The Mother

The Mother

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The Mother Other Titles: High Mercy, Grace, Grieving Goddess Associations: Medicine, Family Associated School: Restoration Core Values: Life, Love, Healing, Forgiveness, Redemption


The Mother is the shard of Illumitas’ love. She cares deeply for all without condition or reservation. This is not the love of romance but rather the love of long term affection and fondness. The Mother concerns herself with life and living. She oversees the raising of crops, the birth of children and the feeding of the hungry. Where there is suffering the Mother wishes to bring succor. It is the role of the Mother to deliver Sparks to the world and any who have a Spark can receive her healing. Myth holds that doves are her agents in this, silently delivering Sparks to the correct recipients. As such killing a dove is a very ill omen. Some ask if the Elemental is Illumitas’ passion and the Mother is Illumitas’ love, what is the difference? The Elemental’s love burns brightly with an urgency, she lives in the moment with a fierce fire that can be quenched in time. Meanwhile the Mother’s love is cool and steady. The Mother does not waver in her love, it is present at all times, even when not reciprocated. In offering continual opportunities for redemption the Mother’s love is eternal.

Personality and Behavior

The Mother is friend to all, sometimes even those who do not deserve it. If she feels that there is even the chance of a person being redeemed she seeks to find it. It is only those who show no remorse, no glimpse of hope for change that she cuts off. Guidance from the Mother is always gentle and nurturing. She does not give challenges, only aid. Often she is the most direct of the Sept when delivering a message.

Physical Appearance

She is always portrayed as a matron, simply dressed, either carrying a babe in her arms, tending to a wounded individual, or smiling with radiance. Generally she dresses in white clothing appearing as a doctor, nurse or sometimes as a farmer. Typically she is human but not always. Avatars of the Mother The Mother chooses Avatars who will give everything for the betterment of others. Her Avatars frequently become well known offering healing services and giving any other aid they can far and wide. Most recently an Avatar of the Mother known as the White Lady was active in Pinedale before the fall of the town. She would regularly show up in times of great need to heal the adventurers there who were gravely wounded protecting the Freelands.

Worshiping the Mother

The Mother is worshiped by all manner of people – the fighter lying wounded in the field, the farmer’s midwife, the temple healer, brides and grooms. Prayers to the Mother are simple affairs, devoid of embellishment or ritual, but often begin with the same word spoken in a reverent pleading whisper: Please. While the Mother has the largest number of worshippers, each organizes their duties and ethics according to their current circumstances. Midwives of the Mother may zealously hoard what magical power they have to spend it only in aiding the birth of children. Battlefield medics may have to spend hours in atonement after healing only the wounded on their side of the battle, rather than all who cried out for the Mother’s mercies. Pilgrims may spend the Mother’s gifts freely and without thought to whether they heal the deserving or the evil. Judges in Vlean may hold elaborate court-room debates on the merits of reviving a particular fallen supplicant, or not. The responsibilities of the Mother are pulled between the two opposing poles: All life is blessed and should persist, but some life is corrupt and willfully denies redemption. With life, there is hope for change and for the future, yet sustaining a corrupt life may end the lives of unforeseen innocents in the future. Love for the individual and love for the greater good sometimes find themselves in conflict in the life of a disciple of the Mother. Each worshiper finds their own place on this sliding scale. To fail the Mother, a worshiper need only renounce life in some fashion, but fallen acolytes of the Mother are always welcomed back, in time.

Places of Worship

Cathedrals to the Mother are numerous across Novitas, probably the most numerous of any building dedicated to just one of the Sept. They serve as both meeting halls and hospitals. In the tradition of her mercy, even criminals may find hospitality at these cathedrals, and no soldier or bounty hunter may take them away. Indeed, there are legendary stories of criminals remaining in these houses of healing for decades, with the occasional refugee eventually converting and seeking redemption.

Expectations of Chosen

Those who are selected as Chosen of the Mother care deeply about the wellbeing of others. All others, not just their community, but every individual they come across. A Chosen of the Mother tries to improve the lives of everyone. They are frequently but not always healers, some provide aid in other ways. To fail as one of the Mother’s Chosen someone needs to stop trying to help others, to take the easy way out using violence as something other than the last option. Thankfully redemption is always available for those genuinely willing to seek it.

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