The Snow Kingdoms of Gersh |
Gersh is a very different place than the rest of Novitas. The Gershan people have suffered many hardships and these collective traumas have deeply embedded themselves in the collective psyche. On the international stage Gersh often stands alone and they would want it no other way.
![]() Stop the Press! This Isn't Right! |
In the prosperous days of Vargainen there were many nations of which Andar was the most famous. It was not the only successful nation however. The nearby nation of Xiãnrén was populated largely by elves and there they lived in peaceful harmony with the land. They were so in tune with nature that the Elemental considered them her favorite ones to watch over. Though records of that time period are scarce today there are some accounts of their connection to the world being so great they worked together hand in hand with the Light Fae in peaceful cooperation. When the Three broke free of their prison the first nation to fall was Xiãnrén. Grak wanted intelligent soldiers, and Darkness relished the idea of corrupting a nation so beloved by one of the Seven. Even after being transformed into twisted mockeries of their former bodies the people of Xiãnrén wanted nothing to do with the Three. And so the Three gave them what they wanted, when the forces of the Sept came to Xiãnrén seeking the Dark Ones they left and allowed these newly mutated goblins to try to ask for help. Those Sept forces had already done battle with the newly created Orcs, they had fought the undead creations of Nox, in both cases they found no mercy and nothing to reason with. When the Andaran troops entered Xiãnrén they expected more of the same. The goblins were never given a chance to explain what happened, they were slaughtered on sight. The people of Xiãnrén were forced to flee for their lives, and the Dark Three welcomed them with open arms. Over the course of the war they were trained to be vicious soldiers, Darkness gave them great power but always at a cost. Not every goblin wanted to work for the Dark Ones, some did manage to escape and make contact with the forces of the Sept, but they were always the exception and those that fought for the Dark Three hated them most of all for having successfully escaped. When the war ended, the goblins were swept up with many other people from Vargainen and deposited upon Novitas. In many cases this happened mid-battle, and the combatants on both sides were confused by what had occurred. Vargainen had become a wasteland by the end of the war, but suddenly they each found themselves in a lush paradise. The war was over, but the hostilities remained. No longer were the gods fighting but the humans, elves and earthkin still saw the goblins as the enemy. The Sept did nothing to dispel that idea, they could no longer act upon the world directly, but they knew the Dark Three would crave minions to act on their behalf and they knew the goblins would likely be those minions. Sadly in the chaos even those goblins who had fought on the side of the Sept were indistinguishable from those who had not. There was no one present who could vouch for them. Over many years the surviving goblins found respite by retreating to the icy north where no one wanted to live. They carved out a kingdom in Northwestern Novitas. It was a difficult time, no one wanted the land because of the harsh winters and minimal growing seasons. This suited the goblins fine, it gave them the independence they needed to survive even if they couldn’t prosper. The survivors embraced tribalism and stuck to the strict military doctrine they had practiced on Vargainen. This helped them get by with the limited resources that were available. In time they came to call themselves Snow Goblins to differentiate themselves both from where they had once come from and from the other goblinoid species that inhabited Novitas. For centuries they continued their minimalist survival, the whole while worshiping the Dark Three hoping for aid. They were no longer the same people they were in Xiãnrén but they still kept some elements of their heritage from that time. Some among them even sought to return their culture as close as they could to those days. In time a growing faction moved to separate from the worship of the Dark Three, they recalled the days of being the favored people of the Elemental and they prayed for her aid. In 985NL they got their answer. The Elemental grieved at the loss of Xiãnrén, she saw the snow goblins as twisted mockeries of what she once loved. Though they had preserved many elements of their former culture, some things had changed, most notably their harmony with the land. The snow goblins were touched by Darkness. Where once they had protected each other, they now abused each other. Once they knew how to produce food from even the harshest conditions without damaging the land, now they exploited the land they occupied. In great sadness and anger the Elemental decided to help the snow goblins by attempting to wipe them out. She sent down a mighty blizzard so bitter and cold that it instantly froze some where they stood. The snow goblins didn’t know what was happening. For the first week they thought it was just a bad storm. But it didn’t end. The storm continued for a month, then a whole season, then a year. They endured, committing terrible acts just to survive. When the storm didn’t abate they knew something was wrong. At last their pride finally broke. Perhaps in the nearly 1000 years since the Gods’ War things had changed. Maybe if they asked for help from the others they might find it. In an act of deep humility they journeyed south to Quaradar and Nalbendel. They needed food, they needed shelter, they needed anything but what they