The Freelands |
The nations of Novitas have agreed that none of them are willing to let any of the others have the Freelands. This has created a land where there are no laws and no leadership either. People are free to do what they want, when they want. This rarely works out and in most areas people band together to establish their own settlements to combat utter lawlessness.
![]() Stop the Press! This Isn't Right! |
In 992 NL the mostly human nation of Quaradar fell. It was located in what is now the Western Freelands, southernmost Gersh and Northeastern Terra. Gersh and Terra in time expanded their borders to claim some of that land, but a large portion of the nation was never claimed by either. Neither nation was in a position to expand that far. In 1184 NL the city of Nalbendel was destroyed leaving behind a huge crater where it once stood. Nalbendel was the capital of a sizable territory of its own. With so much magical power and knowledge collected in one place most people wouldn’t even consider getting into a fight with them. This led many nearby towns and villages to claim themselves as part of Nalbendel for the prestige and protection that came with that claim. It's debatable just how much they might have been related to the city, as few of them paid or were even asked for tribute of any kind. But they traded with each other, and these tributaries were responsible for much of the food the people in the city consumed. Nalbendel did benefit from their presence, that's for certain. When the city fell, it impacted a lot more than just that small area. Suddenly dozens of villages and towns lost the protective presence that kept their neighbors from eyeing their land greedily. The major powers that had survived the War of the Avatars suddenly started looking on hungrily. In the next 200 years a variety of skirmishes were fought largely between Terra, Gersh, Civen, and Evenandra each eyeing the territory for themselves. None of them wanted the others to win and any time one showed any chance of that the others unified to prevent it. Evenandra wanted Nalbendel for themselves, Gersh wanted more fertile non-arctic lands, Civen had still not outgrown the desire for expansion, and Terra wanted a buffer zone between themselves and the others. Rather than carve the territory up, in 1371 peace was brokered. It was known as the Treaty of Ghage. The signatories Civen, Fionn A’ilean, Terra and Evenandra agreed to cease activities in the region. No one would get to claim the area. That first document was signed by representatives of Fionn A’ilean, Civen, Terra, and Evenandra on the shores of the Eldirloch; the lake was all that remained of where Nalbendel once stood. Though Gersh did not sign the document they were effectively forced to observe it as well knowing that if they tried to claim territory there they would be picking a fight with the other nations. For the next 200 years there was plenty of conflict in the Freelands but not between the nations. They used it as neutral ground, a place to trade, or discuss things that couldn’t be done on turf that favored one side. In 1591 NL Evenandra dissolved the Treaty of Ghage using certain clauses in it to render it null and void. With more time having passed all the nations this time started to look at what the Freelands could offer them strategically. Ultimately a new peace was brokered and the Treaty of Pinedale was signed, this time by all 6 nations of Novitas. Sidebar: Treaties and the Freelands In 1371 NL the Treaty of Ghage was only signed by Civen, Fionn A’ilean, Terra and Evenandra. Why not Gersh, Vlean and the Dellins? Vlean didn’t exist yet. At that point in history they were still an occupied territory under the complete control of Civen. Gersh was not particularly welcome at the negotiating table, and they didn’t really want to be there either. As for the Dellins, they didn’t (and still don’t) have a government that could represent all the tribes. Any individual from the Dell could only make an agreement on behalf of their particular tribe and such an agreement would only last as long as that tribe had the same leadership. This is why when the Treaty of Pinedale was signed even though someone from the Dell was present to sign it, the Dellin Tribelands were not a signatory. It is also why no matter how many times the Dellins decide to invade the Freelands they aren’t really breaking the Treaty of Pinedale - they can’t.
There is no one central culture for the Freelands, but it can be said that the people who choose to live in such a dangerous place all value freedom above everything else. Banding together with an uncomfortable frequency they have defeated many would-be conquerors. With no nation being officially able to enter the Freelands under the terms of the Treaty of Pinedale any time a major threat appears the people are on their own. Most people who live in the Freelands occupy their days doing what it takes to survive. Farmers, merchants who use the Freelands as a hub for their activities, and mercenary companies unaligned with any nation are all particularly frequent sights. Every year the people gather together for a celebration known as Harvest Fest. During this holiday people share food, stories and games with each other. It is the one day each year where people share a day of peace and prosperity. With complete freedom comes a significant amount of banditry and thievery. Lawlessness begets opportunities. Bandits, highwaymen and thieves often come to the Freelands out of hope, desperation, or simply not having anywhere else to go. Unprotected merchant caravans traveling the roads of the Freelands are waylaid as a rule rather than as an exception. Further dangers come from the uncivilized portions of the land where all manner of creatures have made their home. This has led to a robust adventuring culture in the area. People who crave excitement or simply need to make some coin while they lie low have a great deal of opportunity protecting the people from bandits and monsters alike. The romantic allure of adventure draws mercenaries, knights, academics, Septons, barbarians, and anyone else whose need for adrenaline is not met elsewhere.
