Mind Expanding Elixir

Site Index > Rules > Gameplay > Item Types > Alchemicals > Mind Expanding Elixir

Mind Expanding Elixir

Alchemical Item

Ingested Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Mind Expanding Elixir

Alchemy Level: 4

Type: Ingested Alchemical

Duration: Extra Long (Event)

Flag: None

Herbalism Required: No

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 1

Harmful: No

Description: Gain 2 Power for the event.


By greatly expanding the imbiber's consciousness mind expanding elixir grants a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of magic.


Gain 2 Power for the event.

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 4 Alchemicals | Ingested Alchemicals | Power | Power Points

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