point cost once per event.

Chosen of the Stranger 3 (Proficient)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 2 (Trained) 4 Gain one rank in the Medium role-playing skill.

Chosen of the Stranger 4 (Expert)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 3 (Proficient) 4 Cast any level 4 Necromancy spell at no power point cost twice per event

Chosen of the Stranger 5 (Master)

Role-Playing Plot Marshal Permission and Chosen 4 (Expert) 4 Work with Rules Staff to create a custom ability.

Ranking up a Role-Play Skill

Biannually (typically in February and August), the plot staff accepts applications for increase in rank in role-playing skills. Applications are reviewed on a character-by-character basis. Below is a general outline of what is expected for each rank.

Rank 1

You can get approval for Rank 1 at any time, you don’t need to wait for an advancement window to get this. Speak to the Plot Marshals to get permission to take a Ranke 1 role-playing skill.

For a Rank 1 roleplaying skill what we are looking for is your understanding of what the RP skill is and is not. We want confidence that you will represent it in your roleplaying and aren’t just trying to get some new ability. Expect to get asked questions about how you are going to represent the skill, and what your goals are with it.

It’s generally bad form to take a Rank 1 RP skill for an Alt when your main PC is very well known for also having that same skill.

Rank 2

Earning Rank 2 in an RP skill requires demonstrating that you have represented that roleplaying skill. A good application illustrates how people know or have seen you be this thing. Sometimes your RP skill is a secret, and that's okay; what you need to do then is demonstrate that you’ve represented it with NPCs in some way. Being good at the RP skill isn’t really in question here, what we’re looking for is that you have successfully put effort into representing the concept somehow.

Rank 3

Because characters can only have a single RP skill at Rank 3 or higher, this rank represents committing to an RP skill. Applications for this rank are a major commitment for your character. A good application for Rank 3 shows that you are good at whatever the thing in question is. Other players should think of you as a possible example to work towards when they think of this RP skill.

Some examples: As a Chosen, a deity saw you as worthy and you’ve demonstrated that worth. You’re good at being a Medium and other characters come to you for assistance with ghosts. You can hold your own as a Druid around wild creatures. Your character runs a business of some kind as a Merchant. You have important social interactions for Status. You’ve practiced unusual things as a Scholar.

Rank 4

We’ve seen that you’re good at it already, you demonstrated that at Rank 3. Now the question being asked is how your roleplaying enhances the world and/ or the game for other players. Are you attempting to build something new? You don’t have to have succeeded yet, but you need to be working on something. What we're trying to find here is some new lore, organization, event, object, adversary, or other concept that other players could potentially interact with through their roleplaying without you present. We are talking about something you the player have created, nurtured, and at some point, interacted with as a character. If you weren't present and none of your possessions went to the event, would the idea you have created still be available for characters to interact with if they wanted to?

Everyone can add to the world at any time. For Rank 4 RP skills we want to see that you have started to do that in a bigger way.

Please reach out to the Plot Marshals at any time (not just during submission windows) to discuss this further if you want to talk about ideas, or to make a game plan on how to accomplish this.

To get Rank 4 the plots you encounter aren’t enough to advance. Your focus shouldn't be on plots, talk about the thing you're creating and what has happened to spread the idea. Plots you've interacted with could be supporting data, but even more valuable are plots that NPCs or GMs were able to use for other people based on something you (the player) started.

For Rank 4 we want to know how you've started down the road. What is your goal for Rank 5? How have you begun working towards that goal? Don't just tell us what the idea is, tell us how you've started to make it reality.

Rank 5

Obtaining Rank 5 of an RP skill is a huge accomplishment and is awarded (and tested) with what is known as a "Capstone Plot". When you are ready for Rank 5, a member of plot staff will come up with an epic plot customized for your character to experience that typically culminates in you gaining approval to take Rank 5 in the skill (and the cool ability you have worked with rules to come up with). If you fail at your Capstone, you will have to wait and try again at the next rank up.
Congratulations if you have made it this far, even if you fail. You've impacted the game and the way future characters will experience it.

This is the pinnacle of RP skills, and so the bar is the highest as well. You’ve accomplished your goal in some way. Something you have done is going to leave a mark on the world. At this point there’s a certain expectation that you’ve put in some work out of character to build something cool OTHER players will remember. Successfully creating an organization that will live on past you. Defining who exactly the Inquisition is, so you can roleplay breaking away from them. Building a cult with their own principles. Creating more background on the leaders of a nation. Fleshing out the Alchemist’s guild, the Thieves’ guild, or some other group. Actually taking the time to write a real book people can have. Introducing and developing new world lore that others can build on later.

Tell us about how OTHER people have used the thing you've created. This could be GMs, NPCs or PCs. How has what you've introduced impacted the world?

It’s reasonable for your capstone to be the final steps of what you are trying to accomplish. Putting into your application that a capstone could deal with “this last thing I need to do” to finish the job is appropriate.

For Rank 5 you don't need to talk about your role-playing at all, we trust that you're doing that already.

One last comment on Rank 5: while it isn't inherently time gated the longer you wait to get it, the more epic your capstone's story arc will be because you've had more time to build things up and become part of important events. Capstone plots can deal with topics we normally don't interact with, and it's very reasonable to voluntarily sit on a Rank 5 application for something worth making a capstone about. Feel free to talk to the Plot Marshals for more details.

Categories: Skills | Role-Playing Skills

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