
Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Alchemicals > Transmutation


Alchemical Item


Alchemical Name: Transmutation

Alchemy Level: 5

Type: Ointment

Duration: Long (Game Day)

Flag: Weapon

Herbalism Required: No

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 1

Harmful: No

Description: Completely transforms a weapon into a new material type temporarily.

Transmutation is the ultimate expression of the alchemical art: the ability to transform one material into another.



This completely transforms a weapons material type to your choice of Silver, Goblin Iron, or Elven Steel. Once chosen the weapon may not be changed again without a new application. The weapon gains all benefits or drawbacks of the new material type, and loses any benefits or drawbacks of its normal material type.

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 4 Alchemicals | Ointments

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