Character Advancement (Skills and Experience)

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Character Advancement (Skills and Experience)


Term Name: Character Advancement

Description: Players earn experience points for helping the game, those points are assigned to characters and this earns levels and skill points. Skill points can then be spent to buy skills giving characters new abilities.

Abbreviation or Synonyms: Growth, Development

Rule Type: Character

Overtime characters improve, gaining new skills and learning new abilities. This page will discuss how that happens.

Experience Points

Characters in Kingdoms of Novitas do not earn experience, players earn it. Experience in Kingdoms of Novitas is awarded for actions that help improve the game.

Whenever players donate money to the game or pay for things like event entry fees they get 1 experience point for every $10 donated or spent.

While money is one way to help the game, there are many others as well.

  • Each shift a player NPCs earns them 1 experience point. Players who NPC 3 or more shifts get an extra experience point for the third and fourth shift they NPC.
  • Helping with setting up and breaking down each event also earns experience, 1 point for every hour spent.
  • Work groups have a variety of positions that need to be filled every event, such as the make-up desk, game masters, and innkeepers. These typically get 2 experience for a shift.
  • Item donations to the game will earn experience when they are requested. Not every donation is acceptable, the Marshals will periodically post lists of the things they are currently looking for at that time.
  • Several times a year, the Boy Scouts host "Work Days" where volunteers work on improving the camp site for everyone's benefit. We award experience to players who participate and help at these work days.
  • Finally, Marshals will from time to time have special projects for improving the game, or maintaining our supplies. These include things like laundering the NPC garb, building new costuming, technical projects (such as working on this Wiki or the Web Portal), going to conventions to recruit new players, and writing projects.

Players can check how many experience points they have by going to the online experience look-up located here.

To get your player ID number or character ID numbers speak to the Logistics Marshal or Second (Frank Tamburrino and Taylor Dean).

Character Level and Skill Points

Players then take the experience points they earn and assign them to their characters. All experience points go to one character until you speak to the Logistics Marshal or Second (Frank Tamburrino and Taylor Dean) to change who they are going to. The total number of experience points assigned will determine what level a character has.

Characters begin at level 0 with 10 skill points. Each level after that earns a character 2 skill points. The first 20 levels require 5 experience points each. Every level after that requires 10 experience points.

You can use the online character sheet to calculate your level, how many skill points you have, and assign skills without having to do any of the actual math.

If you like math and want to do it anyway, you can calculate how many skill points a character has with these two formulas:

Then use this formula to determine skill points: (Level * 2 + 10).

Learning Skills

Characters can spend skill points to learn new skills. Each skill has a cost listed to learn it, and many have prerequisites of other skills that must be learned before you can learn that one. Other than role-playing skills and rare language skills you do not need permission to learn skills. Role-playing skills and rare language skills require permission from the Plot Marshal or Second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) to learn.

When you learn a skill simply mark them down on your character sheet to note that you've learned them. The online character sheet located at can be used to track how you have spent your skill points or you can use the most current paper version of the character sheet. The online character sheet is preferred.

Once you've entered play with a character sheet the skill points spent should remain spent the same way (unless a player is using the character amnesty rule). An exception to this is that when rules updates take place; they can cause a character sheet to cease to be accurate, legal, or it can cause a character to have skill points not spent as previously intended. If this happens, the rules update will generally come with instructions on how to handle the situation. In the event that still leaves issues, speak to a 1st Marshal (Christina Mevec, James Vertucci, and Ryan Green) to figure out how to remedy the situation.

Players should have their most up to date character sheet on them when playing their player character at an event. The character creation portal does not give members of staff access to any information you put into it, so you'll need to be sure to print out a copy of the sheet and have that on hand. You can also keep your most current copy downloaded to your phone and forgo having to have the paper entirely.

Specialist Titles

When characters learn all the skills in certain segments of the character sheet, they gain access to special bonus abilities known as 'Specialist Titles'. These are permanent abilities and cost no skill points to learn beyond those required to fill out that section of the character sheet.

Weapons Master

A Weapons Master is a character who has obtained all of the following combat skills:

Twice per game day a weapons master may make an attack with any weapon a 'master's strike'.

