Spell and Item Rules

This chapter covers information about how spells and items impact game play. It has all the broad rules that apply to most spells and items. Towards the end of the chapter is information on crafting and production - creating your own items. Players do not need to know this information until they desire to learn about it.


Every time a spell is cast it has an effect on something, generally on a character. Often effects are temporary, but some might be permanent (such as healing someone). Using items such as alchemicals or potions creates effects as well. Anything that deviates from the normal ongoing rules or has lasting impact on the world is an effect.

Postive effects are often referred to as 'buffs' and negative effects are often referred to as 'debuffs'.

Effect Types

Much like calls, effects can have types associated with them. If the effect was created by a spell (or a spell-like item it is a 'spell effect'). Those created by alchemicals are 'alchemical effects'. Most of the time none of this matters. You only need to know what type of effect something has if another effect refers to a category it interacts with. When this happens it should be relatively clear if an effect is or is not part of the relevant category.

For example:The Dispel Magic spell removes all spell effects from a target. Rather than list what is a spell effect, its easier to just know any buff or debuff caused by a spell on a target will be removed when they are affected by 'Dispel Magic!'.

Effect Durations

Each effect has a duration, how long it will last.

Durations always fall into the following categories:

  • Instant: The effect does it's job and then ends immediately.
  • Short (1 Minute): These effects are generally meant to be used in a combat situation. Because 1 minute is difficult to track in a combat situation, we rely on players to use their best judgement and the honor system.
  • Medium (10 Minutes): 10 minutes is long enough an extended fight. These effects are meant to last for the entirety of a typical combat encounter or to be used on the way to one. Players should generally avoid trying to 'get more value out of their buffs' by chasing secondary encounters while a buff from a previous encounter is still functioning. This has a tendency to lead to behavior that is bad for the community/ game. Sometimes though, you finish an encounter and immediately stumble onto another one, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Long (Game Day): This effect lasts until convergence. Generally these effects are defensive buffs or major penalties. These effects are used well in advance because you predict you might run into a situation where it will be relevant.
  • Extra-Long (Event): These effects are generally the most powerful, costly, or conditional to use. This duration is very rare and mostly appears on rituals.
  • Continuous: These effects last for as long as you are using a particular item and stop when you take the item off (only to start again when you put it on again). They exclusively come from magic items and tinkering items.

Dispelling Effects

Effects will end when their duration runs out or if another effect removes them. To remove one effect you need a second effect that specifically removes the first effect, or something that removes all effects of a particular type.

Buff spells that have a range other than tag bag can be ended at any time by the person benefiting from it. The caster of a buff spell can also end if they touch the target who must be either willing or Helpless and then declare aloud that the spell is over.

For example: A character has their Might increased by the Strength spell. It will last for 10 minutes (the duration of that spell) or until something dispels it. To dispel the Strength spell something must either state it ends that spell specifically or all spells (such as 'Dispel Magic!'). Because it is a spell with a range of touch, the Strength spell can also be ended voluntarily by the character who has it, or by the caster if they touch the target again.

An instant effect does whatever it does, and ends immediately. Effects with an instant duration can never be dispelled - they have already done what they set out to do. You can however undo the results.

Example: A spell creates tag bags that call for '4 Magic!' damage. There is nothing to be dispelled after the spell is cast, but you can heal the damage caused.

Flag Requirements

If an effect requires a flag it will list it to let you know. Any effect that requires a flag does not take start until the flag is put into place. If you do not place the flag within one minute of causing the effect (such as within one minute of casting a spell), the effect ends immediately. Should the flag fall off the effect will also fall off (end) as well. To help avoid this players are allowed to put multiple flags onto a person or object. Only if all flags fall off does the effect end. If multiple effects that require flags are on a single thing, only one flag is required to be placed.

Stat Caps

Some traits have limits on how much they can be improved. This is for game balance's sake. The rules for each trait explain if there is a cap on it, and if so what that cap is.

A limited number of very powerful abilities and items allow characters to break these caps. Anything that allows a character to do this will say that they can "break cap" explicitly.

The caps are:

Stacking Effects

When two different effects both enhance the same thing, we call the interaction of those two effects 'stacking'. Characters can benefit from multiple bonuses to the same trait as long as they come from differently named effects. A character cannot benefit from two effects with the same name at once.

Example: A character has 1 Might, they normally deals 1 damage with their sword. Someone casts the Strength spell on them (increasing their Might by 1 for 10 minutes), now they deal 2 damage with their sword. A different person gives them a Strength potion which they drink. These effects have the same name, 'Strength', so the character only gets a bonus once. However, if they were to use a Weapon Stone on their sword (which increases Might with that weapon), they would now deal 3 damage with it for as long as the two effects last.

Non-Stacking Effects

Some rules state that they do not stack. For any given trait you can benefit from only one effect that 'does not stack'. If you have a second effect that does stack, it can be used with a single effect that does not stack.