had. In Quaradar the humans had enough food but they were a xenophobic people. They didn’t care for outsiders and had no interest in allowing any snow goblins to live among them. With nothing to gain from the snow goblins Quaradar turned them away immediately. In Nalbendel the people were more willing to offer aid. However they had a poor harvest that year, there wasn’t much food to spare. And although they had room for immigrants to live in the lands surrounding the library city, the elders of Nalben felt that it was too dangerous to allow their ancient enemies to live in such close proximity to the greatest repository of knowledge in the world. Once more the snow goblins were turned away. Both in Quaradar and in Nalbendel they were told in no uncertain terms they were not welcome there and in both cases they were not allowed to even pass through to elsewhere. They had no choice but to turn back. Travel to the west wasn’t possible due to the barrier around the Elemental’s Grove, and travel to the east led to the Dellin Tribelands where resources were also scarce and they were certain not to receive a warm welcome. Returning to the homes they had hoped to abandon the snow goblins had a renewed sense of purpose. They would never be weak again. Never more would they turn to gods who forsook them so easily. Once more Darkness smiled and offered them aid after they could not find it elsewhere. For two more years the storm raged before finally abating. But the Elemental’s wrath remained. Even though the blizzard had stopped, the cold remained. The temperature of the land remained permanently below zero all year round. This would not stop the snow goblins though. Beneath the storm intended to wipe out the snow goblins they had built something of their own. Something that would sustain them and last. They named their Kingdom Gersh, after a weed from Xiãnrén that continued to grow no matter how hard anyone tried to remove it. In this way they remembered their heritage and mocked the Elemental at the same time. The first great city of Gersh would come to be called the Fissure. This massive fortress was dug into the mountain and ice. Focused on military strength it contained many warren-homes built around a massive ice temple to the Dark Three. Instead of roads it had canyons and when the sun shines on it the light passes through the ice illuminating everything. This society built itself on a principle that power was critical for survival. Sufficient might could justify any action. Power was seized by a single monarch who called themselves the Bitter Mikado. Many tried to take the throne and so the Bitter Mikado created a secret police to ensure their reign continued uninterrupted. Many people turned to the Dark Three worshiping them openly. They venerated Darkness with their pursuit of power, Nox through mastery of poisons, and Grak through military prowess as well as fierce independence. Not all of the people wanted this however. Though they had no love for the Sept who had left them to die so many times before, they still saw the Dark Three as the instruments of their downfall. These snow goblins turned to their ancestors for advice and in time this became a regular practice. Death-speaker priests known as the Quv helped the people interested in communicating with their ancestors seek advice from generations past. Ghosts were welcomed in Gershan society. Though they could hold no title, they were given honored places in Gershan households and their advice carried great weight. Some families even went so far as to turn their most respected members into intelligent undead so they could continue to serve in death. Only a few years after the blizzard ended the Draconic Empire fell and the Reptillian hordes swept forth destroying Quaradar. The Gershans didn’t forget how they had been treated when they needed help, and those from Quaradar who came north to escape were greeted with slavery and forced labor. Any food they brought with them was confiscated and the snow goblins used it for themselves. This labor force proved convenient and the practice of slavery soon became an integral part of Gershan culture. Tales of the Terran Kingdom reached Gersh and they realized they had a solution for their food issues. Small military forces were sent to Terra to capture people knowledgeable in growing plants without sunlight and the necessary seeds to start growing these plants. In the turmoil from the fall of the Draconic Empire, Terra never knew that the reason some of their surface scouting parties didn’t return is that they were captured by Gershan forces. For two hundred years Gersh built and grew. More glacial cities followed the Fissure. In time each one was prepared to survive on its own if need be. When the Dark Three began to create Avatars they knew Gersh was ready to serve their aims. In 1180 Erdarusk was empowered by Nox and the Gershan people were prepared to hear what he had to say. Gathering them onto the icy plains above the Fissure legend says that he uttered one single word: “Nalbendel”. The legend continues that a mighty roar arose from the armies gathered there, and they immediately departed south to deliver vengeance and destruction upon the warmlanders to the south. Five great clans were established from their valor on the fields of battle. Ultimately the residents of Nalbendel destroyed it in a last ditch effort to repel the invading armies. The records in the aftermath are poor but it is believed that nearly three quarters of the snow goblin forces were wiped out in the blast as well as Erdarusk himself. This was considered a great victory in Gersh. The loss of life was negligible next to the glory of destroying a nation, and more importantly the great repository