Scorpion's Kiss

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Scorpion's Kiss
Last Updated: 1/15/24

Alchemical Item

Blade Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Scorpion's Kiss

Alchemy Level: 2

Type: Blade Alchemical

Duration: Medium (10 Minutes)

Flag: Weapon

Herbalism Required: No

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 2

Harmful: Yes

Description: Replaces a weapons strikes with 'Poison Weaken!'

A simple blade poison for bringing down stronger foes.


The applications for this blade poison are limited, but they can help you deal with very strong monsters who are likely to deal more damage than you can handle.


Replace the next successful hit from this weapon with 'Poison Weaken!'. When applied to a pure goblin iron weapon (one with no other material types) you may replace the next two successful hits. Cannot be applied to Elven Steel Weapons.


Poison Weaken Calls

When a call is 'Poison Weaken!' it is NOT a compulsion or a spell call. The attack is only stopped by things that stop 'poison' or 'Weaken' specifically and it may be blocked by shields. These calls gives the Poisoned condition, along with the Weakened condition. In this situation curing the Poisoned condition will also cure the Weakened condition.

The Poisoned Condition

A character who has the Poisoned condition cannot heal lost body points. They also may not remove Wound conditions, the Bleeding Out condition, or the Dead condition by any means. This lasts until the Poisoned condition has been removed.

If the call that applied the Poisoned condition applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Poisoned condition. This will automatically remove the attached conditions at the same time. When the Poisoned condition is attached to another condition like this, the duration of the effect is determined by the attached condition. Both conditions wear off at the same time.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or alchemicals like Theriac and Catholicon.

The Weakened Condition

A character who has the Weakened condition has their Might and Accuracy halved (rounded down, minimum 1). This also reduces their maximum might and accuracy based on what weapons they are wielding.

A character fighting with two weapons or weapon and shield is normally capped at 2 Might. If they have enough Might to deal 4 damage before the cap they still only deal 1 damage while Weakened and fighting in those styles.

Characters using a great weapon can halve their Might in order to add 'Slay' to an attack. They can also halve their Accuracy while using a bow to add 'Pierce!' to an attack. If they are Weakened their Might or Accuracy (respectively) are halved twice (rounding down each time) if they wish to take advantage of these weapon features.

Goblin Iron Weapons

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 2 Alchemicals | Blade Alchemicals | Poison Calls | Weaken Calls

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