Languages (Common)

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Languages (Common)

Character Skill

Knowledge Skill

The most common languages are spoken in the nations of Novitas.


Common languages are those languages that are currently actively spoken in the various nations of Novitas. Each of these languages is the official language of at least one nation. All characters begin the game knowing Common, though it could be an interesting experience to have them not know it for some reason (such as being from Vargainen where Andaranian is their standard language, and Common doesn't exist). Characters who aren't human also begin the game knowing one additional language based on their species.

Because these languages are spoken actively in the world, characters do not need permission to learn them, though it is generally good practice to have a story for why and how you learned to speak a new language.

Languages can add personality to a character. They can be used to represent your characters cultural heritage. Sometimes they are used to make props look fancier. Some plots make knowing an unusual language an important aspect. Finally some characters try to conceal conversations in front of others by speaking in languages others don't know.

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description


Knowledge None Free Speak the Common language.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Elvish language. Elves gain this for free.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Gershan language. Snow goblins gain this for free.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Terran language. Earthkin gain this for free.


Common has its name because it is the single most spoken language in all of Novitas. Nearly every culture speaks it at least a little bit, even some uncivilized creatures speak it proficiently.

Documents written in common are represented by any standard English font.


The language of the elves is the official language of both Evenandra, and the Great Forest.

Documents written in Elvish are typically represented by a Tengwar font (originated by JRR Tolkein for elves in the Middle Earth setting).

An example of this font can be found at:


Spoken by the people of Gersh and other Snow Goblins of the world.

Documents written in Gershan are typically represented by characters used for Klingon from Star Trek.

An example font can be found at:


Spoken by the people of Terra in their underground kingdom as well as Earthkin elsewhere in Novitas.

Documents written in Terran are typically represented by Norse runes.

An example font can be found at:

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