Example: A character casts on themself the spell Stoneskin, which provides 2 Natural armor points that stack. They then cast the ritual of Ironbark which provides additional Natural Armor points (we'll say 4 for this example), but does not stack. That means the character now has 6 natural armor points (one effect that stacks with one effect that does not). If they were to then drink a Natural Armor Elixir (a scarce item that provides 2 points of Natural Armor that does not stack), they would not gain any further Natural Armor points. Both the Natural Armor Elixir and the Ironbark do not stack, so you could only benefit from one of the two. You would use the Ironbark because it provides the better bonus, the Natural Armor Elixir has gone to waste.

Trait Minimums

Many traits have minimums that they cannot be reduced below. If effects would reduce a character to below a minimum, the effects only bring the character to the minimum unless the effect specifically says it can take the trait below its minimum.

Setting a Trait

If an effect sets a trait to a certain number it overrides all other modifiers to that trait for as long as it lasts. When two different effects set a character to two different numbers, the effect that was applied second is the only one that matters.

For example: A character has 2 body. They cast the spell Toughness (which grants 2 additional body points) on themselves bringing their total body up by two to a total of 4. Someone else casts the spell Heroism on them, which sets their body to 10. The character now has 10 body, not 12. If that character gains the Diseased condition (which among other things causes a character to have -1 body), they still have 10 body, because Heroism sets your body to 10. If the character then gets hit with a 'Curse!' call, they gain the Cursed condition (which sets their body to a maximum of 1), they now have 1 body point.


An enchantment is a special kind of effect that can last longer than an event. The source of the enchantment will specify exactly how long it lasts and exactly what it does. Enchantments are a catch all category for special story related effects not covered by any other rule, that affect a character for a long period of time. If a character has an enchantment on them the plot marshal or second (Ryan Green and Donald Tyson) will note it on their character sheet.

Magic and Spells

The word magic can mean several things in Novitas. Spells are magical abilities characters have learned how to bring about. Different characters cast spells in different ways, but certain requirements must always be met to cast them. Rituals are generally mystical pieces of paper with arcane writing on them. Characters can precisely follow the instructions given on a ritual to create a particular effect. Spells can also be imbued into a variety of different items to change how they are cast.

A spell is a practice of magic commonly understood by many characters in the world. Each spell does something specific and the effects are the same no matter who is performing it or how they perform it. All over the world, spells are identical.

There are 7 schools of magic: Aegis, Battle, Compulsion, Enchantment, Nature, Necromancy, and Restoration. The schools have themes to the effects they produce. Each school has 10 spells. Spells all have a level from one to five, and each school has exactly 2 spells at each level.

Characters learn spells like other skills, and then use their own magic power points (which are also learned as a skill) to perform the spell. This is the most common form of magic use.

An item or rule that lets you cast a 'Prismatic Spell', allows you to choose which spell it casts based on the criteria listed (generally any spell of a certain level, sometimes a spell of a particular school).

Casting Requirements

The basics of all spell casting follow one set of guidelines. Some items types will add some additional rules specific to those item types.

For a character to cast a spell they must: know the spell, have enough power points available to cast the spell, and have a free hand. If all of these criteria are met they may proceed to casting the spell.

Spell Knowledge

A character knows a spell if they have spent the skill points to learn it. Alternately a character can have access to a spell through a rod or a tome.

Many magic items also cast spells. A character can cast spells out of any item they are attuned to without needing to know the spell, and the item will provide the necessary power to cast. These items do not teach the spell; if a character wants to cast the spell separately from the item they need to have spent the skill points to have learned it.

Power Points

Cast a spell costs its level in power points to cast. Power points are a skill characters can learn, and some items can provide extra power points as well.

Characters can never spend more than 20 magic power points in a single game day. Attempting to do so causes the character to gain an unpreventable Torso Wound condition as the magical energies tear the character apart. This will also cause the spell casting to fail. Abilities that grant characters power points that break cap do not count against this limit.

Some abilities and rules allow characters to pay fewer power points to cast a spell. This cannot bring the spell's cost to 0 power points unless the source explicitly says that it does. Abilities that reduce power point costs do not stack unless they explicitly say they do.

Free Hands

A character must have a free hand to cast a spell. Hands are considered free if there is nothing held in that hand and the attached arm has free unrestricted movement. You must be able to fully raise your hand and can't hold anything between your arm and your body. Worn gear never hinders casting by itself (such as armor and passive bucklers).

When using an item to cast a spell if that item is not worn on your body you must have it in hand, in which case it does not count against your hand being 'free'.

If the target of the spell being cast is an object the caster has in hand, that does not count against your hand being 'free'.

Characters with two Arm Wound conditions cannot cast spells.

Casting Spells (Incantations)

If you've met the requirements, you are now ready to cast the spell. To cast a spell you must speak an incantation. Spells have no fixed incantations. Each character is free to come up with their own schema for how they want to represent the magic they can perform. Incants do not need to be spoken word. They can be sung, chanted, or role-played in other ways.

