Feb Feast 2025
- The epic craft "Spellstore Weapon", which gives a weapon permanent spellstore, was updated to state that spells cast on it will remain stored in the weapon through the event or until expired.
- TL;DR spells stored in a Spellstore Weapon will carry through convergences.
- New epic craft, "Dual Spell Wand", allows a wand to have a second spell to spend power points on.
- Arrows, bolts, and thrown weapon types no longer can have spells/event crafted onto them.
- Weapons of these types that previously had spells crafted onto them retain those properties and do not need to be changed.
- Arrows and bolts that are broken during play or lost (not stolen) no longer need to be re-crafted to come back into play.
- Simply bring the new ammunition in as the old one was, no crafting needed!
- Ammo and Thrown Weapons now have their own crafting table- because they're now cheaper to craft!
Ammunition and Thrown Weapons Crafting Features
This category includes things like arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons. Since these can easily get used up they have dedicated crafting tables to make them a bit cheaper to replace. However, keep in mind that these items can only be crafted using these tables.
If your ammunition or thrown weapon is broken or lost (not stolen) you do not need to spend crafting to make a new one, simply bring the new prop into play.
It should be noted that Javelins and Great Javelins, while throwable, are considered primarily a melee weapon and thus these tables do not apply to them.
Ammo and Thrown Weapons have a craft point cap of 5.
Ammunition and Thrown Weapon Types
Weapon Type | Crafting Skill | Crafting Cost | Combat Skill | Damage Skill |
Crafted Ammunition | Weaponsmithing Training | None | Projectile Training | Accuracy
Crafted Thrown Weapon
| Weaponsmithing Training | None | Thrown Training | Accuracy |
Standard Ammunition and Thrown Weapon Features
Option Name | Ornamenting Craftable | Weaponsmithing Craftable | Craft Point Cost | Description
Masterwork Ammunition | No | Yes | 1 | Strikes with this ammo have +1 Might/ Accuracy. Can only be taken once. The prop should look above average. |
Standard Ammunition and Thrown Weapon Materials
Option Name
| Ornamenting Craftable | Weaponsmithing Craftable | Craft Point Cost | Description
Goblin Iron Ammo
| No | Yes | 2 | This ammo is crafted out of Goblin Iron. Attacks with it call for 'Poison!'.
Silver Ammo
| No | Yes | 2 | This ammo is made of or coated in silver. Attacks with it call for 'Silver!'.
Thermium Ammo
| No | Yes | 2 | This ammo has been made out of Thermium. Attacks with it call for 'Nature!'.
Elven Steel Ammo
| No | Yes | 5 | This ammo has been made out of Elven Steel. Attacks with it call for 'Elven Steel!'. |
Epic Ammunition and Thrown Weapon Materials
Option Name
| Ornamenting Craftable | Weaponsmithing Craftable | Craft Point Cost | Description
Primal Ammo
| No | Feb Feast Only | 5 | This ammo is made out of raw elemental power. Attacks with it call for 'Primal!'. |
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Page last modified on January 27, 2025, at 01:22 AM
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