of the Scholar. They no longer had the strength to fight further, but they didn’t need it. The armies returned to Gersh taking whatever spoils they could find along the way. The Bitter Mikado spent the following years solidifying their rule. They raised up Great Clans and Minor Houses and set them at each other’s throats. This gave the people something to aspire to, and kept those with power occupied trying to keep that power, preventing them from turning their attention to the Bitter Mikado themselves. Eventually the world was forced to take note of Gersh. They knew that if Gersh was motivated to attack again Gersh might not win but destruction would be certain and they knew that Gersh would find that acceptable. No longer could the nations of Novitas ignore Gersh, they were at last a force to be reckoned with. The Bitter Mikado recognized the strength of Gersh’s position and kept their armies poised ready to deploy but never did so. They used the threat of violence because they knew that even if they did win another pyrrhic victory the next time, they would not be given a chance to rebuild again. For most of the conflict between Vlean and Civen, Gersh was on the side of Vlean. It wasn’t because they cared about either side of the situation, but rather because Vlean was desperate for allies and willing to pay dearly to get arms and supplies. In 1587 a new surprise came to Gersh. The permafrost receded suddenly and spontaneously. No one knows precisely why this occurred but it’s assumed the Elemental is involved in some fashion. Another rumor holds that the death of the legendary Quv Daizo of Brushogun may have been related. A great thaw began to spread across much of the Kingdom, mostly in the southern most portions. Because so much of the kingdom had been built into the glaciers there this thaw was devastating, destroying homes, and drowning hundreds, possibly thousands. As the thaw spread new arable land appeared. Peasants rushed to claim it, then Lords rushed in to take it from them. The conflict over this land borders on civil war, and so far the Bitter Mikado has done nothing to stop it.
Survival is the cornerstone of Gershan culture. Each individual must do what it takes to get by. In such conditions rules had to be established to ensure that conflicts didn’t fester over every slight and that a conflict between two individuals didn’t escalate to a conflict between two houses. This has led to the construction of an elaborate social system and rules of politeness that allow Gershans to coexist. With such context there is always someone in the wrong in any given situation and thus someone who can be considered at fault allowing for resolution of any conflict. The snow goblins are proud of what they have created in such an inhospitable climate with cosmic forces literally working against their survival. They have never been helped by any outsiders and they will never ask for their help again. That they have elves as an ancestor is something they acknowledge but with some difficulty. The snow goblins fought the Sept to a standstill in the Gods’ War, and they destroyed Nalbendel in the War of the Avatars. They are a successful warrior people now and they keep only limited ties to what they once were beforehand. Their greatest shame was asking for help when the Elemental tried to freeze them out. That they were turned away has never been forgotten. Honor is considered an important tenet. Snow goblins speak the truth, lying shows fear. Losing one’s sense of politeness shows a lack of self-control. A lack of obedience shows audacity and unwillingness to be a part of society. Warriors accept their death in battle is inevitable the moment they enlist. This philosophy empowers them to give their all for the cause. To a warrior honor means acting decisively without pretense. Any other action is showing fear which denies the idea that a warrior is already dead. The most powerful members of Gershan society are the five Great Clans. These clans are each composed of a number of houses who collect together for mutual empowerment. The houses that make up a clan are extended families who have declared their loyalty to a given clan. Each clan is named after a great house that is the primary family which leads that respective clan. Changing clans is near impossible but on rare occasions it has been known to happen with aid from the Bitter Mikado. The great clans challenge one another for influence, prestige and prosperity and the Bitter Mikado encourages this conflict. From time to time these inter-clan feuds grow and become full scale wars, another practice the Bitter Mikado encourages to a point. Recently a variety of lesser houses attempted to form their own lesser clan. Their initiative was met with violence and those who survived no longer had houses to speak of. Houses are divided between great houses and lesser houses. The great houses are nobles and warriors who have tremendous influence within their given clans. Lesser houses are largely merchants and artisans who join the great clans for protection. There are several lesser houses with enough autonomy to remain independent from any clan but they are very much the exception. Peasants are those who don’t have a house and along with the slaves they make up the majority of Gersh’s population. Both intelligent undead and ghost ancestors can be found among the clans in Gersh. By tradition they may not attain leadership in their respective houses or clans in order to prevent stagnation and weakness. However they can and do give counsel and serve their houses in other ways as needed. Only the more powerful houses have means of creating intelligent undead, but ghosts serve their families at all levels of Gersh society.
