Knowledge Skills

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Knowledge Skills

Knowledge Skill

These skills don't neatly fit into any other category. For that reason, they are also sometimes called general skills. Most of them relate to a character's knowledge of the world.


Knowledge skills are a catch-all for things characters might learn in the world. They include languages, first aid, identifying magic items, and other such useful skills. Most of these skills are combined with production skills to give the Savant title.

Identify Magic is not required for the Savant title; this is because it does not provide any benefit to producing consumables.

Complete list of Knowledge Skills

List of General Knowledge Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Estimate Value

Knowledge None 2 Know the monetary value of non-magical treasures.

First Aid

Knowledge None 1 Prevent bleeding out. Feed others potions. Heal blunt torso wounds. Learn about injuries.


Knowledge None 2 Allows a character to use poisonous alchemical compounds.

Identify Magic

Knowledge None 2 Know the details for magical treasures

Read Magic

Knowledge None 2 Allows you to use scrolls.

List of all Languages

Jump to Page: Common Languages, Uncommon Languages, Rare Languages

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Andaranian Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Vargainen PC Creation - Speak the language of Vargainen and ancient Novitas.

Apian Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Verduran PC Creation - Speak the language of Insects.

Black Speech Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval 1 Speak the language of Sky Beasts

Canine Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill - Speak the language of Kazvaks and some Lycanthropes


Knowledge None Free Speak the Common language.

Diabolic Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Faekin PC Creation - Speak the language of the Dark Fae.

Draconic Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Drake PC Creation - Speak the language of piscenes, reptilians and drakes.

Elemental Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Druid Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Elementals.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Elvish language.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Gershan language.

Goblinoid Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Chosen of the Scholar Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Orc hordes.

Immortal Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval 1 Speak the language of the Illuminated

Ratfolk Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Chosen of the Scholar Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Ratfolk.

Sylvan Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Faekin PC Creation - Speak the language of the Light Fae.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Terran language.

Thieves' Cant Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval or Scholar Level 4 1 Understand the codewords of the Thieves Guild


Production Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Production Points

Production None 1 per 2 Gain 2 production points per event. This can be taken up to 10 times for a total of 20 production points.

Alchemy Basics

Production Herbalism 1 Produce level 1 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Training

Production Alchemy Basics 2 Produce level 2 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Proficiency

Production Alchemy Training 3 Produce level 3 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Expertise

Production Alchemy Proficiency 4 Produce level 4 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Mastery

Production Alchemy Expertise 5 Produce level 5 alchemical items with production points

Brew Potion

Production None 2 Allows a character to create potions using production points.

Scribe Scroll

Production Read Magic 4 Allows a character to produce scrolls using production points.


Consumable Items

A consumable item is any item with a limited number of uses. Most consumables can only be used once. Wands are an exception to this, they have a fixed amount of power points available to them when created and when those power points are consumed the item is consumed.


Are you lost and looking for the page with information relevant to your preproduction form? Click here for production, and here for crafting.

Every month dozens of players attend events, and sometimes as many as half of them will want to create new magic items, produce potions, and other in-game items. It can take logistics staff sometimes hours a month putting all of these orders together. We use the pre-production system to help make that job a lot easier on them.

Each month logistics staff members will post reminders to turn in preproduction. You don't need to wait for those reminders, simply use the links on these links at any time.

Use this form to submit preproduction.

To submit requests to update obsolete consumables and printed items (such as rituals) use this form.

By doing this logistics staff has everything they need to make and gather in one single place making the job much easier.

Use the preproduction form for: Crafting new items, altering props with tinkering, producing new consumables, creating valuable items, turning in runes, exchanging items with merchant, or to let us know that you'll need items for being a high ranking druid or merchant.

Production Points

Production points represent a character's access to materials or ability to refine a usable material from their environment.

Consumables are cheap, easy to make and good to have on hand for when you need that extra push. As a result, production points are very popular for a wide variety of characters. Merchants use production points to make their most popular inventory, but other adventurers will frequently pick up this skill as well because why not cut out the middleman?

Savant Title

A character earns the Savant title after obtaining all 20 production points and learning the following skills:

Savants gain 5 production points that break cap. When producing potions or scrolls Savants, instead of being limited to only spells they know, may also copy potions and scrolls they have on hand to determine which they can make. This cannot be used to copy scarce items.

Only Savants can use an Alchemist's Laboratory.

Categories:- Skills | Production Skills

Production Points

Characters can gain production points through a variety of means, most commonly the skill of the same name. For each production point a character has they may spend that production point between events and 1 coin to produce consumable items. This is done using the pre-production system.

A character may not have more than 20 production points unless an effect says that it breaks the production point cap. Characters may also purchase additional production points for 2 coin each up to the normal cap. Because of the 1 coin cost to use production points, this effectively means extra production points cost 3 coins each (total).

Confused? That's okay! Production can be confusing, and trips everyone up occasionally. The easiest way to understand cost is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For example, a Potion of Dissipate is a level 2 consumable. It costs 2 production points and 2 coin to make.

What consumables a character can create is based on what other skills the character has. A consumable requires a number of production points equal to its level to produce. Scarce items may not be produced by player characters through any means unless those means explicitly say they let you make a scarce item.

There are four subtypes of consumable items made with production points: Alchemicals, Potions/ Oils, Scrolls and Trap Tags.

Alchemicals and potions/ oils will also require containers to keep the finished product in. Players are responsible for supplying their own containers, but logistics does sell them at cost to players. There are no specific requirements for appropriate containers, except that for safety reasons glass is prohibited. In this instance plastic is completely acceptable (and standard).

Savant Title

A character earns the Savant title after obtaining all 20 production points and learning the following skills:

Savants gain 5 production points that break cap. When producing potions or scrolls Savants, instead of being limited to only spells they know, may also copy potions and scrolls they have on hand to determine which they can make. This cannot be used to copy scarce items.

Only Savants can use an Alchemist's Laboratory.

Categories: Skills | Knowledge Skills

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