Wood Owls

Wood Owls

Light Fae, Natural, Otherworldly, Sparkless
Combat Info
Armor Points: Worn: Unknown, Natural: Unknown Body Points: Unknown
Damage Req(s): Unknown Kill Condition: Unknown
Weapons Used: Unknown Default Attack: Unknown
Spell Schools: Unknown Power Points: Unknown
Special Abilities:

Roleplaying Info
Language(s): Sylvan and Common Intelligence: Normal
Std Habitat: The Fae Realms, sometimes summoned by accident through unknown means. Movement: Normal
Usage Info
Common Loot: Any, ritual components are common Required Loot: None
Associates: None Typical Group: 1-4
Frequency: Rare
Face/ Head: Skin Covered:
Accessories: Hair Covered:
Clothing: Mask Req:
Costuming Qty: Paint Req:

Wood Owl Costuming

Wood Owl Setting Information

Wood owls are friendly, playful tricksters who delight in hiding so that others may use their skill to find them.

Categories: Creatures | Fae | Light Fae | Natural Creatures | Otherworldly Creatures | Sparkless Creatures | Masked Creatures | Painted Creatures | Rare Encounters

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