There are still some requirements for a proper incantation. Incantations must be spoken loudly and clearly enough that players standing 10 feet away will know that a spell has been cast. An incantation also requires a minimum of 8 words, which must include the name of the spell being performed. You may not bluff one spell and then cast a different one (such as by putting multiple spell names into the incantation). The incantation must clearly convey EXACTLY what you are casting. You may not make the incantation gibberish, or attempt to work it into a conversation. It must be both clear that you are casting and what you are casting.

Interrupting Incantations (Failing to Cast)

If an incantation is partially finished and the player performing it gets hit by any attack (even if that hit is fully prevented) the spell is interrupted. The assumption here is that even if you are immune to a fire, it is still disruptive to be engulfed in flames. Pausing in the middle of an incantation for more than a moment will also cause the incantation to be interrupted.

When this happens, nothing is lost (such as power points or item charges), but the incantation must be restarted from the beginning.

Written Incantations

Whenever working with a magic item that includes a written incantation, it must be performed exactly as written. Even if the incantation is something that can be memorized you must still roleplay reading the text from the paper using enough light to be able to read the document.

If a ritual or tome is not written in Common you must also be able to speak the language to use it. Scrolls only require the read magic skill to use them, they are never written in alternate languages.

'No Incant' or 'At Will' Abilities

Some abilities say they are 'at will' or require 'no incant'. These terms mean the same thing. In either case an incantation is not needed to cast the spell. All other criteria of spell casting must still be met.

When you cast a no incant spell you must still announce the spell as you perform it so others know what is happening. Call out the spells name aloud as if it were a standard call.

'Throw a tag bag for <Call>'

When an ability says to throw a tag bag for a particular call it doesn't need to be cast (even if the call normally comes from a spell), you simply take a tag bag and throw it while making that call.

Spell Results

Having successfully performed the incantation the spell resolves, having its effect on the world. You spend the power points required to cast the spell at this time (or destroy the consumable used, expend charges from an item, etc).

Spells follow the normal rules for effects regarding if they stack or not. They also use the same definitions of traits like duration and flag requirements.

Each spell has a range you can use it at. This tells you how the spell (or spell producing item) is directed to its target. You are not required to be able to see your intended target to cast a spell.

A spell's target is who or what the spell is cast upon. For example: You can't cast Magic Lock to magically lock a person, only objects that can be opened and closed.

A spell can be identified as a 'buff' spell if it has a range of touch or self AND does not require the target to be Helpless.

Whenever one character casts a buff spell on another character the second character may always voluntarily choose to reject that spell's effect. When they do this they should announce 'No Effect!'. Any power points or consumables used to cast the spell are still consumed.

Remember especially with new players you may need to explain what a spell does, be patient. For offensive spells the explanation is generally taken care of by the calls used. However you may still need to break character for a moment to explain more complicated effects.

Types of Items

Mundane Items

Not every item needs to have abilities associated with it. Some are exactly what they say they are. A mundane item is any item that can be brought into play without needing to be crafted or produced. We still give some mundane items rules. This could be because they are important to gameplay (such as weapons and armor). It could be because we have guidelines on what an acceptable prop looks like (such as lanterns). Some items have entries because they are important to the setting (such as bells). Safety reasons are another reason some objects have entries (such as torches). A few items have entries because of how they interact with our other rules (such as containers).

Mundane objects can be brought into game at any time by anyone with no skills or special rules required as long as they follow the guidelines listed for that type of object.

Some items seem like they should be mundane are not, this includes things like locks and light tubes (flash lights) which are made using tinkering, and things like coins. Always be sure to check the mundane items list to see if the thing you want to bring in already exists as an item with rules to it.

Valuable Items

Valuable items are those things which have a value in currency. Anyone with the estimate value skill is capable of appraising the worth of any valuable item, which are marked with a number starting with a 'V'.

There are no regulations on value when trading between players, they can trade for whatever value they think is fair, the value listed for an item is how much merchants can trade that item in to get coins between games.

Valuable items can be created by any player using pre-production, with no skills required. Simply tell logistics what prop you have that you want to be valuable, and turn in the same amount of coin. This can only be done with items that are not already numbered. They will create a new item number for your prop and it will be worth that amount.

While anyone can create valuable items, only Merchants can convert them back into coin. Coin can be kept out of play this way, which can be more managable. Characters might also use this rule simply to show off their wealth by wearing extremely valuable items in public.

Unlisted Items

Not every item deserves its own write up in the rules. Our players are creative people who can (and have) come up with a wild number of things they feel would be useful at game. If an item is not written up in these rules, is appropriate to the atmosphere (as well as the setting) of the game, and perhaps most importantly it is safe to bring; you can bring it with you into the game at any time.

Some items may meet some of these requirements, but not all, or may be questionable on one of these requirements. Be sure to talk to staff and they can help let you know if something is appropriate. When an item creates rules issues we'll create a new entry in the rules to deal with those issues at that time.

