Darkness |
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Darkness Other Titles: Shadow, Black Dragon, It Who Is Made of and Dwells In Darkness, That Which Must Not Be Named, Malice, Dark Lord Associations: Goblinoids, Wahkarn, The Number Three Associated School: Compulsion Core Values: Power, Trickery, Deceit, Corruption
Darkness’ hate for Illumitas and his scions, the Sept, knows no bounds. Yet the reasons for this hate are cloaked in mystery. The most commonly accepted reason is that Darkness is the embodiment of the void and Illumitas disturbed his rest, but there is no evidence to support this idea. Darkness’ love of deceit and trickery is known. Myths of the recruitment of Grak, the creation of Nox, the seduction of the Templars of Wahkarn are the ones known through history. Imagine what deceits have never been uncovered? Darkness’ defeats are also well recorded, and yet it perseveres endlessly. No force is strong enough to kill it entirely, and it always manages to struggle back into the great conflict. Indeed, it is for this tireless suffering of wounds and endless commitment regardless of defeat, which renders Darkness as the chief divinity in the Snow Kingdom of Gersh. Where they endlessly suffer in the most inhospitable of landscapes, like Darkness, they too have stubbornly continued to build and conquer. Darkness’ thoughtful malice is well marked. When Darkness has claimed victory, the loss is always terrible and near absolute. Few survivors, fewer clues, minimal warning. Where Grak seeks glory, and Nox works for annihilation, Darkness is clever and its goals are occluded. Despite their antagonism, Darkness keeps Grak and Nox moving in concert. Thoughtful people wonder if Grak and Nox, for all their violence and destruction, are nothing more than a distraction in some larger gambit planned and enacted at the will of Darkness. Darkness is not a berserker, and is not insane. It is cunning and clever, and rarely takes the field itself, keeping its reserves and resources hidden from the Sept. Certain prophetic dreams from Draconus suggest that at the murder of Illumitas, Darkness stole a piece from that corpse before it could form into an eight member of the Sept. That it even now keeps this unclaimed shard in some secret place. The only other clue as to this shard, and Darkness’s plan, is that the Shard is rumored to be female. That is all that is known, but it is enough to inspire concern in the bold, and fear in the thoughtful.
Personality and Behavior
Darkness’s voice is always a quiet whisper promising rewards for servitude and compliance. It is patient and tricky, until it isn’t. Many of Darkness’ plans take time to come to fruition, but if they are discovered it isn’t known for adapting, instead it will carry out the discovered plan to the extent that it is ready. To many this is a sign of weakness, Darkness lashing out in childish rage for being discovered. Others recognize that Darkness uses these opportunities to show only what has already been seen while removing assets still hidden before they can be discovered as well. In all things Darkness discovers what people want and he offers temptation. There is always a price for these temptations, but it won’t come until much later. When there is no chance of escape. Those who prove useful will get to keep reaping the benefits, while those who do not will be cut loose and silenced. It is not unheard of for Darkness to deliberately have its less useful assets discovered so that the enemy feels they are successfully opposing it. The best assets of Darkness though are always kept hidden and quiet. Instructions given to them will keep them that way.
Physical Appearance
Depictions of Darkness are numerous. One common image is a black disc, the eclipse, used as a representation to chill adventurers descending into a warren of Darkness. But they are far from the only symbol used. Darkness does not reveal it’s true self to anyone. When appearing before its faithful Darkness appears cloaked in shadow never entirely visible. Onlookers can never identify a gender from Darkness’ form. Many claim to see scales in the shadows, some say that is because Darkness is in the form of a Dragon, others think it is because Darkness takes the form of a giant snake. In all cases the one thing that can be seen amidst the shadows are glinting sharp white fangs when it speaks.
Avatars of Darkness
The most famous Avatar of Darkness will likely always be Maon who successfully enslaved the Emperor Gnaeus of Civen just before the War of the Avatars. Another Avatar of Darkness was discovered amongst the Deepkin, a subspecies of Earthkin who live beneath Terra. This Avatar plotted to overthrow the Terran government and might have succeeded if they had not been discovered.
