
This chapter contains rules related to how role-playing at Kingdoms of Novitas works.

In and Out of Game


Players are "in-game" when they are actively participating in the game. When you are role-playing as a character (whether that character is a player character or a non-player character) you are 'in-game'. Objects and concepts are also referred to as being 'in-game' if you are talking about that thing relative to the game's setting.

A blue flag is just a strip of cloth in reality, however 'in-game' it represents the glow of magic on an object. In-game, the blue flag does not exist, only that magical glow.

Players sleeping in game areas during game hours are in-game unless they have marked themselves with an orange flag. Any object that could be in-game is always considered to be in-game unless it is marked with an orange flag or is in an area that is considered out-of-game.


Players are considered "out-of-game" when they are not actively participating in the game. Objects are out-of-game if they don't exist inside of the context of the game; for example, the cars sitting in the parking lot are out of game as characters can't interact with them.

Objects that would normally be in-game can be marked or designated out of play by:

  • Marking the item with an orange flag or putting it under an orange piece of cloth.
  • Putting the item in a vehicle.
  • Players need a place to keep personal items during the event. The area beneath any bunks or beds are considered out of play.

If an item that is not marked out of game or placed in an out of game area is a lootable item, it can be taken even if the character it belongs to is not in play. Be sure to put your items away at the end of your shift and not leave them out in game.

If you start to discuss your job in real life, you are out-of-game having an out-of-game conversation (this is often referred to as 'breaking character'). During game hours, be careful when and where you have out-of-game conversations; they inherently break the immersion of the world and disrupt people's fun. When you are out as a non-player character you should do everything you can to stay in character to keep the world alive and vibrant.

Everything is always out-of-game during hours that the game isn't happening. This includes between events and also overnight after first shift, but before the second shift starts.

Using out-of-game knowledge that your character wouldn't have in-game is known as 'Metagaming'. This is generally a bad thing; it means a player is benefiting from details they shouldn't know. It can be useful every now and then to help others enjoy the game so long as it isn't being done for personal benefit- for example, telling a character not to go in a certain direction because you know a plot with topics that would actually upset the player went that way- but should otherwise be avoided.

Leaving Game

If you are overheating (such as due to wearing heavy armor) and need to breath for a moment you both can and should find somewhere quiet you can drink and recharge- just don't do it in the middle of a combat situation. The exception to this is if you feel it is a medical emergency, in which case you should call a 'Hold!' so you can take the appropriate steps to alleviate the situation.

Players can go out-of-game (taking your possessions with you) at any time so long as you are not doing it for a tactical advantage. For example, if you need to use a restroom that is fine; bring your things and then return to play in the same location you left it when you are ready.

If a player wishes to stop playing for the day (often referred to as 'dropping game') they may do so at any time, so long as they are not doing it for tactical advantage. When you wish to drop game while you are being actively pursued by hostile characters you may do so only if you are completely confident that you have lost them, and they are no longer able to successfully pursue you.

All players automatically become out-of-game at the end of first and fourth shifts. No plots are required to go after the end of these shifts and any role-playing is strictly voluntary.

Maintaining Immersion

Keeping up the game's atmosphere, or immersion, is an important part of what makes Kingdoms of Novitas (and all LARPing) special. Good immersion makes it easier to forget that you are playing a game and to get into the character you are playing. One of the worst things you can do is to break the immersion of others.

For these reasons you should always be sure to:

  • Wear appropriate garb at all times.
  • Break character as rarely as possible.
  • If you need to break character, find a location that is out-of-game to do it such as in the logistics building.
  • Call "Hold!" only when necessary.
  • Keep conversations in-character while you are in-character.
    • Assume others are listening to you at all times. The sneaky character who spent 10 minutes creeping up on you from the woods will thank you.
  • Try to re-frame real world conveniences as in-game fantasy concepts, such as referring to the cars in the parking lot as 'wagons' or 'carriages'.

The Wind

When you see others out-of-game it is important that you remember not to use that information to benefit you in-game. For example, it is unacceptable for a character to say 'I know there are individuals this way because I saw them headed that way out-of-character earlier'.

Non-player characters often make wind sounds ('whoosh') to indicate they are not in-game. This is typically because they are headed to another location to enter character there or are headed back to the logistics building after an encounter.

Another method |non-player characters will use to indicate that they are out-of-game is to raise their weapon horizontally above their head. Because players don't always have a weapon in hand, this is sometimes done by holding a fist above their head with their elbow bent to create a right angle.