Tinkering Items

Tinkering items are neither magical nor mundane. These are as close as our game gets to 'science' equipment. All tinkering items are useful tools often represented by actual working tools. Mechanically they either do exactly what they are (Locks, Light Tubes), they have magic-item-like effects that the game doesn't consider magical (Shackles of Grounding) or they are tools used for magic that are not magical themselves (Ritual Candles and Quills).

A few tinkering items function exactly like magic items except they are created with tinkering and are completely standardized (Magic lock Picks). See the rules for magic objects for more on how these items work.

All tinkering items are numbered items that must be created using the crafting system to bring them into play.

Encampment Items

An encampment item is a subtype of tinkering item that is completely stationary. They must be kept at a party's encampment in order to be used and are never lootable. Each party can have at most one of each encampment item shared between them unless the item explicitly says otherwise.

Many encampment items have a fixed number of uses per event, all members of the party share those uses between them. Like many magic items, once the item has been used up for the event the item must wait until the next event to be used again. Parties are expected to have a means that works for them to determine how many uses remain for these items.

An encampment item that states that "party members" get some benefit can only be used by members of the party who own the encampment item. If the encampment item has a blanket effect (such as a Grounding Stone, then it applies to anyone who visits the encampment. For other items that don't specify party members and aren't blanket effects, any member of the party who owns the item may allow any other character to use that item. Parties are allowed to designate temporary extra members for an event up to a total of 6 people (counting existing permanent party members). A player character may only be part of one party at a time and can't change party mid-event.

When individuals who are not in parties make encampment items that are used by a party they may create a temporary party for the event and share the encampment item with up to 5 other individuals who do not have a party or encampment of their own. Those individuals can't use another encampment for the duration of the event they do this.

Consumable Items

A consumable item is any item with a limited number of uses. Most consumables can only be used once. Wands are an exception to this, they have a fixed amount of power points available to them when created and when those power points are consumed the item is consumed.

Paper Consumables

Most consumables are represented by a slip of paper with an official logistics stamp on it. These papers are then the finished product (in the case of scrolls and trap tags) or placed inside other objects (like alchemicals and potions). There are standard potion vials the game uses for alchemicals and potions, which are available at cost at the logistics desk. Players are welcome to use their own as well so long as the container is safe, and should not be made of glass. We use plastic bottles for safety reasons making them an exception to the period materials guideline.

Only one slip should go inside any given container.

Paper consumables are generally not numbered. They are lootable however. Treat any in-game document with a logistics stamp and no number as lootable.

Outdated Consumables

Rules are updated on a yearly basis. Sometimes particularly complicated situations arise that require updates immediately. Over time, printed consumables can become grossly out-of-date with very wrong information on them. Players are allowed to update them, turning old copies in to logistics to get up-to-date copies instead. This is purely optional, but helps to allow you to read what the consumable does ACCURATELY while in play. Players should consider doing this because they might not be the person who ultimately uses the consumable.

Paper consumables will have a date printed on them. If the item (or the spell the item is based on for potions and scrolls) have been updated the page in this wiki will list the date it was last changed. This is an impractical way of checking large numbers of items however, and is mostly useful if you think something is off. A method of checking more items rapidly is being worked on and will hopefully be available by mid 2024.

Using Consumables

When you use a consumable you should roleplay using that item. For potions this means role-playing drinking it, or feeding it to someone else. Lids do not need to be removed from containers, you are allowed to mime the action. Alchemicals depend on what type of alchemical it is. After doing this the effect begins immediately. At your earliest convenience destroy the paper (rip it in half) after removing it from the container (if any). This does not have to be done right away, and often combat makes doing it immediately impossible.

Containers that belong to you should be kept for future use, if the container came from the game (such as from loot) return it to logistics to be reused. Odds are you won't remember which is which, so follow a ratio that makes sense to you. If half your consumables were probably loot, give about half the containers you use back to logistics.

Scarce Items

Some consumables are labeled as being scarce. These items cannot be produced at all. They also can't be copied, reproduced, or used in any way without being consumed. Only items that explicitly interact with scarce items may break this restriction. Scarce items are intended to only ever be available as loot.

The purpose of a scarce items is to ensure there is always the potential for something unusual and hard to find to be available from encounters.

Plants - Found Consumables

Some consumable plants can be found in play. There are currently no methods for player characters to create these plants. Consumable plants are sometimes placed around the campsite to be discovered by a player lucky or skilled enough to notice them. The plant will have an item number that explains what it does. Characters with identify magic or herbalism can look up what the plant does.

If a gamemaster has you put out a plant to be found, be sure to remember where you put it. At the end of the shift you'll need to go verify that someone found it. If no one found it, pick it up and bring it back in to logs, we do not wish to leave props behind to get lost and our hosts don't want us leaving behind things that won't biodegrade on their site. These items should only go out for one shift at a time (so there's never a situation where the person who put a plant out has to avoid finding it).

Magic Items

A magic object or item is any item with magical properties. There are no automatic rules for what a magic item could do, some very unique ones are in circulation, as are a variety of more standardized ones.

