Blight Calls

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Blight Calls

Combat Call

Call: Blight

Call Type: Damage Types

Description: A poison so severe standard defenses do not work.

Common Sources: Ancient artifacts, the deadliest creatures

Associated Condition(s): Poisoned

'Blight!' represents toxins so effective that even the most advanced magic and alchemy of Novitas can't protect against it.


'Blight!' is an advanced version of 'Poison!' for which there are no known defenses. It is one of the rarest calls you can encounter. Sources of 'Blight!' damage are zealously guarded by those who have them. Because the call is so hard to gain access to, and the creatures that require it to be killed are so unusual to encounter (and powerful), it is often reserved for special circumstances only.


The 'Blight!' call sometimes inflicts damage, also it always inflicts the Poisoned condition. You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used. Always use the number '1!' if for some reason you are dealing '1 Blight!' damage, otherwise it will only inflict the Poisoned condition and no damage.

Tag bags or arrows that call for 'Blight!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with an unbroken shield.

The 'Blight!' call is an advanced form of the 'Poison!' call. Defenses that prevent 'Poison!' do not prevent 'Blight!'.

Blightsteel Weapons

Weapons can be crafted out of Blightsteel. This material can never be combined with any other special material. There is no specific paint requirement for Blightsteel at this time as it can only appear in the hands of NPCs. These weapons call for 'Blight!'. Additionally they gain all benefits of Improved Goblin Iron weapons. Blade alchemicals treat Blightsteel weapons as Pure Goblin Iron weapons to determine what effects they have.


The Poisoned Condition

A character who has the Poisoned condition cannot heal lost body points. They also may not remove Wound conditions, the Bleeding Out condition, or the Dead condition by any means. This lasts until the Poisoned condition has been removed.

If the call that applied the Poisoned condition applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Poisoned condition. This will automatically remove the attached conditions at the same time. When the Poisoned condition is attached to another condition like this, the duration of the effect is determined by the attached condition. Both conditions wear off at the same time.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or alchemicals like Theriac and Catholicon.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Blight Calls | Calls | Damage Types

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