Blunt Calls

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Blunt Calls

Combat Call

Call: Blunt

Call Type: Modifier

Description: An attack where the damage won't be lasting

Common Sources: Choosing to strike lighter. The Resilience spell

Associated Condition(s): Blunted


Condition Name: Blunted

Effect: The character has been damaged in a way that will heal quickly.

Duration: 10 Minutes

Common Sources: Blunt attacks, the Resilience spell

Common Cures: Waiting, the First Aid skill

Not all attacks intend to kill. Sometimes you only want to knock someone out temporarily, or injure their ego.


The 'Blunt!' call represents deliberately pulling your punches to avoid causing a more serious injury. Some mechanics (such as the Resilience spell) also represent toughening a character up, turning damage taken into blunt damage to represent this.


The 'Blunt!' call always deals damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage. 'Blunt!' calls modify another call, and whether or not the attack can be blocked is determined by the call being modified.

Any damage inflicted by an attack using the 'Blunt!' call comes with the Blunted condition.

If an attack contains the 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!' call it may not have the 'Blunt!' call added to it. A defensive effect like Resilience can still cause damage to be Blunted if it comes from 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!' damage.

The Blunted Condition

Anytime a character take's 'Blunt!' damage they receive the Blunted condition. This condition can be gained multiple times for each instance of 'Blunt!' damage. When the Blunted condition wears off, the damage that caused the condition wears off as well. Rather than tracking each Blunted condition's timing separately it is almost always easiest to start counting from the last instance of the Blunted condition and when that 10 minutes is up, heal all your 'Blunt!' body damage or 'Blunt!' Wound conditions. Magical (or alchemical) healing can be used to immediately heal Blunted damage if someone desires. This will also end the condition.

Any Wound conditions caused by blunt damage also get the Blunted condition and can be cured normally, or are automatically cured when the Blunted condition gets removed.

'Poison Blunt!' damage will wear off like any other blunt damage along with the Poisoned condition. The same goes for 'Disease Blunt!' damage and the Diseased condition.

If a character has the a Blunted Torso Wound condition, the First Aid skill can remove it (and only it). This even works if the Torso Wound was caused by 'Poison Blunt!' damage (which normally cannot be healed without curing the Poisoned condition).

Many players don't realize that the first aid skill can only remove Blunt Torso Wounds. The first aid skill cannot heal Blunt Limb Wounds or blunt body damage.

Blunted Attacks

Characters may voluntarily add the 'Blunt!' call to any melee attack if they wish to deal non-lethal damage. This modifier is added to the attack's normal call, it does not replace the call. You may not add 'Blunt!' to an attack that calls for 'Pierce!' or 'Slay!'.


The First Aid Skill

The first aid skill is required to feed potions to other characters.

Any character with first aid may role-play taking care of someone with the Bleeding Out condition to extend the time it takes before they die. This adds an additional 10 minutes (for a total of 20). The first aid doesn't need to be started until the standard 10 minutes are nearly up (though it is good role-playing to do so prior to that). During the additional 10 minutes a person with first aid must maintain steady role-play. If at any point during the additional 10 minutes no one with first aid is actively paying attention to the individual Bleeding Out that person will die immediately.

The first aid skill allows a character to ask simple medical based questions of another player, such as: “Were these wounds caused by a blunt weapon or a bladed one?”. This applies to visible conditions only. Questions regarding ailments or afflictions are reserved for the diagnosis spell.

A character with first aid can remove a Blunted Torso Wound condition from characters. Limb wounds and body points cannot be healed by first aid in this way.

Should a character take "Blunt Poison!" damage, the poison condition will wear off in 10 minutes. A character with the first aid skill can remove the Poison condition in this circumstance (and only this circumstance). "Blunt Disease!" damage works the exact same way. First aid can remove the Diseased condition with first aid in this situation (and only this situation).

The Poisoned Condition

A character who has the Poisoned condition cannot heal lost body points. They also may not remove Wound conditions, the Bleeding Out condition, or the Dead condition by any means. This lasts until the Poisoned condition has been removed.

If the call that applied the Poisoned condition applied other conditions, those other conditions can only be removed by removing the Poisoned condition. This will automatically remove the attached conditions at the same time. When the Poisoned condition is attached to another condition like this, the duration of the effect is determined by the attached condition. Both conditions wear off at the same time.

This condition can be removed by spells like Purify Spirit, or alchemicals like Theriac and Catholicon.

Categories: Gameplay Rules | Modifier Calls | Calls | Blunt Calls | Conditions

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