
Site Index > Rules > Basic > Props Update History

Last Updated: 2/10/2024


Term Name: Props

Description: Any object used in game. Sometimes these items are fake like the weapons we use, or they can be a real item that represents what it actually is.

Rule Type: Basic Rules

In-game props have rules for who owns them and how to handle transferring them from player to player.


Any objects brought into game are referred to collectively as props. Most props are un-numbered objects. An unnumbered item could have special rules, but those rules are the same for all props like them. For example, all daggers follow the rules for non-martial weapons. Similarly, all lanterns follow the rules listed for them.

Some props are assigned a letter and a number (legacy props have just a number). These props have a specific entry in our item database with more information available to those who have the correct skills (Identify Magic and/ or Estimate Value) to look up what the item does.

Taking Props

Props can be acquired through a variety of means, the simplest of which is theft. Sometimes items are given away. Looting the corpse of the monster you just killed is a common practice, though sometimes also a morally gray area depending on who you ask.

Items with no numbers on them can be borrowed by another player temporarily, but generally shouldn't be taken out of that player's presence for any reason. The exception to this is coins and consumables (which are all printed paper with an official stamp). These are unnumbered items that may always be looted/ stolen/ taken.

If an item has a number on it, that number will tell you if you can loot the prop and if so for how long. The letter component of the number tells you the information you need to know about taking it.

Thrown weapons and projectile weapon ammunition may not be taken from an encounter after they are used. While perhaps a bit unrealistic, this rule is required to allow for magical ammunition to meaningfully exist - otherwise a smart bandit would steal the arrow and run, making their use nearly impossible. Characters can throw weapons at other targets or use ammunition from the battlefield if they have the appropriate skills but cannot remove them from the encounter area (and it is common curtesy to help another player find something of theirs you threw). Thrown weapons and projectiles not being used in combat, that are lying still, or left behind can be taken as normal.

Numbered Items

Numbered items (a term which includes alpha-numberic labelled items) can sometimes be taken from their owners. On newer items the letter indicates if this can happen.


Stealing an item in-game is as simple as walking up and taking that item. There are no special rules for how you steal, only for what you can steal. It's important that you only take objects that are currently in-game. Rifling through someone's tote that is correctly marked as out-of-game while they are playing a non-player character (therefore their belongings should not be in-game) is cheating. Taking someone's out-of-game possessions is real world theft.

It is a player's responsibility to clearly mark their possessions as out-of-game when they should be. A player who is NPCing who has left items in play, unmarked, may find those items taken. The individual who takes such items has done nothing wrong.

If you steal or otherwise acquire a prop that belongs to the game, it is yours to keep for as long as you are playing the game. Should the item leave play for any reason, or if you decide to stop playing the game, please turn in any items belonging to the game to logistics staff.

When you take something that is owned by a player there is a special procedure to follow. Players need to be able to know that anything they own isn't going to go permanently missing during game. If someone buys really cool extra expensive garb, it would be a tragedy if they could lose that during the game. So, when you steal from another player contact them after the event is done and check with them to find out what to do with the item. In the event the item was a player's personal prop follow this procedure:
1) If the player is willing to let you keep the item, nothing further needs to be done.
2) If the player is willing to negotiate a cash price (or other out-of-game exchange) for the item, you can pay them out-of-game for permanent ownership of the prop.
3) If the player is not willing to negotiate a cash price, or an agreement can't be reached then the player will keep the prop. The item number on the prop should get removed from it (the prop is no longer that item) and the number should be transferred to the new owner who can then put the item number on a new appropriate prop. Be sure to check in with Logistics before transferring the number over in case the item's database entry needs to get updated.

Bring New Props Into Game

Real world objects are used to represent in-game items. These can be made of many different materials, too many materials to give a definitive allowed and banned list here.

Weapons in particular have very strict requirements for safety reasons. For props not related to combat, a general guideline is that objects made out of historically appropriate materials are likely to be ok, though for safety reasons glass should generally only be used for encampment items - things that won't move around a lot or be near combat.

For many props what materials are visible is more important than what the prop is made out of. It's worth noting specifically that duct tape, which is a common feature of many other LARPs, is not ever allowed to be visible at Kingdoms of Novitas.

At any time game masters can remove props from play (typically for story reasons), player outreach staff can remove a prop from play (typically for safety reasons or to deal with rules issues), and props and atmosphere staff can remove props from play (typically for aesthetic reasons).

Between games players are responsible for keeping any props they acquire during the game. Should a prop become too damaged for play it should be repaired or retired from play. Retired props provided by the game should be returned to logistics staff so they can repair it to someday be introduced as a brand-new, different item.