In a harsh climate where every scrap of food matters, the snow goblins celebrate their lives with reckless abandon. They know how close death lingers at all times and see celebration as a chance to taunt the enemy. Snow goblins are known for indulging in every way they are permitted to do so. Alcohol (most commonly sake), opiates, and public hedonism hold no taboos. Public intercourse is standard, bite marks are a way of claiming ownership over a significant other, and drinking until ill is met with amusement by everyone looking on. Conflict is often solved with lethal duels and Gershan parties are considered madness by outsiders. To the snow goblins it is living life, for tomorrow they may die. Yet this is counterbalanced by the wide array of etiquette and taboos that have grown among Gershan culture. These serve as reminders of how delicate life can be, of past mistakes and avoidance of potential conflict. So complex is most of this etiquette that it can’t fully be detailed within the scope of this text. Sidebar: Gershan Etiquette If their etiquette is too complex to list, how do you roleplay it successfully? At its most basic the answer is through careful improv. When interacting with a noble from Gersh, take each step very deliberately, with lots of delicate language and gestures. That noble can then acknowledge your care in turn, acknowledging those deliberate actions. Being flippant, clumsy, or indelicate can be interpreted as not attempting to honor Gershan etiquette. In this way we don’t have to provide a thousand obscure correct behaviors, and you the player don’t need to memorize them either. Sure one situation might be completely different than another one interacting with the same exact Gershan, but that can easily be written off as different rules applying due to different circumstances. Be creative, outsiders in particular can talk aloud about how they are attempting to follow Gershan etiquette with each step they take, explaining precisely what they are doing and why. <end sidebar> Some common taboos in Gersh include the following: Among the snow goblins only the Quv touch or speak to the dead. Knives and forks are barbaric, chopsticks display delicate control. Drakes are considered harbingers of ruin. They are believed to be degenerate, drawn to disease, loss, and impending tragedy. Sunlight causes blindness and so when the sun is at its brightest unhidden by clouds snow goblins will often choose to remain indoors. Faekin are beings torn between two worlds and should not be trusted. Their betrayal is inevitable. Buzzers are terrifying and must be avoided at all costs. They are a species doomed to only know joy. No matter the tragedy, death or loss about them they are always joyful. This is an incarnation of insanity and proof of the Sept’s cruelty. Sidebar: Gershan Drinking Tubes One invention of Gersh that has been exported around Novitas are Gershan drinking tubes. These short hollow tubes made from a particular plant native to Gersh are extremely popular with Snow Goblins, and surprisingly are also incredibly popular with Drakes. Most consider them essential for drinking from normal cups and vessels without making a huge mess. <end sidebar>
Nowhere is the influence of Xiãnrén more visible than in the art of Gersh. Here little has changed since the time before the Darkness transformed the first elves into goblins, though many would choose not to admit this. Art in Gersh is elegant and simple. It uses precious metals to highlight flaws drawing attention to that which isn’t perfect. To a Gershan these imperfections tell the story of an item. Beauty is in raw truth. Literature exists in Gersh but it is harsh and raw in nature. At first glance these books tend to be very direct and unsubtle, but subsequent readings will often reveal a great deal of nuance. Theater is also very popular there. Opera also plays a major role in Gershan culture. Some Operas are quite violent with the performers quite literally dying only to be healed with restoration magic afterwards.
Gersh is populated by many different species, which is to say the snow goblins there make no distinction as to what species makes a worthwhile slave. Sometimes rarely non-snow goblins earn enough respect to be treated as full citizens of Gersh but even then they are at best second class citizens and they are well aware of this fact. Snow goblins are rarely given much access to the rest of Novitas, they are stuck in Gersh and they have no intention of sharing that space with others.
