
Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Tinkering Items > Contraption


Tinkering Item

Tinkering Gear

Item Name: Contraption

Tinkering Level: Master

Crafting Point Cost: 24

Encampment Item: No

Lootable Item: Yes

Description: A special type of trap that triggers a beneficial effect instead of a trap tag.



Contraptions function like level based traps in that they have a trigger, typically a buzzer that indicates when they are activated. Instead of being armed with trap tags though, a contraption is armed with a single beneficial scroll, potion or alchemical. The item is consumed when the contraption is triggered. A character does not need to know the read magic skill to use a scroll, but if the scroll has a range of self and the character does not know that spell, the scroll is consumed with no effect.

Contraptions are always personal items. When triggered, regardless of how they are triggered, the effect contained in the contraption affects the person who owns it and is wearing the contraption.

Contraptions take up the Accessory slot.


The prop for a contraption must have their entire single step mechanism enclosed within a props and atmosphere approved box or other container. The box or container must not fall below a minimum of 4 cubic inches in size. No dimension can be less than 1 inch. Modern electronics must be hidden. The final prop must be worn on the body in some fashion.

When building a contraption your aesthetic goal is to be discrete. You can use modern electronics; it would be near impossible to do it otherwise. But, it is optimal to hide these as much as possible.

What your looking for is a piezo buzzer. The Props and Atmosphere Marshal prefers the ones that can run off a single double A. The ones he uses have a Voltage range and can function safely on several battery types. A 9V is as loud as a fire alarm, going down to a single double A keeps it loud enough that it is known/won't be missed, but not "HEY EVERYONE ON SITE! I SET OFF A TRAP!"

Categories: Items | Tinkering Items | Tinkering Gear | Master Level Tinkering Items

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