In and Out-of-Game

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In and Out-of-Game


Term Name: Game Status

Description: Players are either in-game (participating) or out-of-game (doing things that take place outside of the game world).

Rule Type: Basic Rules

During an event, players aren't always constantly playing a character. This page will explain the differences between being in-game and being out-of-game.


Players are "in-game" when they are actively participating in the game. When you are role-playing as a character (whether that character is a player character or a non-player character) you are 'in-game'. Objects and concepts are also referred to as being 'in-game' if you are talking about that thing relative to the game's setting.

A blue flag is just a strip of cloth in reality, however 'in-game' it represents the glow of magic on an object. In-game, the blue flag does not exist, only that magical glow.

Players sleeping in game areas during game hours are in-game unless they have marked themselves with an orange flag. Any object that could be in-game is always considered to be in-game unless it is marked with an orange flag or is in an area that is considered out-of-game.


Players are considered "out-of-game" when they are not actively participating in the game. Objects are out-of-game if they don't exist inside of the context of the game; for example, the cars sitting in the parking lot are out of game as characters can't interact with them.

Objects that would normally be in-game can be marked or designated out of play by:

  • Marking the item with an orange flag or putting it under an orange piece of cloth.
  • Putting the item in a vehicle.
  • Players need a place to keep personal items during the event. The area beneath any bunks or beds are considered out of play.

If an item that is not marked out of game or placed in an out of game area is a lootable item, it can be taken even if the character it belongs to is not in play. Be sure to put your items away at the end of your shift and not leave them out in game.

If you start to discuss your job in real life, you are out-of-game having an out-of-game conversation (this is often referred to as 'breaking character'). During game hours, be careful when and where you have out-of-game conversations; they inherently break the immersion of the world and disrupt people's fun. When you are out as a non-player character you should do everything you can to stay in character to keep the world alive and vibrant.

Everything is always out-of-game during hours that the game isn't happening. This includes between events and also overnight after first shift, but before the second shift starts.

Using out-of-game knowledge that your character wouldn't have in-game is known as 'Metagaming'. This is generally a bad thing; it means a player is benefiting from details they shouldn't know. It can be useful every now and then to help others enjoy the game so long as it isn't being done for personal benefit- for example, telling a character not to go in a certain direction because you know a plot with topics that would actually upset the player went that way- but should otherwise be avoided.

Leaving Game

If you are overheating (such as due to wearing heavy armor) and need to breath for a moment you both can and should find somewhere quiet you can drink and recharge- just don't do it in the middle of a combat situation. The exception to this is if you feel it is a medical emergency, in which case you should call a 'Hold!' so you can take the appropriate steps to alleviate the situation.

Players can go out-of-game (taking your possessions with you) at any time so long as you are not doing it for a tactical advantage. For example, if you need to use a restroom that is fine; bring your things and then return to play in the same location you left it when you are ready.

If a player wishes to stop playing for the day (often referred to as 'dropping game') they may do so at any time, so long as they are not doing it for tactical advantage. When you wish to drop game while you are being actively pursued by hostile characters you may do so only if you are completely confident that you have lost them, and they are no longer able to successfully pursue you.

All players automatically become out-of-game at the end of first and fourth shifts. No plots are required to go after the end of these shifts and any role-playing is strictly voluntary.

Maintaining Immersion

Keeping up the game's atmosphere, or immersion, is an important part of what makes Kingdoms of Novitas (and all LARPing) special. Good immersion makes it easier to forget that you are playing a game and to get into the character you are playing. One of the worst things you can do is to break the immersion of others.

For these reasons you should always be sure to:

  • Wear appropriate garb at all times.
  • Break character as rarely as possible.
  • If you need to break character, find a location that is out-of-game to do it such as in the logistics building.
  • Call "Hold!" only when necessary.
  • Keep conversations in-character while you are in-character.
    • Assume others are listening to you at all times. The sneaky character who spent 10 minutes creeping up on you from the woods will thank you.
  • Try to re-frame real world conveniences as in-game fantasy concepts, such as referring to the cars in the parking lot as 'wagons' or 'carriages'.

The Wind

When you see others out-of-game it is important that you remember not to use that information to benefit you in-game. For example, it is unacceptable for a character to say 'I know there are individuals this way because I saw them headed that way out-of-character earlier'.

Non-player characters often make wind sounds ('whoosh') to indicate they are not in-game. This is typically because they are headed to another location to enter character there or are headed back to the logistics building after an encounter.

Another method |non-player characters will use to indicate that they are out-of-game is to raise their weapon horizontally above their head. Because players don't always have a weapon in hand, this is sometimes done by holding a fist above their head with their elbow bent to create a right angle.


Role-playing can describe anything a character does in-game. Talking to other characters is role-playing. Walking from the inn to a merchant's shop is role-playing. Absolutely anything done in-character is role-playing.

When any game rule makes a reference to a requirement to 'role-play' an action, it means that there is no single right way to do that action but something in-character should be done to represent the task being performed. The goal of a rule requiring you to role-play a vaguely explained action is to give you the freedom to do that action however you see fit. What matters is that if someone happened to be looking on saw you doing that action they could reasonably guess what it is that you are doing. If you don't want people to guess what you are doing then do it stealthily, but still do it.

If you want to put a poison in someone's drink, there is no official way to do this. However, you need to role-play the action of pouring the poison into the drink. You are not required to have witnesses (in fact, you probably don't want any). So, you could take the person's cup and put it below the table before pretending to pour your 'poison' from its container into the drink. Or you could create a distraction then turn your 'poison' container upside down over the drink.

We don't want to actually put anything in someone's real drink and that is why you only mime the actions through role-playing.

Players can role-play outside of game hours if they wish to, however when they do this there are no mechanics allowed. A character can't get attacked or cast spells when the game is not currently happening.

Examples of role-playing outside of an event include:

  • Getting up early on Saturday during an event to chat.
  • Chatting with other players outside of event about what your character is doing between events.
  • RPing over discord or facebook with other players between events.
  • Writing blog posts about your character.

These types of interactions are allowed and encouraged to help players define their character and how they interact with others, but they do not count towards role-playing skill advancement.


Event Timeline



  • 2am-10am: Nothing Scheduled.
    • Sleep, socialize, do what you will.
    • No food is provided by game during this time.
  • 10am-3pm: 2nd Shift.
    • Food is available at the inn for all players.
  • 3pm-8pm: 3rd Shift.
    • Food is available at the inn for all players.
  • 8pm-1am: 4th Shift.
    • Food is available at the inn for all players.


  • 1am-8am: Nothing Scheduled.
    • Sleep, socialize, do what you will.
    • No food is provided by the game during this time.
  • 8am-10am: Clean-up.
    • Be sure to clean-up your personal belongings before helping with general game clean-up.
    • Some players arrive earlier than this, others arrive later. Experience is awarded for this and help is greatly appreciated. The more people involved the faster it goes.
  • 11am: Site Closes
    • Everyone who isn't staff must be off the site by this time.
  • 11am-1pm: Lunch Off-Site
    • Players still around typically go get lunch somewhere nearby after an event.
      • Nicky Doodles in Rome, NY is the current popular destination when it is open (April-October).
      • For the cold weather months we have not found a location large enough to accomodate everyone, so generally smaller groups go to different locations by preference.

Categories: Basic Rules | Terminology | Role-Playing Concepts

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