Ritual Updates

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Feb Feast 2025

  • Public tables of scarce loot rituals were added to the page. These tables have limited information on the rituals themselves. The descriptions are intentionally vague- while some rituals are obvious, requirements or full effects are left out to allow for surprises in-game.
    • The intent of this is to give players ideas of things to look for, or to ask the Varganien Archivists about when trading.

Aegis ArchmasteryCast cheaper Aegis Spells.
Arcane Anti-ViralGain Disease immunity.
Arcane ArsenalInflict Magic damage.
BarrageBenefit from lots of Spellburst.
Battle ArchmasteryCast cheaper Battle spells.
Call the BeyondSummon a ghost to speak with.
CleansingCure target of most magical effects.
Combat GrandmasteryStore for a later heroic moment.
Compulsion ArchmasteryCast cheaper Compulsion spells.
Dark RealignmentChange your allegiance.
Deceit PerfectAllows better lying.
Delayed BoonSave a ritual for later.
DisrememberPermanently forget your embarrassing moments.
Divine PactPinkie Swear bound by the Gods.
Divine RealignmentChange your allegiance.
Elemental DissolutionCast Dissipate with no incant and no power point cost.
Elemental ShelterNature damage suddenly doesn't hurt.
Enchantment ArchmasteryCast cheaper Enchantment spells.
Enduring TenacityKeep a limb attached.
EnthrallmentBind someone to your will.
ExorcismFor when that ghost just won't go away on its own.
ForecastWhen you need to cast a spell quickly later.
HailstormSometimes people just deserve a ton of nature damage to the face.
Instant ConcoctionUseful when you forget to do preproduction.
Life TapBe a vampire without the commitment.
Knight's ShieldAny shield the caster is holding blocks spells.
Linguist's BlessingTalk to thieves, goblins, and skaven.
Mass LeylinesLike Leylines, but you can bring your friends with you.
Memory VoidWhen you really want to make sure someone doesn't remember something.
MetamorphosisTransmutation, but longer.
Mind RenderMake magical piercing darts.
Mother's DeterminationIf Second Breath activates, you benefit without the waiting period.
Mother's MercyPut all your unconscious friends in a pile to fix.
Nature ArchmasteryCast cheaper Nature spells.
Necromancy ArchmasteryCast cheaper Necromancy spells.
PollutionGreat for when you need to poison a lot of people.
Resilient GuardWhat's Pierce and Slay again?
Restoration ArchmasteryCast cheaper Restoration spells.
Ruthless EfficiencyTrancendence for alchemicals.
Secret MissiveThat will teach them to read your diary.
Soothing TouchSpread a Plague, but suffer no effects from it.
Spell MasteryChange your signature spell or which spell benefits from School Mastery.
Stranger's RemissionRest undead en mass.
Transcendent PerfectionThrow even more tag bags!
???A rital rumored to allow communication with the Seven.
???A ritual rumored to allow communication with the Dark Three.
???A ritual rumored to allow communication with the Godbeast.

The following scarce rituals are one-time use and don't require assembly, but will be difficult to find:

Blessing of the Golem KingTake on Golem-like characteristics.
Brownie's ExpertiseGive a boost to your armor.
Fiend's DestructionTurn an epic item into ritual components.
Humunculus' BurdenTake on Homunculi-like characteristics.
Slaad's FavorTake on Slaad-like characteristics.
Wraith SkinTake on Wraith-like characteristics.
Zhelhani's GiftHeal like a Zhelhani.

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