Role-playing can describe anything a character does in-game. Talking to other characters is role-playing. Walking from the inn to a merchant's shop is role-playing. Absolutely anything done in-character is role-playing.

When any game rule makes a reference to a requirement to 'role-play' an action, it means that there is no single right way to do that action but something in-character should be done to represent the task being performed. The goal of a rule requiring you to role-play a vaguely explained action is to give you the freedom to do that action however you see fit. What matters is that if someone happened to be looking on saw you doing that action they could reasonably guess what it is that you are doing. If you don't want people to guess what you are doing then do it stealthily, but still do it.

If you want to put a poison in someone's drink, there is no official way to do this. However, you need to role-play the action of pouring the poison into the drink. You are not required to have witnesses (in fact, you probably don't want any). So, you could take the person's cup and put it below the table before pretending to pour your 'poison' from its container into the drink. Or you could create a distraction then turn your 'poison' container upside down over the drink.

We don't want to actually put anything in someone's real drink and that is why you only mime the actions through role-playing.

Players can role-play outside of game hours if they wish to, however when they do this there are no mechanics allowed. A character can't get attacked or cast spells when the game is not currently happening.

Examples of role-playing outside of an event include:

  • Getting up early on Saturday during an event to chat.
  • Chatting with other players outside of event about what your character is doing between events.
  • RPing over discord or facebook with other players between events.
  • Writing blog posts about your character.

These types of interactions are allowed and encouraged to help players define their character and how they interact with others, but they do not count towards role-playing skill advancement.

Player Interaction

Searching Other Players

It's a pretty regular part of the genre that a defeated character is searched for valuables or something of note needs to get taken from a fallen villain. We refer to this as 'searching' a character. There are two types of searches: 'detailed' or 'physical'. The player initiating the search can ask which type of search the person being searched wants, or the player initiating the search can just go straight to a 'detailed' search if they don't want to do a 'physical' search.

After searching a non-player character, it is common practice to 'drag' the non-player character's body 'off into the woods', indicating that the character has been searched and allowing that non-player character to return to the logistics building to get assigned another role.

Detailed Searches

In a detailed search the person doing the searching describes where on the other player they are going to search.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Pouches
  • Pockets
  • Boots
  • A character's hands
  • Inside the character's mouth
  • Anywhere else you think someone might have hidden valuables

It is often helpful to ask if anything on the target is glowing blue (magic items in game are all considered to be glowing blue, even if they don't glow in reality) just to narrow the search down. The player being searched is honor-bound to give up anything in the locations being searched.

Some players when acting as non-player characters make a habit of deciding their loot is in ridiculous locations that player characters will never check. This isn't in the spirit of the game. Not only is it bad for immersion, but when an NPC comes back to the logistics building with loot... that's a bad thing. You are making the job harder for the game masters who want to get that loot out to the players. Please don't be that person.

Physical Searches

In a 'physical' search players have to literally search their intended target, rifling through pockets trying to find the hidden loot. The player being searched has no obligation to help but can't hinder them either. A player being searched this way can opt to change to a detailed search at any time if they feel uncomfortable or otherwise don't wish to continue with the physical search.

No Search

A player can also simply opt to hand over anything lootable on them the moment a search is declared. This is particularly appropriate if the character being played turned into a pile of dust or similar situations.

Dragging Characters

In many role-playing game situations, there comes a time where despite every effort to avoid it... you have to get rid of the body. Or sometimes you are playing the sinister non-player character who is out to steal the corpse of a player character for some foul necromantic ritual. Whatever the reason, you are now in a circumstance where you need to drag the body of a character away.

Dragging a body can be done physically (actually dragging the player) only when both players consent. If either player doesn't want physical contact, then role-play dragging the character along. This should never be done at full speed; you're supposed to be carrying a body after all. Be sure to make sure the player of the body knows you are dragging them so they can follow along.

Restraining Other Players

At times in-game you will find that you wish to restrain another character. This can only be done to helpless or willing characters, there are no lasso mechanics. An appropriate prop is always required to restrain a character.

Physical Restraint

You are only allowed to physically restrain another player if they are willing to be physically restrained. If both parties agree to actual physical restraint, then the bound player may attempt to break free if they are able and can then role-play accordingly.