Weapons Masters are the only ones who may wield great javelins or great spears with a second weapon or shield. While doing this you may only make stabbing attacks with the great javelin/ spear, never swinging attacks. A weapon in the off hand can be swung as normal.

Finally, Weapons Masters are also the only characters who can take advantage of master's blades.

Master Crafter

A character who has obtained all 20 craft points and has mastered a crafting skill can gain the following titles:

Having any combination of these three titles makes a character a Master Crafter.

Master Crafters gain 4 additional craft points each event. When using these craft points they do not need to spend any coin.

Master Crafters have unique items only they can craft:


A character earns the Savant title after obtaining all 20 production points and learning the following skills:

Savants gain 5 production points that break cap. When producing potions or scrolls Savants, instead of being limited to only spells they know, may also copy potions and scrolls they have on hand to determine which they can make. This cannot be used to copy scarce items.

Only Savants can use an Alchemist's Laboratory.

School Master

This title represents seven different titles at once, one for each school of magic. A character becomes a School Master (replacing "school" with the name of school you have mastery in, such as Aegis Master) when they:

Characters can become masters of every school they qualify for.

Upon becoming a Master of a school, the character may choose one level two or higher spell to specialize in. You cannot change this spell after it is selected. Your selected spell costs you one less power point to cast (to a minimum of 1). This discount does not stack with other discounts you can obtain through the game, most notably with the Master's Staff, unless it is specifically stated otherwise.

A Master of a school is the only one who can benefit from a Master's Staff.


Combat Skills

Body Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Body Training

Combat None 1 Have 1 Body Point total

Body Proficiency

Combat Body Training 2 Have 2 Body Points total

Body Expertise

Combat Body Proficiency 3 Have 3 Body Points total

Body Mastery

Combat Body Expertise 4 Have 4 Body Points total

Weapon and Shield Use Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Melee Training

Combat None Free Use non-martial weapons.

Melee Proficiency

Combat None 2 Use martial weapons

Melee Expertise

Combat Melee Proficiency 2 Use great weapons

Off-Hand Training

Combat Melee Proficiency 2 Dual wield two non-martial weapons.

Off-Hand Proficiency

Combat Off-hand Training 3 Dual wield one martial and one non-martial weapon.

Off-Hand Expertise

Combat Off-hand Proficiency 4 Dual wield two martial weapons.

Projectile Training

Combat Accuracy Training 2 Use Bows and Crossbows

Throwing Training

Combat Accuracy Training 2 Use Thrown Weapons

Throwing Proficiency

Combat Throwning Training, Melee Proficiency 1 Use Javelins

Throwing Expertise

Combat Throwning Proficiency, Melee Expertise 2 Use Great Javelins

Buckler Training

Combat None 1 You may use bucklers.

Shield Training

Combat Buckler Training 1 You may use shields.

Melee and Ranged Weapon Damage Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Accuracy Training

Combat None Free Deal 1 damage with ranged weapons

Accuracy Proficiency

Combat Accuracy Training 2 Deal 2 damage with ranged weapons

Accuracy Expertise

Combat Accuracy Proficiency 2 Deal 3 damage with ranged weapons

Accuracy Mastery

Combat Accuracy Expertise 2 Deal 4 damage with ranged weapons

Might Training

Combat None Free Deal 1 damage with melee weapons.

Might Proficiency

Combat Might Training 3 Deal 2 damage with melee weapons.

Might Expertise

Combat Might Proficiency 4 Deal 3 damage with melee weapons.

Might Mastery

Combat Might Expertise 5 Deal 4 damage with melee weapons.

Crafting Skills

Knowledge Skills

List of General Knowledge Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Estimate Value

Knowledge None 2 Know the monetary value of non-magical treasures.

First Aid

Knowledge None 1 Prevent bleeding out. Feed others potions. Heal blunt torso wounds. Learn about injuries.


Knowledge None 2 Allows a character to use poisonous alchemical compounds.

Identify Magic

Knowledge None 2 Know the details for magical treasures

Read Magic

Knowledge None 2 Allows you to use scrolls.

List of all Languages

Jump to Page: Common Languages, Uncommon Languages, Rare Languages

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Andaranian Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Vargainen PC Creation - Speak the language of Vargainen and ancient Novitas.