Naming Conventions
In Gersh names are used to show respect. Each citizen is born with a name, perhaps a house they are associated with. Names are frequently (but not always) listed by House first then proper name second. If the individual is part of a clan and that clan is the same as their house, nothing further is needed. Those who are part of a house that is not the same name as their clan will then state which clan they belong to afterwards. As they accomplish deeds of renown, new titles are added, creating a growing list of glory earned. Titles are only taken away from an office the individual no longer holds. Those titles derived from deeds stay with the individual for life, and snow goblins are capable of living quite long lives. A Gershan title will grow progressively longer as their bearer grows more and more accomplished. To not know a formal title is to not know a snow goblin. When a distinguished guest visits it is assumed that the host and guest will each properly recite the others titles from memory. Failure to do so is a grave insult, indicating that the individual does not respect their counterpart. Many conflicts have arisen from such circumstances. When traveling abroad some Gershan individuals have learned that this practice is not common elsewhere and they will decide to use nicknames instead of their full title. In doing so they think of it as a quiet insult to the barbarism of elsewhere that they can’t be trusted to respect a full title, but it is better to give them a name they will successfully use than to watch outsiders fail to respect a proper title. Giving a nickname to a Gershan that they did not tell you to use is a grave insult. Titles aside, snow goblin names can draw inspiration from any Asian culture (because we don’t want to exclude potential sources of real world influence), but are most often of Japanese styling (because we don’t want to lump all Asian culture together as one unit).
Slavery is a well entrenched institution in Gersh. It is cruel, harsh and there are no societal pressures to treat them well. Wild creatures are also regularly enslaved such as kazvaks, ogres, and anything else that can be controlled through the application of brutality. Slavery is not only condoned but incredibly common. The Gershans aim to be the best slavers anywhere. Slaves are captured from neighboring nations, namely the Dell, Terra, the Freelands and Fionn A’ilean. Raids are sent out regularly for these purposes, each in and out as quickly as possible. Once captured slaves are broken and rebuilt through incredibly cruel practices designed to ensure they will make no attempts to ever escape. More exotic slaves are often used in public fighting rings for the entertainment of the masses or particular nobles.
The heart of Gersh has been conflicted for generations. Long ago when their ancestors in Xiãnrén were the favored people of the Elemental. They served and received blessings in return. But the Elemental turned her back on them. The Sept did nothing to help, their followers greeted the tragedy with more violence. The Sept is greeted with nothing but scorn in Gersh. However there are some who recognize that all of this was caused by the Dark Three. To worship them now is to fail to acknowledge their part in everything that has happened. Yet that is precisely what most of Gersh does. They believe they owe the Dark Gods fealty. It was Darkness who made them for war, Grak who gave them freedom, and Nox who dulls their senses and grants them tools of war. Hard gods for hard people. If they demand sacrifice, so be it, the Gershan public are ready. They offer obedience and hate, they will smash all of their enemies in time and the world will be overrun with goblinkind. Those who do not accept the Dark Three are a growing faction in Gersh. However, they don’t want to turn to the Sept. Rarely they have some respect for Draconus, he does not stand with the Sept and does not coddle his followers. But this is not a common behavior. Instead those who do not approve of the Dark Three have found one thing they hold in common with those who do: ancestor worship. The ancestors of the snow goblins live on as ghosts in Gershan cities. These ghosts are welcome at the table, watching over their descendants for as long as they desire to stay. The Quv oversee them keeping them satisfied but always pointing out why the families need their continued guidance. Some Quv also serve as necromancers and have the sacred duty of creating the intelligent undead that serve in some of the Great Clans and Houses. It is the ancestors who truly demonstrated why the Gershans stand with pride and their descendants thank them for it in words and deed. It is this common thread that those Gershans who do not wish to follow the Dark Three promote. One last group has taken the stance that all of the gods are weak cowards. They don’t act for themselves, they act through proxies. Gersh does not abide weakness or cowardice. The gods settle their disputes weakly, they are capricious, their use of Avatars is a physical representation of their cowardice. These secularists want to see the temples smashed, the secret police destroyed and cultists slaughtered. Some even go so far as to claim that the mortals made the gods and not the other way around. Rarely there are the outcast and believed to be insane who live alone on the icy tundra. These snow goblins disconnect from Gershan society and have taken to a form of animism, living as the druids of other lands do. These animists find peace of mind with the natural world, listening and observing. They are far removed from the denizens of the city-fortresses.
The Great Clans
Clan Wei
The largest and richest of the Great Clans. Clan Wei is respected and feared for its vast wealth alone. The leader of Clan Wei is a rotting creature colloquially referred to as Grandfather Wei. This lord is terrifyingly ruthless and is at his worst when he smiles. Lord Wei Iga returned from the freelands with a Vleanoan wife and has since been engaged in open rebellion against the idea of worshiping the Dark Three. He has been a major proponent of ancestor worship as the official religion of Gersh. Such statements fly in the face of the Bitter Mikado and it is only a matter of time until action is taken against him, but in the meantime he has been gaining followers for his cause.