All magic items will have a number on them and should be represented with a prop that is better than average looking for whatever it is.

In order to use the special abilities of the item a character must first either identify the item themselves using the identify magic skill or they must have someone else do that for them. Weapons which have not been identified still call for their damage types because those damage types should be readily identifiable to everyone just by looking at the weapon.

Anyone who looks at a magic item should be able to immediately tell the item is magical. Characters can simply ask one another 'Is that glowing?' in reference to an item, and the other player should say 'yes' if the object is magical. Sometimes magic items are given a blue glow using an electric light or glow stick of some kind to make it very clear the item is magical. This is done to avoid a situation where one character figures out something is magical, and they are able to slip away with it while others don't ever realize the object had value - when it should be obvious.

There are a wide range of effects magic items can have. These are some of the more regular terms/ abilities you will encounter with them. There are a wide range of effects magic items can have. These are some of the more regular terms/ abilities you will encounter with them.

Casting Spells with Magic Items

To use a spell provided by an item the character must perform all the normal steps of spell casting, except that the item provides any needed power points instead of the character.

Uses Per Event

Many magic items have a fixed number of uses (aka charges) per event. Often this will be a spell that can be cast a certain number of times per event. A character can use these charges at any time they deem appropriate. Once all the charges are used that ability can no longer be used for the remainder of the event. At the start of the next event the player attends the uses will all be refreshed, ready to be used again.

Permanent Effects

Some effects are always active. These affect the character as long as the item in question is being used as intended. For most items this means as long as the item is being worn. These effects only require an incantation to use if they explicitly say they do.

Invisible Items

Some items are in-game, but are only visible to their owners. These items should be made of blue material and accented with orange, or marked with an orange flag. Only a people attuned to such items can interact with them in any way.

One common example of this is a blue bag. These pouches are used by characters to hold valuable goods to prevent them from being robbed. Often gamemasters will give these to NPC's when carrying goods too valuable to let PC's acquire by simply robbery. Players can also potentially acquire blue bags through the annual fundraising events.

Some encampment items are also invisible in this fashion. If you see orange on an encampment item, you should not open it.

Crafted and Epic Items

A crafted or craftable item is any item a player character can create themselves through the crafting rules.

Characters with the Weaponsmithing or Ornamenting skills can craft custom magic items between events using crafting points and the preproduction system. This creates numbered items characters can keep for as long as they hold onto them.

Tinkering can also be used to craft tinkering items.

An epic item is any magic item that cannot be crafted using the normal crafting rules. This could be because it has more crafting points spent on it than an item for that item slot could have, because the item has abilities that can only be assigned to an epic item, or because the item does something unique that doesn't follow the crafting rules.

Epic items are generally loot from major stories or large events.

Item Special Properties

Some items have special properties that recur often enough they are worth discussing here. These properties could appear on items of any type.

Bound Items

Rarely items are labelled as 'bound to creator' or 'bound to <character name>'. These items are only ever usable by the person or persons who the item is bound to. Mostly this will occur for items designed for non-player characters use. With these items there is a reason we don't want player characters to ever be able to use the item (such as certain narrative rituals).

Some player character accessible items will also be bound. This occurs for exceptionally powerful, hard to assemble loot rituals player characters can acquire. Only those responsible for assembling the rituals are allowed to use them. This is to make it so that other characters must also go to the effort of assembling these rituals themselves if they wish to also perform them.

Feb Feast Items

Every year the game holds several fundraisers to support it. People who make donations are given special items known as 'Feb Feast' items. These items have a variety of special, often unique abilities. It is not unusual for these items to playtest new mechanics that rules wants to put into the game on a trial basis.

The Feb Feast item type is applied to most items acquired during fundraising events regardless of if the event happens in February or not. It's just the name that has stuck.

All Feb Feast items have certain specific traits.

Feb Feast items purchased before 2023 have these properties as well:

Feb Feast items purchased during or after 2023 have these rules:

  • This item may never be loaned to another player's character, or looted.

Because snow makes for a very different game experience, for many years a tradition of hosting a single winter event in February came about. Rather than try to run multiple winter events where everyone was cold and wet, a focus was placed on one single over the top event where everyone came together in the middle of the winter break and a large feast was held. To raise funds to make up for lower attendance, and to help fund additional props and costuming, items were auctioned off and a tradition was born. Feb Feast still happens nearly every year, but it isn't always in February.

Cannot Gain the Feb Feast Trait

There is only one way an item could gain the Feb Feast trait. A regularly appearing auction or raffle item at Feb Feasts, is known as the 'Scroll of Feb Feast' which grants one item owned by a player the Feb Feast trait permanently.

Items earned from Capstone plots and some other specific items may say they 'Cannot gain the Feb Feast trait'. These items were designed for specific characters as rewards for special plots (such as Capstones) and are not intended for use by other characters.

