Production Points Skill

Site Index > Rules > Character > Skills > Production > Production Points

Production Points Skill

Character Skill

Production Skill

Skill Name: Production Points

Skill Tree: Production

Prerequisite(s): None

Skill Point Cost: 1 per 2

Description: Gain 2 production points per event. This can be taken up to 10 times for a total of 20 production points.

This skill determines how many consumables a character can create each event using preproduction.


Production points either represent a character's access to (for items that provide them) or ability to refine (for skills) usable material from their environment.

Consumables are cheap, easy to make and good to have on hand for when you need that extra push. As a result production points are very popular for a wide variety of characters. Merchants use production points to make their most popular inventory. But other adventurers will frequently pick up this skill because why not cut out the middle person.


For each time this skill is taken a character gains 2 production points each event which can be used to create consumables (with other skills) at check in. This skill can be taken up to 10 times for 10 total skill points, providing 20 total production points.

Categories: Skills | Production Skills | Production Points

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