
Site Index > Rules > Encounters > Lycanthropy



Section: Encounter Rules

Summary: If you are injured by a werewolf in bestial form you will become infected with lycanthropy and need to know how that works


Condition Name: Lycanthropy

Effect: If you are not cured by the end of the next event you'll become a werewolf.

Duration: Permanent unless cured

Common Sources: Werewolf claws

Common Cures: Wolfsbane, Theriac, Catholicon

Your character might not know they've been infected with lycanthropy, but you the player need to understand how that works.


Lycanthropy in the world of Novitas is a specialized kind of plague. Those infected appear as normal intelligent people (or sometimes other creatures) until certain criteria are met and then they shift shapes into ravening beasts. Sometimes these criteria are external, such as a full moon or they can also be internal, such as witnessing bloodshed.

There are two kinds of Lycanthropes. 'True Lycanthropes' are born as lycanthropes, they have complete control over when transformation occurs and can even gain the strength of their bestial side without needing to transform.

If someone is exposed to the Lycanthropy condition regardless of source and goes for too long without curing it, they will become a 'Lesser Lycanthrope'. Less powerful than those born to it, but infected none-the-less. Infection can come from the claws or bite of a True Lycanthrope, or another Lesser Lycanthrope.

Characters who are infected with the Lycanthropy condition don't necessarily know it has happened, but most individuals in the world of Novitas are familiar enough with Werecreatures to know that when you are hurt by one you should be sure to treat yourself, most commonly with Wolfsbane.

If you suspect you will be fighting lycanthropes of any variety be sure to bring silver weapons with you.

The Lycanthropy Condition

Whenever a character takes any Wound condition or body damage from any melee attack delivered by a lycanthrope who is in bestial form will gain the Lycanthropy condition. This condition can only be removed by items that specifically remove it by name. The Lycanthropy condition and lasts until it is cured, even if that takes longer than an event.

If this condition is not removed by the end of the event after the character has been afflicted (which is used to represent the current phase of the moon coming a second time) the character becomes a Lesser Lycanthrope. PCs who become Lycanthropes are forced to retire, becoming an NPC lycanthrope.

Unlike other plagues, lycanthropy must be cured each time a character gets it, the cure cannot be shared, and the same source can reinfect you after you cure it.

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