People in the Freelands lead simple lives. Food is adequate, few can be called truly wealthy but generally there is enough to get by. The focus of most communities is producing enough food and protecting themselves from external threats. Towns in the Freelands tend to be very isolated and self-sufficient.
The Freelands are a mixture of all cultures and any art that comes from it reflects this fact. There is no one theme that encapsulates of the Freelands. Naming Conventions Because the Freelands are an amalgamation of many different cultures there is no one normal naming convention there. Freelanders will follow the names of any of the other nations… or make up their own.
Anyone can become a Freelander, with no central government there is no one to oppose someone living there. This leads to the unwanted of other nations often finding their way to the Freelands quickly. It also means that the Freelands can be a dangerous place where the toughest thrive. Every species in Novitas can be found in the Freelands, in roughly the same distributions they can be found across the continent. Humans are the most populous species, followed by elves, orcs, earthkin, skaven, faekin, snow goblins, verdurans and finally drakes.
In theory Sept worship is the dominant religion in the Freelands as it is in most other places. However this isn’t always the case. With no law and no law enforcement to be concerned with, many who would be persecuted elsewhere find their way to the Freelands to practice their desired religion in peace. That often means the worshipers of the Dark Three find their way to the Freelands to practice their religion. Sometimes there are others, more than a few followers of Draconus also have relocated to the Freelands to worship in peace. All of this stirs together into a hotbed of conflict. Though there are some non-violent Dark Three worshippers most use their time in the Freelands to recruit and to lash out at their Septly oppressors. The followers of the Sept see the Dark Three cultists as violent, dangerous people, rightfully so. With no laws this often leads to a policy of killing them on sight before they can do any harm. Some try to live and let live, but that often comes back to cause trouble later.
The economy of the Freelands is strange relative to anywhere else. On average towns try to maintain self-sufficiency with minimal extra goods for trade. But travelers abound, people coming from other places to escape, merchants who pass through the Freelands because it is the quickest route, and adventurers seeking fame and glory. When you factor all of these things in the mix of possibilities is huge. Trade happens often on a case by case basis. Creating lasting partnerships can be challenging especially with the danger that comes with traveling. Another odd phenomenon of the Freelands is the practice known as “looting”. The dangerous creatures of the wilderness have a habit of taking shiny things off their victims, coins, gems, sometimes even magical items. Some can use these items, others are just attracted to the appearance of them. Adventurers often lay rightful claim to these items when they vanquish the danger. This is a primary source of income for many of these adventurers.
Merchant opportunities
The Freelands are a dangerous place, merchants who can transport goods from one place to another safely and securely are in high demand. Each of the nations send a great deal of business through the Freelands even if that isn’t their final destination. Crafty merchants get involved in these routes to take a cut for themselves. Importing goods is also quite lucrative in the Freelands. Self sufficient communities don’t need much, but they often want luxury items they can’t make for themselves.
The Freelands aren't really a nation. It’s more of a demilitarized zone. Each of the nations of Novitas have agreed that they will not occupy it for fear that if any one nation possesses it the tactical advantage of its central location would be too great. As the Freelands also contain the ruins of Nalbendel, one of the greatest repositories of knowledge and magic to have ever existed there is further reason for each of the nations to keep their rivals out. The end result is a portion of the world where anything goes. People still organize themselves into communities, for protection and a sense of order, but there is no overarching government of the entire region. Authority Figures As the Freelands is not a nation, it has no head of government to oversee it.
There are no laws in the Freelands, at least no universal ones. Cities form and those cities often make their own laws, but each one is different from its neighbors in what they value. Often this leads to might makes right scenarios for better or worse. Banditry in the Freelands is commonplace sometimes out of desperation and sometimes because of opportunism.
There is no standing military in the Freelands. Hostile forces are sometimes surprisingly quite organized however and this sometimes poses a serious threat to the people there. As a result it is fairly common for the adventurers of the area to band together in the hopes of repelling such threats.