Clan Ishi
This clan is known for their zealous worship of the Dark Three. They are a major sponsor of most of the temples in Gersh and it is a public secret that they direct the secret police. Because of their affiliation with the Dark Three they oppose the Quv, and the ancestor worship they represent, but do not have the cultural influence to do away with them. Not all of the Quv oppose Clan Ishi, some of the necromancers among the Quv are devout followers of Nox and are interested in seeing the clan gain more influence. The clan is always led by a trio of women, currently they are Ishi Naojo, Ishi Fumi, and Ishi Mao. Unlike the other Great Clans there are no houses in Clan Ishi. Individuals are recruited to become members of the secret police from outside of the Clan. These individuals are publicly members of other houses but privately only loyal to Clan Ishi. It is only when they are discovered that they forsake their former houses and formally join Clan Ishi. Others are publicly adopted into Clan Ishi for services rendered. Among the peasantry, Clan Ishi represents the best opportunity for social mobility and they use this as a recruitment tool.
Clan Yhu
Unique among all of the great houses, Clan Yhu consists of only one single house. It is said that two of their honored ancients became liches under the direct gaze of Darkness itself. Many more have followed in their footsteps since. Clan Yhu are lorekeepers, sorcerous scholars, and the greatest ritualists in Gersh. They allow no rival schools to teach their arts. Many of the Quv come from Clan Yhu.
Clan Mazubara
Referred to as the mailed fist of the Kingdom, Clan Mazubara is chiefly concerned of the expansion of the Kingdom into an Empire. The leader of the clan during the War of the Avatars, Mazubara Isamu, famously committed suicide in protest on the floor of the Court of the Bitter Mikado when he was ordered to relinquish the grounds taken during the assault on Nalbendel. The current leader of Clan Mazubara is Mazubara Yotei who insists on bringing his tigers with him to court. Clan Mazubara is also notable as the chief rivals of Clan Wei, while they do not have wealth to rival clan Wei they possess the largest standing army of all the Great Clans.
Clan Preya
Nearly as wealthy as Clan Wei, Preya’s wealth is derived from the cultivation of excess. They sell drugs, sex workers, slaves and anything others might consider entertainment. It is rumored that the slaves and entertainers they send outside of the Kingdom act as spies for the Bitter Mikado.
Slaves are sold domestically, to powerful merchants in the Freelands or sometimes as far away as Vlean. The trade to the Freelands may seem counterintuitive but these merchants generally have enough forces to make sure no one else disrupts them. Often they originate from nations where slavery is not practiced and they go to the Freelands so they can exploit people for their own benefit freely. Goblin iron is an invention of Gersh and something few outside of there know how to produce. Thus even the nations that don’t wish to deal with Gersh often do just to supply such weapons (or the ore to produce them). Gershan merchants have been known to hire the Fae to harass others just to stoke desire for these weapons. Though there is limited plantlife that grows in Gersh much of it is remarkably toxic or narcotic. Gershan alchemists excel at making poisons and drugs. These are popular internally and abroad. Some of these poisons and drugs are one and the same. Most notably Gershan Thunder, a brew so potent it will kill the user, but when consumed after being protected by appropriate magics it is considered a delicacy in Gersh. The name itself is a mockery of the popular Terran Thunder exported from Terra. Generally more addictive substances are reserved for export while those that have less harmful side effects are kept in Gersh. In exchange for their exports Gersh imports a great deal of grain and vegetables, particularly from Vlean and Civen.
Merchant opportunities
Snow goblins often aren’t welcome elsewhere. Anyone willing to make the trek to trade with them can turn a great profit as long as they can prove useful enough. Trade with Gersh is considered especially dangerous because it is not unheard of for merchants who fail to carry through on deals, those who need help, and those who insult their hosts to wind up as slaves. For those willing to take the risks the potential profits are great. There are snow goblins who do attempt to travel to sell their goods. These have to fight years of prejudice against snow goblins to accomplish their goal but when they succeed they too find great profit to be made. The hardest route of them all could be a contact for a slaving ring. This would be an evil act and most people would run such individuals out of town (at best) as soon as they learned of it, but it is possible.
Gersh is a monarchy with the five Great Clans each assisting the monarch with rule. The Great Clans serve as advisors to the regent. Often the Great Clans are too busy fighting each other to attempt to overthrow the monarch. There is no line of succession, if the Bitter Mikado were to die no one is entirely sure what would happen to the rule of Gersh. In every city at least two of the Great Clans are represented. The Bitter Mikado keeps it this way to make sure there is always conflict which serves to keep the Great Clans from eyeing the throne and keeps them busy earning the loyalty of those with power who live there.