Role-Playing Restraint

If either party does not wish to do real physical restraint or the means of restraint is an item that doesn't translate well to out-of-game restraining the person, then all involved should role-play the idea that the player is restrained but not physically do so. Players 'restrained' in this fashion SHOULD NOT attempt to break free, though they can role-play failing attempts to do so.


What is Garb?

The clothing players wear is commonly referred to as garb. This is to distinguish it from theatre costuming, where the only thing that matters is appearance. Garb differs from costuming because what materials it is made out of also matters; to maintain the highest levels of immersion and authenticity, garb] is expected to be made out of materials that were available before modern times.

Players are expected to wear appropriate garb at all times while game is taking place whether as a player character or as a non-player character.

Getting Started With Garb

The most basic set of garb a brand-new player should bring to game is a tunic and black sweatpants or scrub pants. This gives them something to wear under the provided non-player character garb that won't clash.

After about a year of coming to game, you should have your own NPC garb to work with (which can be used with the provided non-player character garb to create more variety).

Distinctive Characters

Players who are only playing non-player characters don't require more than one set of garb. It is important that a player character be easily distinguishable from a non-player character, for that reason key elements of a player character's garb should not be reused by non-player characters. This varies from person to person, but generally includes tunics, hats, and other elements that are very visible on the player character.

Garb Requirements

Few things can ruin the atmosphere of the game more than bad garb.

Sneakers, T-shirts, or jarringly modern clothes, such as camouflage fatigues, can completely destroy the suspension of disbelief the game tries to create.

Garb should NEVER contain:

  • Fluorescent or day-glow colors
  • Modern military clothing in cut or pattern
  • Camouflage patterns in any form
  • Printed bandannas
  • Sneakers in any form or color
  • Modern hats
  • Visible zippers (Zippers on the insides of boots are acceptable if not obvious)
  • Cargo pockets on pants
  • Visible white socks
  • Exposed modern webbing or straps
  • Clothing of obviously modern cut or materials
  • Nylon or zippered backpacks or satchels
  • Clearly mundane prints or logos

Setting Influences

KoN is a fantasy game and not set in a specific historical period, so the variety of acceptable garb is wide. Players portraying non-human characters are especially encouraged to flavor their garb with fantasy elements. The game takes place in the city of Maplewood in the Freelands.

Characters don't have to wear garb based on where they are from; they could wear anything appropriate for any number of different reasons. These guidelines are so that if you want to represent being from a particular culture you know how to.

The real-world time period Novitas samples for historical garb ends roughly around 1500 AD.

General Garb guidelines:

  • Civen characters should draw influence from the Roman Empire between 27 BCE – 610 CE.
  • Vleanoan and Evenandran characters should draw influence from medieval western Europe between 1066 – 1500.
  • Great Forest and Dellin Tribelands characters should draw influence from central and northern Europe between the prehistoric era – 106 CE.
  • Gershan characters draw influence from China between 1500 BCE – 1644 CE or Japan between 250 BCE – 186 CE.
  • Terran characters should draw influence from the "dark ages" of European history, between 610 CE – 1066 CE.
  • This guide covers the look for characters from Vargainen.
  • Freelands characters wear anything found in any other kingdom.


Defining Costuming

If garb is the clothing you wear made from period materials whenever possible, costuming is the masks, make-up, prosthetics and other elements that are almost never from period materials used to evoke a fantasy atmosphere.

We use a variety of different elements for different creatures and different situations. Make-up can be applied just like in theatre and television to create realistic looking injuries, and it can be used to change skin tone to unusual colors for odd species. For different creatures we use Halloween masks, facial prosthetics (elf ears, fake stones held on with spirit gum, etc), wigs, wings, shells, spray paint, gloves, shoulder pads, and all kinds of other techniques to create variety in the world.

When you're playing a non-player character you'll be told what creature you are meant to represent, and other players will help you put on the appropriate costuming. If make-up is needed it will be applied for you by our talented make-up volunteers. Don't worry if you have no idea how to do these things, they'll take care of it.

Many of our species of creatures are based on historical mythological beings. The more colors we use, the more variety of creatures we can represent. Some accounts of creatures and some types of creatures should have brown colored skin. However, we have no desire to put our players in what is effectively 'blackface'. To that end we try to make sure that we use the color brown as minimally as possible and that any creature that has brown skin also has other additional colorful details to make it stands out as something else.