Retired and Legacy Items

Some standardized items such as consumables and tinkering items may get retired or they can become legacy items. A retired item is no longer allowed in play. This could be a scroll or potion for a spell that no longer exists, or a tinkering item that was in some way problematic. When an item is retired a plan will always be created by logistics staff for what to do with those items. A replacement of some kind will be issued for it (or a cost refund in some cases). If you discover you have a retired item turn it in at the logistics desk. Even if you own the prop, you can take it in to have the number removed and get issued whatever replacement is due.

Legacy items can no longer be created through crafting or production. These items still exist in game to be used and do not need to be replaced. They can now be treated like an epic item. Most legacy items weren't popular or don't aren't as useful as they once were. Sometimes they are a little too powerful, but not so much that they needed to be removed from the game.

Item Slots

Characters have a limited capacity to carry different magic items. We call this capacity item slots. Each magic item has a slot associated with it. When a character chooses to use that magic item it takes up the corresponding slot for them for the event. A character can choose to use different items at future events, but once a slot has been used for an event, that is the only thing that can be in that slot until the end of that event.

Characters have one slot for their: Feet, Head, Neck, a Rod (or Tome), Torso, and Waist.

Some locations have more than one slot. One magic item that goes into that slot can be put in each slot of that name. For example, all characters have 2 ring slots, so they may equip one ring in the first slot, and a different ring in the second slot. There are two Accessory, Arm, Back, Ring and Wand slots.

Finally the weapon and the shield/buckler slots each have no limits. A character can equip as many weapons and/or shields as they wish to.

Objects that a character has assigned to a slot are known as 'attuned'. Once an item has been attuned it cannot be used by other characters for the remainder of the event. In order to use an epic item it must be attuned at the start of an event, unless the character acquires it during play. Any craftable item does not need to be attuned until a character decides they wish to use it. Only items that require slots (or are slotless) ever become attuned.

Some items are listed as having a 'variable slot'. These items can be assigned to ANY slot of the player's choosing, but they do take up a slot still.

Items that are labeled as slotless do not occupy any slot, but still require being attuned to use them.

Table of Slots

These are the slots available to each character and sample props that might be made into magic items to occupy those slots.

Any prop that would typically be worn as part of a pair should be worn that way (the two props together count as one single magic item occupying one slot). With these items both must be worn to get any benefits.

Item Name

Slot Used Slots Available Skill Required Maximum Craft Points Description Excluded Items


Accessory 2 Ornamenting 1 8 Backpack, quiver, sheath, belt pouch, haversack, frog, scabbard, earring, bandoleer, spurs, straps, glasses, goggles, anything that doesn't fit another slot. Anything that obviously fits another slot.


Arms 2 Ornamenting 4 20 Bracers, rerebraces, cuffs, ornate bracelets, manacles, gloves, gauntlets. arm cuffs, arm warmers, half gauntlets, simple bracelets


Back 2 Ornamenting 3 16 Cloak, Capes, Spaulders, Mantles, Pauldrons, elaborate shawls Besegews, epaulettes, parrots


Off-Hand 1 Ornamenting 3 16 A buckler. Characters have no limit on how many bucklers they may attune to, but they can only use one at a time. Shields


Feet 1 Ornamenting 5 24 Boots, sandals, sabatons Ankle straps, spurs, toe rings, socks.


Head 1 Ornamenting 4 20 Headwear such as helmets, hats, crowns, elaborate headbands, tiaras, coifs, hoods and approved masks. Scarves, bandanas, hair accessories, facial jewelry, earrings.


Legs 1 Ornamenting 4 20 Greaves, pants, full leg armor, non-armor skirt. Loincloths worn clearly beneath the waist. Leg warmers, ankle or boot wraps, garters


Neck 1 Ornamenting 2 12 Ornate or elaborate necklaces, chokers, gorgets, chains of office, torcs collars, bevors or stoles. Simple necklaces or chains


Ring 2 Ornamenting 1 12 A ring worn on the hand. Things that aren't rings


Rod/ Tome 1 Ornamenting 2 16 A rod. Things that are not rods.


Off-Hand 1 Master Ornamenting 24 A shield. Characters have no limit on how many shields they may attune to, but they can only use one at a time. Bucklers


Rod/Tome 1 Scholar 3 120 A tome. Books, items that aren't the item type 'Tome'.


Torso 1 Ornamenting 5 24 Shirt, breastplate, vest, surcoat, well constructed tabard, jacket, coat, tunic, bodice, chemise, dress, robe, chain hauberk Bandoleer, nipple piercings


Waist 1 Ornamenting 3 16 Belt, sash, chain skirt, war belt, cingulum militaire, waist, cincher, elaborate chain belt Simple waist chain, belly button piercing


Wand 2 Ornamenting 2 12 A wand. Things that are not wands.


Main or Off-hand 1/1 Weaponsmithing* 24 Any weapon. Characters have no limit to how many weapons they can attune to, but can only use one weapon at a time in each hand (and can only use a weapon in both hands if they have the right skills). Things that are not weapons

Crafting Items

Crafting rules can get confusing; new players can safely skip them until they are interested and ready to start crafting items of their own. The only thing on this page they may want to know about prior to that is the information on using runes.

