Stasis Compound

Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Alchemicals > Stasis Compound

Stasis Compound
Created: 1/15/24

Alchemical Item

Blade Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Stasis Compound

Alchemy Level: 3

Type: Blade Alchemical

Duration: Medium (10 Minutes)

Flag: Weapon

Herbalism Required: Yes

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 1

Harmful: Yes

Description: Affected weapon's next hit calls for 'Grounding!'


Attacks that apply grounded to foes are primarily for keeping them from escaping. It can also be used in unusual circumstances when you believe an illusion of some kind needs to be dispeled. With no type attached, this is treated as a spell call, which means it will only be stopped by effects like Anti-Magic Shield, Anti-Magic Aura, or Aura of Reflection.


You may replace your next hit with "Grounding!". When applied to a pure silver weapon (one with no other material types), this can replace your next two hits.

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 3 Alchemicals | Blade Alchemicals | Grounding Calls

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