Status Opportunities
Having no government to speak of, individuals can’t have status associated with the Freelands itself. However, individuals could easily have status with any of the organizations (including the various mercenary companies) operating there, or create a business to derive their status from. It’s worth pointing out that most adventurers eventually make a name for themselves. Those with status are the ones who truly stand out for some reason, typically for the connections they have forged, the people they know, and their ability to influence others with words.
During their long war with Vlean many Freelanders saw them as an oppressive force. Since that conflict has ended this view has been fading and since that time Freelanders get along surprisingly well with people from Civen. Of all the nations Civen is probably the one Freelanders do the most trade with.
Evenandra is antithetical to the Freelander way of life. Rigidly organized and structured even with good intentions is unthinkable to the average person living in the Freelands. Most Freelanders think of Evenandra as a place where you have to ask permission to breathe and where the time you get up and go to sleep is regulated by the government.
Fionn A’ilean
Much of how Fionn A’ilean operates is inline with how the Freeland does. Where they differ is in treatment of the land. Freelanders have no special need to ruin their environment, but they also don’t feel any need to protect it either. If tearing down a grove would be the optimal location to build something, Freelanders are going to do it.
To Freelanders Gersh is a hostile environment with little to offer populated by people willing to live under strict and often insane rule. It has nothing to offer them and they have little reason to go there.
Terra is a bit of a conundrum to the average Freelander. There are no laws there that dictate working for the community yet the citizens of Terra still choose this as their focus. It’s in many ways exactly what the people of the Freelands want. So why does it need a king? And what if they don’t want to work for the greater good? At least their goods are well made and last a long time, trade with Terra is always welcome.
The Dellin Tribelands
Every couple of years someone from the Tribelands be it a human, orc, or most recently a minotaur unites them all together and they invade the Freelands creating a swath of destruction and death in their wake. It’s safe to say that the average Freelander hates the Dellins.
A fiercely authoritarian society that seems to offer little to the average citizen in exchange. Vlean seems like a nightmare to most Freelanders. Inquisitors who find their way into the freelands are never given a warm welcome but are rarely harassed for fear of organized reprisal.
After the shock of learning Vargainen survived the people of the Freelands are generally fascinated by the people of Vargainen but otherwise not terribly impacted by their presence. Many consider the worship of the Decade to be suspect, followers of the Dark Three cause enough trouble in the Freelands on such a regular basis. There are many fears about what could happen if they are worshiped openly, and fears of Dark Three worshipers from Novitas trying to pretend to be from Vargainen so they can hide in plain sight.
Notable Locations
The former primary setting of the game. See Appendix XX for more details.
A small settlement mostly populated by traders from the Great Forest and their families. They have a small adventurer population as well.
The current primary setting for the game. See Chapter 7 for details.
Forrester’s Reach
No location has suffered more devastation than Forrester’s Reach during each of the various Dell invasions. At this point they have been conquered so many times only the most warlike want to live there, making them ironically more like their conqueror’s than anywhere else in the Freelands.
Gardener’s Grove
The second largest city in the Freelands. It is one of the largest lumbering sites in all of Novitas. Most recently destroyed by the invading orc horde led by the Avatar of Grak named Grak.
Room for Growth
These locations are deliberately minimally defined. Players and Gamemasters alike are encouraged to develop these locations further in ways that other players can add on more details later.
Glowing Hills
These hills in the Eastern Freelands near the border of Evenandra have a mysterious dull glow to them. It isn’t enough to light up the night, but it can be seen in the distance some evenings. No one knows why this phenomenon happens.
Kaid’s Keep
A small keep near the border of both the Dellin Tribelands and Evenandra. They have tasked themselves with keeping an eye on the Tribelands so that the rest of the Freelands can be given warning of future invasions.
Mountain View
No one is entirely sure what Mountain this town is named after. On the western side of the Glowing Hills in the middle of a forest you can’t actually see any mountains there. So who named it that, when and why?
Traveller’s Den
A popular merchant stop on the way to Civen or Vlean, this town is built on taking care of the needs of outsiders.
Vineyard Pass
Located on the road between Evenandra and Vlean this is the nearest town to Vlean in all of the Freelands. More than a few refugees wind up here as their first stop after leaving Vlean. Likewise, more than a few Inquisitors have many contacts in town they use to capture these refugees before they can travel much further.
A popular stop on the road to Terra, the Great Forest, or Gersh.
The closest town to the Terran border, this is a great place to get in touch with Terran merchants who don’t want to travel any further on the surface than they absolutely must to make trades. Often other merchants trade with the Terrans so they can control surface distribution and reap the profits that come with having sole control of distribution.
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