Apian Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Verduran PC Creation - Speak the language of Insects.

Black Speech Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval 1 Speak the language of Sky Beasts

Canine Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill - Speak the language of Kazvaks and some Lycanthropes


Knowledge None Free Speak the Common language.

Diabolic Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Faekin PC Creation - Speak the language of the Dark Fae.

Draconic Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Drake PC Creation - Speak the language of piscenes, reptilians and drakes.

Elemental Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Druid Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Elementals.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Elvish language.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Gershan language.

Goblinoid Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Chosen of the Scholar Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Orc hordes.

Immortal Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval 1 Speak the language of the Illuminated

Ratfolk Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval, Scholar Level 4, or Chosen of the Scholar Level 1 1 Speak the language of the Ratfolk.

Sylvan Language

Knowledge Scholar Roleplay Skill, Faekin PC Creation - Speak the language of the Light Fae.


Knowledge None 1 Speak the Terran language.

Thieves' Cant Language

Knowledge Plot Marshal Approval or Scholar Level 4 1 Understand the codewords of the Thieves Guild

Magic Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description


Magic None 1 Gain 1 power point per game day. May be taken twenty (20) times.

Rituals of Aegis

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Aegis Rituals

Rituals of Battle

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Battle Rituals

Rituals of Compulsion

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Compulsion Rituals

Rituals of Enchantment

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Enchantment Rituals.

Rituals of Nature

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Nature Rituals.

Rituals of Necromancy

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Necromancy Rituals.

Rituals of Restoration

Magic School Mastery, Scholar Roleplaying Skill 1 You can cast Restoration Rituals.

Production Skills

Skill Name

Skill Tree Prerequisite(s) Skill Point Cost Description

Production Points

Production None 1 per 2 Gain 2 production points per event. This can be taken up to 10 times for a total of 20 production points.

Alchemy Basics

Production Herbalism 1 Produce level 1 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Training

Production Alchemy Basics 2 Produce level 2 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Proficiency

Production Alchemy Training 3 Produce level 3 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Expertise

Production Alchemy Proficiency 4 Produce level 4 alchemical items with production points

Alchemy Mastery

Production Alchemy Expertise 5 Produce level 5 alchemical items with production points

Brew Potion

Production None 2 Allows a character to create potions using production points.

Scribe Scroll

Production Read Magic 4 Allows a character to produce scrolls using production points.

Master's Strikes

A master's strike is a type of modifier call granted by some abilities and items. When used a master's strike modifies the characters next successful hit. Using a master strike a character can add either the 'Slay!' call or the 'Pierce' call to a weapon attack (for the purposes of this ability a projectile weapon delivering a tag bag spell does not count as a weapon attack). Additionally when using a masters strike Might and Accuracy are capped at 4 while dual wielding, with a sword and shield, or when using throwing weapons instead of the normal caps of 2. Remember, only one modifier can be applied to a call at a time. If a modifer is already present, no additional modifiers can be added.

Example: A character is using a great weapon and they attack for half damage to apply the slay call to the attack. They may not then apply a master's strike to that attack to also add the pierce call.

Master's Blade

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Master's Blade

No Master Weaponsmith and Master Tinkerer 8 If the wielder of this weapon is a weapon master they gain an additional master's strike each game day. Can only be taken by a weapon once. A character can only benefit from one additional master's strike from a master's blade each game day.

Alchemist's Lab

A Savant with an Alchemist's Laboratory gains 5 additional production points which break cap. These points stack with the bonus points gained from the Savant title for a total of 30 points.

Multiple character's in a party can each have their own Alchemist's Laboratory.

An Alchemist's Laboratory can only be created by a Master Crafter with both the Ornamenting Five and Tinkering Five skills.

Master's Staff

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Master's Staff

No Master Weaponsmith and Master Ornamentor 8 Must be crafted onto a great weapon. The weapon is a Master's Staff. A character can only benefit from one item that counts as a Master's Staff per event.

Select a school of magic at when this is crafted. When the staff is used by a master of that school the weapon reduces the cost of casting any spell from that school by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This does not stack with other effects. The feature can only be crafted onto a weapon once.

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