Modern History |
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Modern History
In 1585 NL a Treaty was brokered between Vlean and Civen, officially recognizing Vlean’s sovereignty and ending their 100 years of war. It is rumored that the elves of Evenandra had a hand in getting the treaty signed through diplomatic and economic pressure against both nations. In 1586 NL a Dark High Fae by the name of Kezzidruul raised an army of creatures known as the Night’s Children who razed the Freelands while the nations of Novitas all sealed their borders from the threat. A great deal of damage was done in the Freelands before the heroes of Pinedale defeated Kezzidruul. In 1588 NL a Plague swept the land which turned Fae into mortals, with Sparks. This caused a great deal of chaos and turmoil, taking away Faekin heritage, and making it possible for Fae to further become infected with things like Lycanthropy or in some cases be turned into undead. It vanished quickly, cured by the efforts of adventurers in Pinedale.
In 1591 NL Evenandra used clauses in the Treaty of Ghage to declare it null and void. Each nation had their own reaction to this, and at points the possibility of a new major conflict became quite real. In the end a new agreement was made, the Treaty of Pinedale. This document recreated the Freelands with Gersh and Vlean all as signatories, neither of whom had been part of the Treaty of Ghage. The Dellin Tribelands were still excluded as Dellins don’t sign treaties, and even if they did other Dellins would never respect the treaty.
In 1592 NL a Dellan Leader by the name of Blackmountain organized the Dellin Tribes and invaded the Freelands. The other nations unwilling to violate the newly signed treaty of Pinedale left the Freelands to its own devices and they were forced to repel the attack themselves.
In 1595 NL Pisces, a great dragon and child of Draconus, arrived from beneath the sea. She claimed the Eldirloch as her new home and even made the lake bigger, swallowing the entire city of Pinedale.
Early in 1600 NL the tempests of the Maelstrom abated and to everyone’s surprise Vargainen was discovered to have survived. The people of Vargainen made first contact with Novitas, sending an exploratory ship out after the tempest receded.
In Fall of 1600 NL a Minotaur empowered as an Avatar of Grak who called himself Grak organized the goblinoids of the Tribelands and Freelands into an invading army. They headed for the town of Maplewood which they renamed Marrowhold after conquering it. Eventually this Avatar was defeated and cast out at great cost as an exceptionally powerful local relic, the Helix was damaged in the process.
At the start of 1601 NL the ghosts of the world suddenly and spontaneously became visible to all, whereas previously they had only been visible to mediums. The mystery of what changed remains.
In 1601 NL the Dark Three conspired together to infect the world with a plague that caused dementia in its victims. No cure could be found, though various groups tried to create something that could accomplish that job. Before they could come up with anything though the plague mutated becoming airborne and infecting… everyone. This mutated strain didn’t last and faded into nothing, but before it did a strange incident occurred. The world over at the exact same moment people reported seeing everything “crack and fall apart” only to be replaced again once more with the exact same thing. This incident has been dubbed the Shattering. Some refuse to acknowledge it at all, some think of it as a mass hallucination, and some think the Dark Three did something in that moment which everyone is waiting to find out about.
The Shattering
The Shattering is an in-world story that corresponds with this book being updated. It was intended as an explanation for why elements of our game’s history don’t always make sense. As a game nearing twenty years of age we’ve created a lot of backstory players can’t possibly have learned, but our world is one created by the players and sometimes they create things that conflict with already established facts. Sometimes these conflicts take months or even years to get noticed. We took the opportunity to clean up some threads that didn’t really make sense together. It was not an attempt to change world history, only to resolve conflicts. The primary purpose was to fix the issues while still leaving existing characters remembering everything they remember. Now if something they experienced doesn’t line up perfectly with the world book they can blame the memory on the Shattering. It also serves as a player tool available to avoid continuity/ conflict if someone tells you something about their history that doesn’t quite mesh with your knowledge. <end sidebar>
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