Restricted Costuming

Creatures in Novitas are designed to be as distinctive as can be practically done. To that end certain costuming has reserved use. Many creatures are represented by masks and occasionally specific wardrobe items, which means that there are restrictions on what masks player characters can wear in game to avoid creating confusion. If you wish to use a mask for your player character be sure to talk to the props and atmosphere leads (Christina Mevec and Liska Gutierrez) first.

Painting Advice

Getting painted for an npc can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work. It is applied with an air brush and its goal is to last for a bit, so it can be hard to take off afterwards.

These are some basic tips for whenever you need to get painted:

  • If a role requires painting it is safe to assume the character's skin color should ALL be that color, which means you should have all of your exposed skin either painted or completely covered. This means long sleeve shirts, gloves for your hands, balaclavas, etc. It also means you should be careful about taking off garb while in play.
  • When you are on a role where you have been painted be careful with touching your skin, you will rub it off if you touch it too much.
  • After the plot is done be sure to check in with the GMs BEFORE you take the paint off. They might have a second role using the same base colors (either as the same type of creature or a different one) to send out. This helps reduce the amount of paint used and saves other npcs painting and clean up.
  • When it is time to take the paint off, wash your face with soap and water first. This will take much of the paint off on flat surfaces but will leave some in corners and by hairlines. After you've done a wash, THEN start using wipes to get to the hard-to-reach spots.
  • If you wear a lot of paint in one weekend you might end up with slightly raw skin, this is because of the irritation top your skin from constantly removing the paint. It's ok to say to the gm's "I've been painted a bunch this weekend and my skin would prefer if can you find someone else to play this role" if you notice that your skin is getting raw or irritated.

During the cold winter months we try to use painting as little as we can manage (or at least make sure people know what they are getting into if they want to do it) because after you wash it off it leaves your face wet and therefore more susceptible to the cold.

Prosthetic Ear Advice

For some PC species prosthetic ears are required parts of the costuming. These are some tips and tricks, to help you make them look their best.

  • Blending: Elf ears should be blended to match skin tone. This means that the ears you purchase need to be painted or use makeup to effectively match your skin tone as close as possible. Additionally, the edge of the ear should be hidden by hair, ear cuffs, or makeup (see below). Note that this can be difficult but will make them look great.
  • Silicone ears: These are more expensive than latex ears, however, they look WAY better and require no blending if the right color ear is purchased.
    • Places you can buy silicone ears:
      • Geekling Creations: Player-owned and the preferred ears of many elf PC's. Jacqueline can bring your order to game and will give you a discount off of the shop price if you pay cash.
      • Aradani Costumes: Small surface area, small ears.
  • Ear cuffs: A link to a picture of what they are
  • Painting your ears: A guide from Adrani Costumes
  • Makeup to use: A regular makeup wheel. Something oil based so rain doesn't wash it off.

Wig Advice

For some pc species wigs are required parts of costuming, while some players enjoy using them to enhance their appearance. These are some tips and tricks from Sage Barber, an experienced Cosplayer, on wig care.

Recommended places to buy wigs:

  • Arda Wigs: A little on the pricey side, better for extreme styling, takes a bit to arrive.
  • Epic Cosplay: Affordable, arrives quickly, smaller stock/ less color options.

Wig Care

Wearing Wigs

Wig Storage

Contact Advice

Some character species require colored contacts. For obvious sanitary reasons, anyone who would like to play those creatures as a PC or NPC will need to provide their own contacts. Some players also prefer to wear contacts at game so that they do not have to worry about their glasses getting broken or to see easier out of masks.

Your first stop should always be your eye doctor for an exam and to get a proper prescription for contacts. You can ask them for a copy of your script so that you have the numbers handy. This is not the same as a prescription for glasses.

Not all eye doctors will have the fashion colors that characters require (black, for example are needed for Succubi) or will have colors that match unusual wig colors for faekin. If they do have them, great! When they do not, you will need to take the copy of your script and look online for the color you require. Many players who PC faekin or use contacts for their PCs get theirs from, though shipping can take a couple weeks.

Since colored contacts have a fixed pupil size, you will find that your eyes take longer to adjust going from lighted areas to dark ones. This will be especially noticeable at night, and for people wearing lighter colored contacts such as white or light blue. You may also find it hard to navigate at night until you are used to wearing contacts. Keep this in mind when moving about the site, and do not be afraid to tell another player that you are having difficulty seeing and ask for help to get to the inn or the area you are moving to while you wait to adjust.

