Hold Calls

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Hold Calls

Combat Call

Call: Hold!

Call Type: Safety

Description: Used when Out-of-Game safety is a concern. The most important call.

Common Sources: Players in danger

Associated Condition(s): None

The Hold! call is used when a real-world situation could potentially endanger someone's safety, or to deal with an injury that has already occurred.

Game Hold Situations

During a "Game Hold" the game stops completely. No in-game actions of any kind can take place; this includes and is not limited to combat, conversation, using items, casting spells, travelling, etc. You should remain quiet and in one place so that the source of the hold can be given everyone's undivided attention.

After the situation that caused the 'hold' has cleared up, everyone should return as close as possible to where they were when it was called and then as a group count down from 3 and call "game on". Everyone can then return to normal game play.

The "Hold!" Call

Any player can call 'hold' if they are in a situation that warrants using it. When you hear someone yell Hold! or Game Hold! you should:

  • Loudly repeat it to ensure that others around you also hear it.
  • Immediately stop what you are doing and if possible, hold still.
  • Once you have done the above, identify why the hold was called so you can determine if you are able to help. Sometimes help simply means stepping out of the way.

The word 'hold' should be avoided in normal conversation to ensure that the 'hold call' is kept reserved as something players react to instantly and correctly.

Reasons to call a hold include:

  • A real-world injury.
  • A hazardous situation is about to occur.
    • Examples of hazardous situations are:
      • Someone is about to step on broken glass.
      • Someone is about to walk backwards off a ledge.
      • Actual spiked pit traps on the battlefield.
      • Other real-life terrain hazards.

It is important that you don't make this call without good reason so that it stays reserved for dangerous or serious situations. Bad reasons to call a 'hold' include:

  • When you fall but are not injured
  • Dropping your weapon.
  • Rules disagreement.
  • Combat going badly.
  • Witnessing someone else's injury that is not life-threatening.
  • Any other situation where no one is in immediate danger.

Players should not call 'hold' on behalf of other individuals unless that individual is in a situation where they are unable to do so for themselves; for example, if they are in so much pain that they are unable to speak or they are unconscious.



The game uses calls to efficiently share information in the middle of combat. While calls are generally completely Out-of-Game you can gather some information in-character from them. For example if you hear a lot of numbers being called you can refer to that as "the sounds of battle".

Call Types

Calls can be sub-divided into different types for reference to what they do. You don't need to know these at all. Calls are only categorized like this to make it easier to know which you need to learn right away and which you can take time to learn.

  • Safety calls convey information about the game and are the most important calls to pay attention to.
  • Defense calls tell you information about if your attack affected the person you hit.
  • Damage Type calls mostly tell you information about what variety of damage you are taking. For most of them you only need to understand the call type if you have a defense that cares what kind of damage you are taking.
  • Modifier calls impact how the damage works when you take it.
  • Offensive Effect calls almost always inflict a condition when they hit you.
  • Announcement calls tell players who hear them information about something going on, they are never attached to attacks.

Categories: Basic Rules | Calls | Game Safety

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