Since its inception rule of Gersh has been through the Bitter Mikado, a monarch who maintains power through brutal oppression as needed. To support this rule the Bitter Mikado elevated a number of Great Clans each of which in turn is composed of a number of individual houses. The Bitter Mikado is a master at navigating the perils of Gershan society. They have survived numerous assassination attempts. Little is known about them personally, their gender and identity have long been subject of great debate. When they appear in public they are always concealed by a mask and heavy clothing. These public appearances are rare, more often they hold court with only the most worthy (a list that changes weekly) in attendance. Having private courts helps to make it significantly harder for those who would attempt to overthrow the Mikado to gain access. Because of the concealment it is assumed that the Bitter Mikado of today is not the same one who organized the creation of Gersh over 600 years ago, after all to be the same person they would be living longer than any snow goblin has ever done… by well over a hundred years. However with faith in the Dark Three it is presumed that such an act is in fact possible and so no one is entirely sure whether this is the same individual or not. Those who are most skeptical assume that the Bitter Mikado may not have survived all of the assassination attempts and that the presumed usurpers have simply taken the identity along with the title of office. If that is the case there is no behavioral evidence to support the theory.
The laws of Gersh are handed down by edict of the Bitter Mikado. There are many and they are strictly enforced. Penalties include: disfigurement, enslavement, death, disappearance, or unspeakable death. Fines are rarely given, most punishments are far more severe. However those with sufficient power often have individuals beneath them who are willing to admit to crimes they did not commit for their superiors. Such confessions are accepted at face value and never questioned no matter how dubious the confession may seem. The secret police carry out the enforcement of the laws, swiftly and brutally. There are no trials, not even show trials. As such it is common for a lord who knowingly breaks a law to have someone confess to the crime immediately before any investigation takes place.
The military forces of Gersh are kept battle hardened and ready for combat. They train through raids on their neighbors, and the regular infighting inside of Gersh. Slaves are also known to be used to practice on, only to be revived so they can be killed over and over again. Debates are had over whether it is more glorious to slay the most foes or to slay prized opponents. Peasants will leave the most prized targets alive, only allowing them to be wounded, so that the killing blow may be struck by their betters. Sometimes conflict arises in battle over who exactly should get the honor of killing a worthy foe and this has resulted in many duels over the centuries. Generals will often order no duels until a war is over, and as such it is common that when a war in Gersh ends numerous duels from long simmering resentments ensue immediately. Peasants typically serve as spear or bow users and are known as Ashigaru. They are kitted in leather or lamellar and receive minimal training. These are the most numerous members of the Gershan military. The warrior nobility of Gersh serve as the samurai. They are trained regularly on all manner of weapons and are known for fighting directly without guile. Shinobi are the assassins, scouts and spies of the Gershan armies. Training in secretive schools they are incredibly costly to employ. None would ever reveal their profession and none consider their acts to be honorable, they are often scorned by their own allies. This does not stop them from being hired however. Sorcerers are the battlemages of Gersh. In a deeply regimented and structured force it is their job to behave unpredictably making it harder for the enemy to know what to expect. Hounds are a catch-all term originally used for Kazvak slaves brought to wars. It has come to broadly apply to any disorganized unit including such unusual forces as Ogres, Orcs, Ettins, Boglurkers, Dellins, Trolls, Waspoids and anything else that can be captured and controlled to a limited extent. They are often used as distractions or to disrupt supply lines. Healers in Gershan forces are almost always slaves. Healing is considered to be the most simple and basic of magic and beneath sorcerers to learn. After all, it cannot be used to cause disruption among the enemy. It is still useful and respected however and so slaves are made to learn it so that it can still be brought to bear in battle. Generals of these forces are masters of both disrupting the enemy but also keeping their own forces in line. As Gershans are known to bring each of their individual goals with them into battle, their leader on a battlefield must anticipate this and plan accordingly to prevent or keep such behavior from becoming disruptive. The term general is one used by foreigners, most generals will use their proper title with an accepted abbreviation for use on the battlefield when time matters and communication must be brief.
Status Opportunities
Members of the Great Clans periodically come to Maplewood on business. Attempting to change Gershan society is easier said than done, and someone might travel to Maplewood to try to recruit allies. The Bitter Mikado and Clan Preya both regularly spy on… just about anyone they deem a threat. This would also make a great reason to travel to Maplewood on their behalf. In Gershan Society one’s personal status is very important. They regularly measure each other’s station and have complex etiquette and naming practices to recognize such differences. This can easily be reflected in the status roleplaying skill.
