The Knight

The Knight

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The Knight Other Titles: None Associations: Laws, Shields Associated School: Aegis Core Values: Idealism, Order, Nobility, Honor, Principles


The Knight is the shard of Illumitas’ principles. Unlike the other gods the Knight has no other names, as only “The Knight” is the proper title for this deity. The Knight concerns themself with the achievement and sustenance of mortal ideals. Honor, Justice, Protection, Fairness, Chivalry, Courage, Discipline, Loyalty, and Rule of Law. The Knight serves as the principle by which ethical mortals chart their own worth and morality. In pursuing these ideals, the Knight also does not yield to peace, and Knightly Adherents spend as much time training for conflict as they do in studying ethics, morality, and leadership. Idealism, in the Knight’s paradigm, is to be the best that mortal-kind may be. Order is understood to be the rule of laws fairly made to both protect and represent the citizens of a culture or country equally. Of all the Sept, the Knight usually stands alone. They are seen as leading the Sept in their missions, and providing the moral compass for their brothers and sisters, who follow them into battle. While all fight with them, only the Stranger speaks with them socially, as her strength of principles is a mirror for the Knight’s own. While the most highly regarded of the Sept, the Knight’s endless quest to be the best in all things sometimes isolates them from their kin; leaving them a lonely deity. The Knight stands opposed to Grak, in all cases. Violence must have purpose, not merely contest. The Knight stands opposed to Nox, in every way -- life must be protected, for the preservation of hope. But the true enemy of the Knight is Darkness itself, who as the leader of the Dark Three is responsible for all the ills of the world.

Personality and Behavior

Interacting with the Knight is a very formal affair. The Knight is kind but rigid. In trying to be the pinnacle of behavior they often come across as cold. This isn’t the case, but it is absolutely how they appear to others. The Knight is direct and will make every effort to be truthful. They are capable of lies but dislike them and will not be dishonest if they can manage it. When asking others to perform tasks for them the Knight will not simply say what needs to be done, they will make sure they say what cannot be done. Doing ill in the Knight’s name is not acceptable.

Physical Description

While the Knight is frequently regarded as masculine, there are feminine versions in some Knightly cults. The Knight does nothing to guide these depictions, they do not seem to have a preference. As the embodiment of ideals, the Knight does not think it proper to favor one gender over the other. When appearing in visions the Knight is often encased in heavy armor and it is difficult to see the features of them. The Knight always has a weapon in hand, generally a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. Sometimes the Knight carries a great weapon. When not appearing in armor the Knight dresses formally based on the culture of the person they are speaking to. It is very common for the Knight to adapt their appearance to match the culture of whoever they are communicating with as a show of respect. This even includes appearing as any species so as to not show favoritism towards one.

Avatars of the Knight

The Knight is incredibly picky with who is worthy of being selected as an Avatar. Individuals who qualify must exemplify the highest of standards. This isn’t just about selecting someone who is noteworthy but also about selecting someone who, once empowered, will use that power for the greatest righteousness. It is not enough to do good, they must do it correctly. As such it is incredibly rare to see an Avatar of the Knight, more so than any other gods’ Avatars. No matter how dire the need, the Knight will only choose the most pristine and perfect of candidates.

Worshippers of the Knight

Worship of the Knight is most often done by deed, rather than words. Raising up the impoverished, defending the weak, punishing evil, and sacrificing for the greater good are all considered to be more meaningful to the Knight than spoken prayers or ritual. Many governments will pray to the Sept for guidance, the best leaders follow that guidance. Devotees of the Knight are often referred to as Adherents for they adhere to a code. Adherents are rare, due to the extreme self-awareness and strict moral paths they must walk. To serve the Knight, one must embody the Knight’s virtues. Chivalric orders dedicated to the Knight typically devote their knighthood to the pursuit of these Knightly Virtues: Faith, Prudence, Hope, Temperance, Charity, Justice, and Fortitude. Adherents typically lead from the front, and do not proselytize, choosing instead to exemplify. Successful Adherents are typically the best and shortest-lived heroes of any bard’s tale. Paladins of the Knight, the best court barristers and advocates, philosophers pondering ethics and law, and moral Inquisitors are all examples of those who serve the Knight. Adherents struggle with the fact that the Knight places equal worth on both Order and Idealism. A corrupt kingdom that cares for its citizens embodies Order, and yet violates Idealism. A rebel army that revolts against its rulers may champion Idealism but destroys Order to do so. The Knight’s view is codified in terms of absolutes, and can get lost in the murky moral shades of gray. Each Adherent must find his or her own balance between these two responsibilities. To fail the Knight, an Adherent need only abandon the cause of Idealism or Order. Redemption that is found through deed and experience may allow the fallen Adherent back into the Knight’s good graces. Often, these redeemed Adherents return to the narrow path of Virtue with more understanding and power than they had in innocence, for while the Knight may lose a battle, they have never lost a war.

Places of Worship

Knightly abbeys are part meeting hall, part library, and part public armory. Oftentimes, they may be mistaken for a bailey rather than a temple, as they are often adorned with functional battlements. These abbeys are always defensible, public, and are common in civilized lands. Each serves as a place to protect the community as well as a place to gather to discuss governance.

Expectations of Chosen

To be Chosen of the Knight is possibly the most difficult of any of the Seven. The Knight selects Chosen because they see something in them, the capacity to live up to near impossible ideals. A Chosen of the Knight is expected to have a code and to adhere to that code. Failing the Knight thankfully is not simply from breaking a code, but rather for not attempting to fix the problem. The Knight fully expects their chosen to fail in living up to their own ideals, even the Knight is capable of error. A true chosen learns from their mistakes AND demonstrates this through action attempting restitution if possible and adaptation to not make the same mistakes in the future.

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