Occasionally you will find that your contacts shift and block your vision; unlike regular contacts which are completely clear, colored ones have an opaque iris. If blinking does not fix this, it can typically be quickly remedied by pulling your lower eyelid down and looking up to shift the contact back to the center of your eye. Closing your eyes and looking up, left, down and right a few times can also achieve the same result.

It is not a bad idea to have an extra set of contacts on hand in case something happens to yours (one falls out and you lose it in game, it rips when putting them in, etc.). When wearing contacts and “dying”, be careful when you land to be sure to cushion your head in such a way that the contact does not become dislodged.

You should always wash your hands before inserting or removing contacts to prevent infection, especially since you are running around in the woods. Touching trees, laying on the ground, touching objects that have changed hands multiple times, and even touching your own belongings and then sticking your fingers in your eyes is a bad idea.

NEVER USE CONTACTS THAT ARE MAKING YOUR EYES UNCOMFORTABLE. Being unable to put your contact in without pain, feeling like your eye is being scratched even after checking for other things in your eye, and eye irritation are all signs that your contacts need to be changed out. It is better to step out of game than to cause permanent damage to your eye.


Props Definitions

Any objects brought into game are referred to collectively as props. Most props are un-numbered objects. An unnumbered item could have special rules, but those rules are the same for all props like them. For example, all daggers follow the rules for non-martial weapons. Similarly, all lanterns follow the rules listed for them.

Some props are assigned a letter and a number (legacy props have just a number). These props have a specific entry in our item database with more information available to those who have the correct skills (Identify Magic and/ or Estimate Value) to look up what the item does.

Taking Props

Props can be acquired through a variety of means, the simplest of which is theft. Sometimes items are given away. Looting the corpse of the monster you just killed is a common practice, though sometimes also a morally gray area depending on who you ask.

Items with no numbers on them can be borrowed by another player temporarily, but generally shouldn't be taken out of that player's presence for any reason. The exception to this is coins and consumables (which are all printed paper with an official stamp). These are unnumbered items that may always be looted/ stolen/ taken.

If an item has a number on it, that number will tell you if you can loot the prop and if so for how long. The letter component of the number tells you the information you need to know about taking it.

Thrown weapons and projectile weapon ammunition may not be taken from an encounter after they are used. While perhaps a bit unrealistic, this rule is required to allow for magical ammunition to meaningfully exist - otherwise a smart bandit would steal the arrow and run, making their use nearly impossible. Characters can throw weapons at other targets or use ammunition from the battlefield if they have the appropriate skills but cannot remove them from the encounter area (and it is common curtesy to help another player find something of theirs you threw). Thrown weapons and projectiles not being used in combat, that are lying still, or left behind can be taken as normal.

Numbered Items

Numbered items (a term which includes alpha-numberic labelled items) can sometimes be taken from their owners. On newer items the letter indicates if this can happen.


Stealing an item in-game is as simple as walking up and taking that item. There are no special rules for how you steal, only for what you can steal. It's important that you only take objects that are currently in-game. Rifling through someone's tote that is correctly marked as out-of-game while they are playing a non-player character (therefore their belongings should not be in-game) is cheating. Taking someone's out-of-game possessions is real world theft.

It is a player's responsibility to clearly mark their possessions as out-of-game when they should be. A player who is NPCing who has left items in play, unmarked, may find those items taken. The individual who takes such items has done nothing wrong.

If you steal or otherwise acquire a prop that belongs to the game, it is yours to keep for as long as you are playing the game. Should the item leave play for any reason, or if you decide to stop playing the game, please turn in any items belonging to the game to logistics staff.

When you take something that is owned by a player there is a special procedure to follow. Players need to be able to know that anything they own isn't going to go permanently missing during game. If someone buys really cool extra expensive garb, it would be a tragedy if they could lose that during the game. So, when you steal from another player contact them after the event is done and check with them to find out what to do with the item. In the event the item was a player's personal prop follow this procedure:
1) If the player is willing to let you keep the item, nothing further needs to be done.
2) If the player is willing to negotiate a cash price (or other out-of-game exchange) for the item, you can pay them out-of-game for permanent ownership of the prop.
3) If the player is not willing to negotiate a cash price, or an agreement can't be reached then the player will keep the prop. The item number on the prop should get removed from it (the prop is no longer that item) and the number should be transferred to the new owner who can then put the item number on a new appropriate prop. Be sure to check in with Logistics before transferring the number over in case the item's database entry needs to get updated.