The average Gershan sees Civen as organized and militaristic, two qualities they approve of. Their focus on plebian rights is confusing, however. Don’t even get started on the nightmare of democracy. In the meantime they make useful trade partners and can be bent to serve Gershan goals.
Evenandrans make useful allies at times, though they are loath to work with Gersh. Trade with them is surprisingly successful overall. On the international stage Gersh loves to provoke Evenandra to stand up for their ideals in ways that ultimately prove most advantageous for Gersh.
Fionn A’ilean
These mad elves are the pathetic descendants of a defeated people. They live in a state of joyous poverty, which most in Gersh see as some kind of delusional joke. These people have no wealth, take no effort to exploit their surroundings and yet live in one of the most bountiful parts of the continent. Gershans take pride in what they have built from nothing and they see the arrogant “People” of the Great Forest who have everything they could possibly want provided for them. For now Gersh is satisfied with launching periodic border raids. They use them to train their soldiers, thin out those who do not belong, and to capture new slaves.
Terrans produce excellent quality goods, have a wealth of resources and live in naturally defensible terrain. One day their land will be an excellent place to conquer, they will be remarkable slaves. In the meantime they make useful trading partners.
The Dellin Tribelands
Great training fodder for Gershan warriors and useful slaves. From time to time the Dellin Tribes have been on the same side as Gersh in conflict but they have never been “allies”. Much of the heavy labor in Gersh is done by Dellin slaves. Many in Gersh consider them to be little more than animals and treat them accordingly.
The Freelands
Most in Gersh see Freelanders as lazy people who pollute the greatest triumph of Gersh. Slavers enjoy using the Freelands as a hunting ground to capture new victims.
Alone among all the nations of Novitas, Vlean are considered the allies of Gersh. The nobility there have been wise enough to make overtures towards the Great Clans. They are respectful, obedient, and courtly when they choose to be. Of all the other nations they understand best how to work with Gersh, and they are not afraid to make the tough decisions. They have come far in a short amount of time. Their wisdom must be cultivated and protected.
These are hail and hearty people who… murdered all of the goblin ancestors on Vargainen. Impressive. Strange that they feel shame over this, it is a feat worth respect. The fools at Nalbendel had their chance and they missed it, now Nalbendel no longer exists while Gersh is strong. The Vargainen people proved wiser and won when they had the chance. Why they still see value in the Sept though is confusing.
Notable Locations
This city was once completely surrounded by chiseled ice walls. The thaw has changed all that, destroying nearly all of the walls. They have since spent a great deal of their resources rebuilding them with stone. Were Gersh to ever be invaded their first line of defense would be at Dreadwall. Invaders would be forced to lay siege there or continue on and leave their supply lines exposed.
The Fissure
This fortress city built into a glacier is the seat of the Bitter Mikado. Here the politics of the entire country are discussed. Each Great Clan has a permanent portion of the city under their control and they are in a constant state of conflict as they vie for the attention of the Bitter Mikado.
Room for Growth
These locations are deliberately minimally defined. Players and Gamemasters alike are encouraged to develop these locations further in ways that other players can add on more details later.
Apex Glower
This small city in the Windfall mountains is used as a staging area for raids into the Dellin Tribelands.
The people of Gersh know they are not liked by the other inhabitants of Novitas. They don’t care, but they do plan for any potential retaliation. As such the people of Sohlun know that if Gersh were ever to be invaded the best course of entry would be through them. It is the only way to avoid taking an army through either the Shadowgate or the Windfall mountains. They’ve built accordingly with obstacles that can be rapidly defended from oncoming forces spread all through the pass between the two mountain ranges.
This city is just over the border with the Great Forest. They were the first to notice when the barrier around the Elemental’s Grove went down, though their warriors were at Nalbendel at the time. Since then they have the most warriors who have crossed into Fionn A’ilean and lived to tell the story. Periodically the wood elves will launch raids on the city aiming to free their enslaved compatriots, as such it is incredibly well defended. The Wildrunners are great at hit and run, attrition tactics but they have a much harder time fighting entrenched foes.
Located on the Northwestern tip of Gersh, Yerjev is home to the Udo Kazvak breeders. Buyers come from far and wide to purchase these Kazvaks for generally nefarious reasons.
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