Explosive Charge

Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Alchemicals > Explosive Charge

Explosive Charge

Alchemical Item

Alchemical Name: Explosive Charge

Alchemy Level: 3

Type: Special Alchemical

Duration: Instant

Flag: None

Herbalism Required: No

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 1

Harmful: No

Description: Blow up locks to get to the treasures they protect.


This is a tiny bomb that is capable of destroying locks.


An explosive charge will safely and automatically open a single (mundane or magic) lock. Doing so automatically sets off any traps in whatever object contains the lock. Players are encouraged to role-play the use of this admixture, warning others to stand back, etc.

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 3 Alchemicals | Special Alchemicals

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