Bringing New Props Into Game

Real world objects are used to represent in-game items. These can be made of many different materials, too many materials to give a definitive allowed and banned list here.

Weapons in particular have very strict requirements for safety reasons. For props not related to combat, a general guideline is that objects made out of historically appropriate materials are likely to be ok, though for safety reasons glass should generally only be used for encampment items - things that won't move around a lot or be near combat.

For many props what materials are visible is more important than what the prop is made out of. It's worth noting specifically that duct tape, which is a common feature of many other LARPs, is not ever allowed to be visible at Kingdoms of Novitas.

At any time game masters can remove props from play (typically for story reasons), player outreach staff can remove a prop from play (typically for safety reasons or to deal with rules issues), and props and atmosphere staff can remove props from play (typically for aesthetic reasons).

Between games players are responsible for keeping any props they acquire during the game. Should a prop become too damaged for play it should be repaired or retired from play. Retired props provided by the game should be returned to logistics staff so they can repair it to someday be introduced as a brand-new, different item.

Reserved Items

Some types of props are reserved and can only be brought into game under specific circumstances. Anything listed in the gear section of the wiki will tell you how an item can be brought into game. If an item is not listed in any of the entries there, and it is time period appropriate, you can probably bring that item into game any time you want. Should you have any doubt about if an item is appropriate to bring into game you should ask the appropriate member of staff for advice. The props and atmosphere staff can tell you if the item is period appropriate, or player outreach can see if there are any special requirements for bringing a certain type of item into play.

Repairing Props

When a prop is damaged, you are allowed to repair it as necessary so long as you don't replace the entire object. Replacing a prop with a new one is a function of the tinkering skill.

Reserved Colors

Reserved Colors

The colors blue and orange have special meaning in-game.

Blue is the color of magic. While not everything that is blue is magical, when possible, things that are magical are blue or have blue accents. It is ok to use blue in garb or other props that are not magical. Many spells are also represented by blue strips of cloth known as flags.

Bright neon orange is used to indicate something is out-of-game and, on rare occasions, to indicate something is invisible. This can be in the form of flags draped over containers that areout-of-game, orange cloaks on game masters who are present to witness a plot, or orange tape holding an extra key next to a lock so that if someone uses special abilities to unlock it they have a key to use. Because orange is used so broadly very bright orange colors should not be used for garb or anything that is not meant to be out-of-game.

Objects that are both blue AND orange are in-game, but not visible to player characters other than the item's owner. This is typically seen with blue and orange books or bags that are raffled during game fundraisers. The orange is present to tell others not to interact with the item, while the blue is saying that its ok if the owner is interacting with it while in-game. Some "blue bags" predate this coloring scheme and may be just blue without the orange accents; if in doubt, ask the item's owner if it is invisible.

Reserved Weapon Colors

The appearances of weapons is intended to give certain information about what materials the weapon is made out of. Special materials are represented by specific paint jobs. Weapons that are not made of special materials in game (which require crafting to create and introduce into play) should not be colored like these materials.


Flags must be VISIBLE to count as being used; that often means tying them conspicuously on an item or your clothing.

There are two types of flags players will encounter in the game: orange flags and blue flags. Each of these are thin strips of cloth roughly an inch wide and between 8 to 12 inches long.

An orange flag is used to indicate that the object it is attached to is out-of-game and should not be interacted with. Most commonly these are used to indicate that a player's tote is out-of-game. This is useful when a player is playing a non-player character and their player character's game props are left alone in their encampment. Putting an orange strip out warns would-be in-game thieves that these objects aren't part of the game currently and should not be stolen. Orange flags can also be used to mark a hazardous area off-limits, or to warn people against going into places they are not allowed to go for story reasons.

Blue flags are used to indicate the presence of magic. Typically blue flags are tied to objects that have spells on them and are removed when the spell wears off or is dispelled. If a blue flag falls off accidentally then any spells on that object fall off with it. You cannot deliberately remove someone else's flags to take away their spells.

Uses for Flags

Tying on a blue strip in the middle of combat can be a challenging endeavor. Because of this, if you have a good faith reason to believe you're about to need it on your item you can put a blue strip on immediately before entering combat to make sure its ready. Blue strips shouldn't be permanently affixed to items or tied to your fingers.

Orange flags can be placed on any item that is out-of-game as appropriate with no in game ability needed.

Blue flags typically are seen in the following locations:

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