Hand of Death

Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Alchemicals > Hand of Death

Hand of Death

Alchemical Item

Thrown Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Hand of Death

Alchemy Level: 3

Type: Thrown Alchemical

Duration: Instant

Flag: None

Herbalism Required: No

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 2

Harmful: Yes

Description: Throws for '4 Poison!'.


Hand of death poison is named after the ancient assassin cult who invented it, and used it with great success for many years. A virulent poison that instantly soaks into skin, hand of death is usually carried in fragile ceramic vials or glass bulbs that shatter on impact when thrown.


Calls for '4 Poison!'.

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 3 Alchemicals | Thrown Alchemicals | Poison Calls

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