Are you here to fill out your preproduction form and just need a quick cheat sheet? Here it is:
The cost formula for ornamenting and tinkering is 1 craft point = 5 coin. For how many craft points you can fit into each item slot, see this table.
For weaponsmithing, your cost formula is 1 craft point = 10 coin. All weapons can fit 24 craft points in them.
For producing consumables, see this page.

Craft Points

Characters can gain access to crafting points through a variety of skills and items. They can then spend these using the pre-production system and coin to produce permanent magic items (and wands). Craft points are only truly useful in multiples of four. There are no mechanics in the game that take advantage of any other quantity of craft points. To spend a craft point a character will also spend 10 coin per craft point when using weaponsmithing, and 5 coin per craft point for anything else (ornamenting, tinkering, and making tomes).

Tinkering items all state how many craft points are required to make them. All other items are custom designed with a cap on how many craft points can be used based on the item type or slot occupied. Nothing allows player characters to break these caps.

Improving Items

Crafted items don't need to be completed in just one event. A character can put some craft points towards an item and come back to add more at a future event. To do this the character must determine what type of item is being created (what slot will be occupied, the weapon type, or what exact tinkering item is being made) and put that in their preproduction information the first event they start work on it. This detail can never be changed. If the item is a weapon they must also select any special materials being used in construction the first time they put points into it (even if they can't afford to pay for the material's craft point cost in full), this also may not be changed. Having done this, each event the player attends while playing the character who possesses the item they may pay additional craft points to improve the item, up to the limit allowed for that item's slot.

A character can even improve an item they did not craft as long as it follows these guidelines. The character must have the necessary skills to put any specific feature into an item. Characters who collectively have the right skills for a feature, but individually do not, cannot work together to add that feature.

Zero point craft features may not be added to items after the event they are first created/ started.

Craft Point Uses


Characters with the Ornamenting skill can spend craft points to create a wide variety of magic items. How well trained the character is in the ornamenting skill determines exactly what slots they can make items for. Each slot has a limit on how many craft points may be spent on items worn there.


Characters with the weaponsmithing skill can spend craft points to create special weapons. These weapons can be crafted of special materials or can have other unusual features. The specific weapon types that can be created are based on how well trained the character is in weaponsmithing. All weapons can have up to 24 craft points used to create them.

A weapon does not need to be made of a special material. Those weapons with no special materials or abilities of any kind may be brought into play at any time after receiving a safety inspection from player outreach & education staff. These weapons are said to be mundane, and they call for only Might or Accuracy as appropriate based on what kind of weapon they are.

Other weapons are made from a variety of special materials. This is typically to defeat creatures with damage requirements. Any weapon made of a special material must always use the appropriate call for that material when attacking with it, even if you have not or cannot identify it. If you recognize the paint job as a particular special material, use the corresponding call.

Weapons made of special materials are very commonly used for ease of access to different damage types. Elven Steel weapons are particularly popular for dealing with undead at night. Because Silver and Elven Steel weapons do not work with many blade alchemicals, Goblin Iron and Thermium dual material weapons are also very popular for condensing how many weapons are being carried at once. Items made of pure Goblin Iron, pure Silver, or pure Thermium get benefits with different blade alchemicals.

Tinkering Items

Characters with the tinkering skill can create devices and encampment items using craft points. Each item will specify how many craft points and what level of tinkering skill is required to create it.

Tinkering Alterations

Another thing characters with the tinkering skill are capable of doing is altering the prop for an item. They do this using preproduction just like crafting a new item. Alteration allows the character to move the rules/ abilities for an item off of one prop and onto another, or to swap the rules/ abilities of two props with each other. Doing this requires both props use the same item slot and if one of the props has any unusual properties that were a factor in its function/ design, these properties must be present in the new item. If in doubt about if an item has any unusual properties speak to the 1st marshals.

Example: A character has very large bulky bracers they got as loot for an encounter. These bracers are really useful, but uncomfortable to wear. The player wishes to have the bracers tinkered to new easier to wear bracers. However, the bulky nature of the bracers was a factor when rules staff designed what abilities the bracers have. They intentionally made the bracers better than they would have otherwise been to make up for the fact that they were going to be very uncomfortable. These bracers may not be altered with tinkering unless the new bracers are also similarly uncomfortable.

Not every pair of uncomfortable bracers will be this way, so it is worth checking with the 1st marshals if this is an option on a case-by-case basis.

The cost in craft points and coin to alter an item is based on the maximum craft points that can be allocated when normally crafting an item in the slot the item occupies. To alter an item you pay that same number of craft points.