Worship of Darkness
Darkness demands secrecy of its followers. As a subtle manipulator Darkness wants the same for those who will take up its cause. As a result the true strength of Darkness lies in the fact that no one truly knows just how deep it has infiltrated governments and structures of the world. With access in the most unlikely of places Darkness has agents capable of causing great change in the world and yet it waits pursuing an agenda known only to it. This influence is an amazing recruiting tool. Why work for Darkness? Because Darkness can get you what you want. Sure maybe you’re working to destabilize the world, but that’s not going to happen in your lifetime is it? Why not live in power now? Future generations are the only ones who might suffer, and once you’ve made that leap it’s not a leap much farther to ask if maybe the suffering is really just Septly propaganda. Followers of Darkness believe that before creating his world Illumitas invaded the Void, wherein Darkness dwelt. With the aid of Grak and Nox, Darkness is said to have punished Illumitas and shattered his mind. Rather than destroy the creation that now festered within the Void, Darkness showed it mercy and preserved its existence. Though the Transgression had been punished, new warriors emerged from the Illumitas’ corpse. The Sept sprang forth and launched an attack on Darkness. Thus did the Shadow War begin. In the centuries that followed, the children of Illumitas never ceased their persecution of Darkness; assault after assault, crime after crime, were heaped upon it. Through it all Darkness suffered in silence, never once lashing out at the world itself. It was only after suffering imprisonment in Wakharn and subsequently freeing itself did Darkness wage war in earnest against the realm, and even then it targeted only the Sept and their blind followers. Indeed, worshipers of Darkness believe it favors generosity over destruction. Trolls were given the powers of regeneration, then the Scholar shattered their minds. Darkness gave Orcs strength, then the Elemental cursed them with passions too great for any to control. Snow Goblins were given longevity, then the Stranger spitefully twisted their very forms. Worshippers of Darkness attempt to follow its example, and desire not to destroy Novitas as is conventionally believed, but to unify it. If the goal were destruction, it is thought, Darkness would have never acquiesced to delegate its touch on the realm to its Avatars. No, worshipers of Darkness believe that the entire realm is malleable given enough time to be worked. Darkness is thought to fight the infection of the Septon understanding of morality. Faith in Darkness is faith in the corruptibility of mortalkind… and worshipers of That Which Is Made Of and Dwells In Darkness are said to secretly fear what the Darkness would do if mortalkind proved ultimately incorruptible. Darkness was here before Illumitas and Darkness will still be here long after. Why not work with the winner and reap the benefits along the way? Worship of Darkness is done through the acquisition of personal power. By infiltrating and becoming trusted by others. Putting yourself into a position where Darkness can call upon you when it has need of your services is serving Darkness. And when the time comes, and it will come, Darkness will ask you to carry out its bidding. Prayer and secret rites to exalt Darkness seem to please it, but only when done in the utmost secrecy. There is nothing worse than being caught. Those few records that survive the destruction of Nalbendel speak of Darkness’s legions as following a standard bearing black talons on a field of red. In the last century, one high priest of Darkness was found, and when he was at last slain he carried a sword of fire and teeth. Thus the fiery bone sword is sometimes regarded as a symbol of allegiance to Darkness.
Places of Worship
Darkness’ followers wear dark colors and meet only at night, never daring to strike a light as it displeases Shadow. Its temples, rarely discovered, are opulent, artistic affairs built with a strange black brick that always weeps and drinks in light from any torch, glow worm, or lantern. The temples are often built as mazes, making the maze one of the forbidden marks associated with Darkness. These temples and meeting places are often underground, and well guarded with traps, zealots, and magic. Its precepts and traditions are unknown to any outside the cult, and Darkness chooses its followers with careful deliberation and testing. No zealots, no madmen, Darkness’s recruits are always composed, intelligent, rational beings who leave little to chance.
Expectations of Chosen
Those individuals who are Chosen by Darkness earn this distinction because of their capacity to act in an underhanded manner. They degrade the causes they join, tearing them apart from the inside until they are a hollow mockery of what they were designed to be. A successful Chosen of Darkness appears just like everyone else even in the presence of other Chosen of Darkness. Sometimes they help each other gain more influence other times they compete but none would ever expose another to outsiders. Failing to live up to Darkness’ judgment is to reveal Darkness’ plans to outsiders, to get caught or take unnecessary risks.
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