The Nomadic Tribes

The Nomadic Tribes

Nomadic Tribes


After the Sundering and soon after the Reckoning devastated Vargainen the survivors were scattered about often completely unaware that anyone else remained. In those days the bravest of folks traveled the land searching for anyone they could find to bring them back to the oases-city being built that would soon become Kash’Allum. When the Veilwalkers arrived the search became about finding weapons to fight them and to keep their numbers down. As magic dwindled and the plant life receded, the wanderers began to search for resources to supplement what was available in Kash’Allum. These wanderers banded together and formed nomadic tribes to better support each other on their journeys. Among the elves there was a hero in those early days known as Balin Dunestrider who was the first to go forth to map the land and identify where permanent oases could be found. With so much change happening so rapidly this was an uncertain and quite dangerous task, but also one that helped the community tremendously. As time went on he gained recognition for his combat ability fighting off the Veilwalkers he encountered and other threats as well. When he died, other elves took to honoring him by taking the name Dunestrider as their own. This practice continued until 1052 (AS) when the number of oases had dwindled so severely that only the Verdurans could survive for extended periods in the desert and the last family of Dunestriders, the Ahkhari family, died. This was a particularly popular lifestyle among the elves who felt at home traveling. The verdurans who can gather the nutrients they need from the sun and only need to find water to survive, and so they continue as nomads to this day.


Tribes can often be differentiated by their purposes. Certain groups travel to share information, others travel the coasts to gather goods for trading such as fish and shells. Many are dedicated to the collection of artifacts abandoned by the gods. Some will aid groups going on pilgrimage to Wahkarn or who wish to travel along the Broken Coast. Members of tribes will often remain with a single tribe for months or years before switching to join a different group. Hemlocks and Yarrows will remain with their tribes permanently until death.


These tribes travel the wasteland from oasis to dwindling oasis. Through their travel they provide the cities with valuable resources and information while risking their lives in the dangerous desert. In addition to the harsh conditions they face elementals, ancient undead and wandering Veilwalkers. It was through the constant struggle of the nomadic tribes' constant struggle against these enemies that the residents of Vargainen are still able to combat them effectively. Due to verduran culture and their life cycles, a meeting of tribes is like a family reunion. Water is readily shared, along with stories and warnings from their travels. Saplings are heavily socialized, and unless there is urgent need otherwise the first few minutes of every meeting is devoted to becoming familiar with these new members. If there is sufficient water, or if the meeting is at an oasis, Nomadic tribes may spend hours reconnecting. Once the tribes are ready to move on, it is not uncommon for at least a couple of regular members to depart with the other tribe.


Among the nomadic tribes clothing tends to be simple, composed of layers of solid colors. A common style involves a tan, white or gray base layer with a darker layer on top. Elaborate jewelry is then worn for accents.


The tribes are nearly completely composed of Verdurans at this time as few others can survive the routes they travel. However from time to time a tribe will take along an outsider to help them with some task outside of the cities, such as pilgrimages, hunting for relics, chasing down Veilwalkers, or other such feats. Those who commit crimes in the twin cities of enough severity are also sometimes banished and if they are very lucky will find they can earn a place among the nomad tribes.


The tribes have little internal economy to speak of. They share amongst themselves whatever they need. When it comes to outsiders however many nomadic tribes exist nearly solely for the purpose of trading with others. They gather fish, wild game, salt, clay, shells, and a variety of other resources to bring back to Kash’Allum where it fetches useful trades that keep the continent functioning.

Merchant opportunities

The tribes bring back all manner of useful things for use in the cities. Characters are unlikely to ever take part in one of their journeys as anything more than a one time expedition, becoming a full tribe member is more of a lifestyle than a job. What they bring back is used in trade however, and a clever merchant could supply them with much and get useful information or rare finds from the exchanges.


Each tribe follows a Yarrow who is the knowledgeable elder, and shaman. Yarrows are members of a tribe for life, other members might change, the Yarrow never will. Yarrows are assisted by 4 or 5 Hemlocks who are the elite warriors of a tribe. Much like Yarrows, Hemlocks never leave their tribes, though they do sometimes stay behind at oases to guard the young until they are ready to travel. When this happens they rejoin their tribes at the first opportunity.

Authority Figures

There are too many tribes to list the Yarrow of each one.


Each tribe has its own laws, but few are needed, survival in the desert is a group activity and to earn a status of outcast is basically a death sentence. None would want that.


Among the nomadic tribes there are warriors who protect them from the monsters of the deserts. These brave fighters are known as Hemlocks.


The nomadic tribes follow the religion of the Decade just as they do in the twin cities. In the desert there are no temples however so they divide their worship up among all the deities. It is considered bad luck to worship just the Sept or just the Three, so all are worshiped on certain days with subtle practices designed to give each reverence without disrupting the already difficult task of surviving the desert.



They teach the young of the tribes in their schools when it is unsafe for them to roam the deserts. For this the tribes are most grateful and their relationship is strong.


Those tribes that assist with the pilgrimage to Wahkarn often have very close relationships with Munta’Saf. Others are still friendly with the city but have fewer reasons to interact with them.

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