Claw of the Beast

Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Alchemicals > Claw of the Beast

Claw of the Beast
Last Updated: 1/15/24

Alchemical Item

Blade Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Claw of the Beast

Alchemy Level: 4

Type: Blade Alchemical

Duration: Medium (10 Minutes)

Flag: Weapon

Herbalism Required: Yes

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 2

Harmful: Yes

Description: Gives +1 Might or Accuracy and replaces a weapons damage type with 'Poison!'.

An improved version of Corruption


Claw of the beast is one of the vilest of blade poisons, a runny, greasy green paste that is spread along the length of a blade, causing even the least of cuts to fester and ooze.


The affected weapon may replace all strikes with the call '<Damage> Poison!'. Use your Might and/ or Accuracy as appropriate for the weapon and add 1 to determine damage. This lasts the full effect duration, not for a specific number of hits. Cannot be applied to Elven Steel weapons. This effect lasts for 20 minutes if applied to a pure goblin iron weapon (one made with no other materials).

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 4 Alchemicals | Blade Alchemicals | Poison Calls | Might | Accuracy

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