Gershan Roots

Gershan Roots

Alchemical Item

Thrown Alchemical

Alchemical Name: Gershan Roots

Alchemy Level: 1

Type: Thrown Alchemical

Duration: Medium (10 Minutes)

Flag: None

Herbalism Required: No

Scarce: No

Production Quantity: 2

Description: A thrown alchemical that calls for "Acid Grounding!", this gives the grounded condition to prevent escaping.



When thrown this calls for 'Acid Grounding!'.


Grounding Calls

The 'Poison Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Poisoned condition and the Grounded condition. The 'Poison Grounding!' call is not a spell.

The 'Acid Grounding!' call never inflicts damage. It can be blocked by an unbroken shield. Characters hit by the attack get the Acid Residue condition and the Grounded condition. The 'Acid Grounding!' call is not a spell.

The Grounded Condition

A Grounded character is unable to utilize extra-planar movement effects or magical disguises for 10 minutes.

They cannot gain the Banished, Dissipated, Ley Transit, or Sparkless conditions. Preventing the Sparkless condition means calling 'No Effect!' to the Reap Spirit spell.

If you presently have the Banished, Dissipated, or the Ghastly Visage conditions they are dispelled immediately and unpreventably.

Thrown Alchemicals

A thrown alchemical represents a small easily breakable vial being hurled at an enemy. To use a thrown alchemical the vial being used must be easily reachable by the person using it, however they do not need to grab it right away. The player should role-play grabbing the alchemical, then instead grab a tag bag and throw that. Because thrown alchemicals are often used in the middle of combat, players are not expected to destroy the consumable tag right away. Players should keep track of what they use and how many of each, then at a later point that is more convenient make sure they should destroy the consumable tags for anything they threw.

The thrown alchemical will always state what call to use when you 'throw' it.

Categories: Items | Alchemicals | Level 1 Alchemicals | Thrown Alchemicals | Grounding Calls | Acid Calls

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