Reserved Items

Some types of props are reserved and can only be brought into game under specific circumstances. Anything listed in the gear section of the wiki will tell you how an item can be brought into game. If an item is not listed in any of the entries there, and it is time period appropriate, you can probably bring that item into game any time you want. Should you have any doubt about if an item is appropriate to bring into game you should ask the appropriate member of staff for advice. The props and atmosphere staff can tell you if the item is period appropriate, or player outreach can see if there are any special requirements for bringing a certain type of item into play.

Repairing Props

When a prop is damaged, you are allowed to repair it as necessary so long as you don't replace the entire object. Replacing a prop with a new one is a function of the tinkering skill.


Prohibited Items

The following items are not allowed on site for safety reasons and to comply with Boy Scout policy.

  • Actual Weapons (including utility knives)
  • Alcohol.

Some objects can never be brought into game as a mundane item. This is a current list of those items. The list is subject to being updated periodically when something new creates an issue.

Out-of-Game Items

Players are considered "out-of-game" when they are not actively participating in the game. Objects are out-of-game if they don't exist inside of the context of the game; for example, the cars sitting in the parking lot are out of game as characters can't interact with them.

Objects that would normally be in-game can be marked or designated out of play by:

  • Marking the item with an orange flag or putting it under an orange piece of cloth.
  • Putting the item in a vehicle.
  • Players need a place to keep personal items during the event. The area beneath any bunks or beds are considered out of play.

If an item that is not marked out of game or placed in an out of game area is a lootable item, it can be taken even if the character it belongs to is not in play. Be sure to put your items away at the end of your shift and not leave them out in game.

If you start to discuss your job in real life, you are out-of-game having an out-of-game conversation (this is often referred to as 'breaking character'). During game hours, be careful when and where you have out-of-game conversations; they inherently break the immersion of the world and disrupt people's fun. When you are out as a non-player character you should do everything you can to stay in character to keep the world alive and vibrant.

Everything is always out-of-game during hours that the game isn't happening. This includes between events and also overnight after first shift, but before the second shift starts.

Using out-of-game knowledge that your character wouldn't have in-game is known as 'Metagaming'. This is generally a bad thing; it means a player is benefiting from details they shouldn't know. It can be useful every now and then to help others enjoy the game so long as it isn't being done for personal benefit- for example, telling a character not to go in a certain direction because you know a plot with topics that would actually upset the player went that way- but should otherwise be avoided.

Relevant Skills

Estimate Value Description

This skill is essential for merchants and anyone else who wants to know the value of unusual objects like gems and works of art. Plots will sometimes create valuable objects of all kinds of strange varieties like deeds or statues.

Many characters rely on others to figure out what their items are worth. There is some risk in this, as nothing stops someone from telling you the gem you are selling is worth less than it is. That is why you may want to be able to verify it for yourself.

Estimate Value Effect

This skill is used to identify objects with a V (Valuable) or an H (Hybrid) listing in the item description listing. Characters who do not have this skill should not look up those items.

Using this skill in the field often requires having good cell phone service to be able to access the item lookup sheet, which can vary based on the location in camp and your cell phone provider. It is recommended open the sheet on your phone before coming to game and save it for offline use if you are concerned about this. A copy of the listing is also kept in the inn in an orange binder for players to access. Due to their experience dealing with all sorts of adventurers innkeepers can help you use this binder to identify any magical items you may find, know the value of unusual objects, and have the ability to obtain the item's information if it has not been updated in the binder.

Identify Magic Description

This skill allows characters to learn what it is common or magical objects do.

Not every character needs to learn this skill, you can always have others identify objects for you. All magical items have a blue glow, so no character needs this skill to be able to tell that an item is inherently magical.

Identify Magic Effect

Characters with this skill can read the magic item listing to identify anything marked with an E (Former Feb Feast Item), F (Feb Feast Item), H (Hybrid Item), K (Keepable Item), N (Non-Keepable Item), Q (Quest Item) or older, non-lettered items.

Using this skill in the field often requires having good cell phone service to be able to access the item lookup sheet, which can vary based on the location in camp and your cell phone provider. It is recommended open the sheet on your phone before coming to game and save it for offline use if you are concerned about this. A copy of the listing is also kept in the inn in an orange binder for players to access. Due to their experience dealing with all sorts of adventurers, innkeepers can help you use this to identify any magical items you may find, know the value of unusual objects, and have the ability to obtain the item information if it has not been updated in the binder.

Category: Basic Rules | Role-Playing Concepts | Terminology

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