What To Bring

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One of the most common questions new players ask is what they should bring with them to game, and even veteran players often miss out on some useful tools they could add to their stash.

Things Everyone Might Need to Start Out

There are a variety of things everyone typically either needs to bring or it is highly recommended that they bring. After a few events you'll get a good feel for what you personally will want to bring with you to each event and can tailor your packing from there. Our website also has a very useful "getting started" page with a printable packing list.


  • A signed waiver. This can be completed and emailed ahead to one of the Logistics Marshals Frank Tamburrino or Taylor Dean, clicking the name will open an email.
  • ID if necessary to verify age requirements, or to help check-in staff spell your name.
  • Sign-in Fee ($30) cash.
    • Credit cards can be used to pay through paypal (payments@kingdomsofnovitas.org)

Personal Things

  • Extra food for the weekend
  • Drinks for the weekend
    • Water is available on site.
    • The inn typically has soda as well.
    • Gatorade or a similar beverage with electrolytes are a good thing to bring, you will be doing a lot of activity.
    • No alcohol is allowed at the game site, ever.
    • Coffee and Energy Drinks do not count as water intake!
  • Medications
  • A sleeping bag/ blankets/ pillow
  • Toiletries
  • A towel
    • Showers are available in the spring, summer and fall.
  • Seasonal gear
    • Bug spray, sunscreen, thermal underwear, wool socks, gloves, hat, scarf, etc
  • An electric lantern. The site gets very dark at night.
    • No brand-name should be showing if you are using this during game hours.
    • Glow Sticks are allowed for use at night.

For Playing

  • Basic Non-Player Character Garb
  • A mug or goblet to drink out of. Modern water bottles cannot be used outside of logistics during game hours.
  • A feast kit (bowl, spoon, fork) for use at the inn. There is a place in the inn for players to store feastware during game.
  • An open mind and a good attitude.

Player Character Specific Things

If you are bringing a player character into game, you should have some additional items.

Things to Avoid

Some things you shouldn't jump into until you know what you are doing. These include:

  • Spending too much on armor that won't pass Kingdoms of Novitas' guidelines.
  • Spending too much on a weapon that won't pass Kingdoms of Novitas' guidelines.
  • Expecting garb to be provided.
    • We provide accessories for augmenting existing garb, but we can't cover everything for everyone all the time.
  • Real weapons.
  • Wandering around as just a spectator.
  • Alcohol. The game site is always dry. We want to maintain a healthy relationship with our hosts and respect their rules.

If you are ever in doubt about something, the game's discord server is a great place to ask questions. When you do, providing a link to the thing you are thinking of can help staff and players give you the most accurate answer possible.

Advanced Items

Over time you might add more things to your kit. Here are some suggestions of things you might want after you get used to how everything operates:


What is Garb?

The clothing players wear is commonly referred to as garb. This is to distinguish it from theatre costuming, where the only thing that matters is appearance. Garb differs from costuming because what materials it is made out of also matters; to maintain the highest levels of immersion and authenticity, garb] is expected to be made out of materials that were available before modern times.

Players are expected to wear appropriate garb at all times while game is taking place whether as a player character or as a non-player character.

Getting Started With Garb

The most basic set of garb a brand-new player should bring to game is a tunic and black sweatpants or scrub pants. This gives them something to wear under the provided non-player character garb that won't clash.

After about a year of coming to game, you should have your own NPC garb to work with (which can be used with the provided non-player character garb to create more variety).

Props and Atmosphere will give 10 experience points to players who provide the following items for their personal NPC kit:

  • A Hood
  • Neutral-Colored Pants
  • A Neutral-Colored Tunic
  • Gloves
  • A Balaclava

Send a picture of your items to either the P&A Marshals Christina Mevec or Liska Gutierrez.

A list of links to pre-approved garb shops can be found on our Discord server.

Props and Atmosphere also has an experience incentive for period-appropriate footwear. Every 10 dollars spent on footwear will give you 1 experience point. When you consider that some of the best footwear for game can cost upwards of 200 dollars, that is a good amount of experience!

Players can earn this incentive more than once. This is handy if you need to get a cheaper pair of boots while you are saving up for better footwear, or if you ever need to replace your boots.

A link to our Recommended Boots Guide can be found here.

Garb Requirements

Players who are only playing non-player characters don't require more than one set of garb. It is important that a player character be easily distinguishable from a non-player character, for that reason key elements of a player character's garb should not be reused by non-player characters. This varies from person to person, but generally includes tunics, hats, and other elements that are very visible on the player character.


All players need to have a current waiver on file before participating in the game. The current waiver can be found via this link.

Completed digital copies of the waiver can be emailed to Frank Tamburrino or Taylor Dean before attending, or you can fill out a physical copy on site when you first check-in for the event.

Categories: Basic Rules | New Players

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