Craftsman's Purity

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Craftsman's Purity
Created: 1/15/24

Alchemical Item

Blade Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Craftsman's Purity

Alchemy Level: 5

Type: Blade Alchemical

Duration: Medium (10 Minutes)

Flag: Weapon

Herbalism Required: Yes

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 1

Harmful: No

Description: A pure silver weapon replaces its next hit with "Dispel Magic!".


A useful alternate method of delivering a "Dispel Magic" call. If it can be delivered successfully "Dispel Magic!" is the only way to prevent the Second Breath spell once its been cast.


This can only be applied to a pure silver weapon (one with no other material types). The affected weapon may replace it's next legal hit with "Dispel Magic!".

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 5 Alchemicals | Blade Alchemicals | Dispel Calls

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