Phrasing Templates

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To keep different pages with related concepts phrased consistently.

Spell call descriptions

This is for use with call pages to describe what a call does and how to defend against it.

Variables are:

  • name = Name of call
  • damage = does the call deal damage
  • condition = what condition (if any does the call apply)
  • type1 = First class call fits into
  • type2 = (Optional) second class a call fits into.
  • type1p = the plural form of the first class
  • type2p = (Optional) the plural form of the second class
  • damage = does this call ever inflict damage? yes/ no/ sometimes
  • poison = Can this call be paired with the poison call? yes/ no
  • acid = can this call be paired with the acid call? yes/ no
  • simple = If all prevention effects that stop the call will reference the call by name, put yes for this.
(:if equal "" "yes":)
A call of '<Number> !' deals that number of  damage, if no number is included assume it is for 1 damage.  

(:elseif equal "" "sometimes":)
The '!' call sometimes inflicts damage.  You'll know if it is dealing damage if a number is used.  Always use the number 1 if for some reason you are dealing 1 '!' damage otherwise it will only inflict the '' condition'' and no damage.
(:if2 ! equal "" "":)

(:if [ equal "" "no" || equal "" "Spell" ] :)
Tag bags that call for '!' count as Spells and may not be blocked by a shield.

(:if equal "" "yes":)
Tag bags that call for '!' count as weapons and may always be blocked with a shield.
(:if equal "" "yes":)
When an arrow attack calls for '!' always count it as a weapon, it may be blocked by a shield.

(:if ! equal "" "":)


(:if ! equal "" "":)
The '' call (:if2 equal "" "yes":)causes(:else2:)inflicts(:if2end:) the '' condition'' on a character.

(:if equal "" "yes":)

(:elseif ! equal "" "":)
The '' call is an advanced form of '' damage.  It can be prevented by defenses that stop '' calls but not ones that stop '' calls. (:if2 equal "" "Primal":)Primal damage may also be stopped by Spell prevention effects if it is being delivered by a tag bag.(:if2end:)
(:elseif [ equal "" "" && ! equal "" "yes" && ! equal "" "no" ]:)
Any defense that prevents '' will prevent the entirety of any call that includes this word.
(:elseif [ equal "" "" && ! equal "" "yes" && ! equal "" "no" ]:)
A '' call counts as a  call.  Anything that stops  will stop this call.
(:elseif [ ! equal "" "yes" && ! equal "" "no" ] :)
A '' call counts as both a  and a  call.  Anything that stops either  or  will stop this call. 

(:if equal "" "no":)
The '' call never inflicts damage.

(:if equal "" "Compulsion":)
!!!Creature Specific Calls
Sometimes '' only affects certain types of creatures.  When this is the case the call will list the type of creature such as ' nature'. When this happens '' does not count as a Compulsion effect.  It is still however a Spell effect and can be stopped by anything that stops spells.

(:if equal "" "yes":)
!!!Poison {(ucfirst "")}
When a call is 'Poison !' it is NOT a (:if2 ! equal "" "":) or a  call(:if2end:).  The attack is only stopped by things that stop 'poison' or '' specifically and it may be blocked by shields.  These calls gives the ''[[main.poisoncall#poisoned|Poisoned condition]]'', along with the '' condition''.  In this situation curing the ''[[main.poisoncall#poisoned|Poisoned condition]]'' will also cure the '' condition''.

(:if [ equal "" "yes" && ! equal "" "no" ] :)
!!!Acid {(ucfirst "")}
When a call is 'Acid !' it is NOT a (:if2 ! equal "" "":) or a  call(:if2end:).  The attack is only stopped by things that stop 'acid' or '' specifically, and it may be blocked by shields.  
These calls gives the ''[[main.acidcall|Acid Residue condition]]'', along with the '' condition''.  In this situation curing the ''[[main.acidcall|Acid Residue condition]]'' will also cure the '' condition''.

Hex Traps

If you do not prevent this, you also get the ''Hexed condition''. The ''Hexed condition'' will expire at the end of the game day if it is not removed sooner. When the ''Hexed condition'' expires the other conditions also do, there is no other way to cure the other conditions.

Ritual Essences

Carried in this vial is the essential magic needed to create the  ritual. Follow the instructions on ritual paper for assembling the ritual.
(:if ! equal "" "":)
You'll also need to turn in  to complete assembly of this ritual.

When completed the finished reusable ritual has the following effect: 
(:include #effectstart#effectend self=1:)

Categories: Templates

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