Slot Craft Points Coin Cost Tinkering Skill Needed
8 80 (Weapon) or 40 (Other) Tinkering Training
12 120 (Weapon) or 60 (Other) Tinkering Proficiency
16 160 (Weapon) or 80 (Other) Tinkering Expertise
20 200 (Weapon) or 100 (Other) Tinkering Mastery
24 240 (Weapon) or 120 (Other) Tinkering Mastery

Because you pay the full cost in craft points and coins, tinkering alteration is only really useful for Epic Items. Otherwise a player is almost always better off crafting a new item with the same abilities, resulting in them having two items (the old one and the new one) instead of one.


Characters with Scholar 3 (Proficient) can craft tomes. This requires no other skills, only craft points. Player character created tomes can only contain one school of magic in them. Crafting a tome requires a character to have a ritual quill available. Character's can add spells of level no greater than their level of Scholar.

Epic Items

We also sometimes use the crafting system for designing epic items. This is something only ever done by GM's to create loot for the game, or for special Feb Feast items. In these two cases there is no coin cost or skills involved. The craft point value assigned is simply a limit on how many can be spent on a single item. When making one of these items it still must occupy a slot, but the item is not restricted by that slot's normal craft point maximum.

Some crafting features are exclusively available to epic items, and some are further restricted to only appear on Feb Feast items. Feb Feast only features are almost exclusively available to Feb Feast items. These features will almost never appear on loot acquired during game play.


A rune is a partially completed magic item, preserved by arts currently lost to Novitas. Using pre-production any player may turn in a rune and assign the properties associated with the rune to an appropriate mundane prop they own. Each rune will specify what slot it occupies, players can enhance any mundane prop that is appropriate for that slot. Doing this permanently turns the prop into a magic item with the abilities that were listed on the rune. The rune is then and should be turned in to logistics to be used again for a future rune.

There is no coin or craft point cost to turn in a rune, nor are there any skills required to do so.

The magic stored in runes is unstable. All runes will list in the items description a date by which the rune must be turned in before the rune will go inert. Once the rune has been used this date doesn't matter, the magic item it created is permanent. If the rune is not used by that date it will become inert and should be turned in immediately.

Runes are exclusively found as loot items during game play.

Crafting Features

When crafting magic items there are a wide variety of features that can be chosen. Players select any features they desire and pay for them with craft points and coins. Many features have special rules for what kinds of objects they can be applied to, if they require other features to go with them or if they are mutually exclusive with specific features. Each feature will detail any of these restrictions in their description.

General Crafting Features

Some crafting features can be placed on both weapons and other slotted gear (besides Rods, Wands and Tomes) using the weaponsmithing or ornamenting skills respectively.

Standard Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

+4 Craft Points

Yes Yes 8 Gain 4 additional craft points each event.

+1 Power Point

Yes Yes 8 Gain 1 power point each game day that does not break cap.

+2 Power Points

Yes Yes 12 Gain 2 power points each game day that do not break cap.

+2 Production Points

Yes Yes 4 Gain 2 production points each event that do not break cap.

+4 Production Points

Yes Yes 8 Gain 4 production points each event that do not break cap.

Nature Immunity

Yes Yes 12 When you put this item on you are immune to 'Nature!' damage. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Common Language

Yes Yes 8 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) a common language chosen when the item is crafted. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of the language.

Read and Write Language

Yes Yes 4 This feature allows a character to read and write a language they are able to speak due to the magic item giving understanding of a language. This must be crafted with a language skill ability.

Epic Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Battle Mastery

Epic Only Epic Only 40 When you put this item on you are under the effect of the Battle Mastery spell. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Exceptional Item

Epic Only Epic Only -4 This item may not have any epic crafting features on it except for this one. The item gains an additional 4 crafting points to spend on features.

Level 1 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 4 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level one alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 2 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 8 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level two alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 3 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 12 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level three alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 4 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 16 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level four alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Level 5 Alchemical Effect

Epic Only Epic Only 20 This item can duplicate the effects of a specific level five alchemical item chosen when this feature is crafted. If the alchemical item produces more than one copy when it is produced gain the same number of uses of this feature for each time you purchase it. This may be purchased more than once for additional uses or for different alchemical items. When a character uses the magic item in play, they should roleplay an appropriate action for the object producing the alchemical.

Count as a Master's Staff

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 When this feature is crafted select a school to associate with it. If the wielder of the item is a master of that school they pay one fewer power point to cast spells from that school (to a minimum of 1). Unlike the standard version of this craft, any slot (other than Rod, Tome or Wand) or weapon type can have this feature crafted on it. This feature can be crafted onto an item multiple times (choosing a different school each time). This item counts as a Master's Staff. Characters can only benefit from one total item that counts as a Master's Staff per event (though that item can have multiple schools associated with it).

Master's School Change

Epic Only Epic Only 4 Must be crafted onto a master's staff. This staff may change it's school at the start of every year.

Compulsion Immunity

Epic Only Epic Only 40 When you put this item on you are under the effect of the Mind Blank spell. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Poison Immunity

Epic Only Epic Only 40 When you put this item on you are under the effect of the Poison Immunity spell. If you then take the item off, the effect will end for the remainder of the game day. This effect counts against your immunity cap.

Spell Mastery Item

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 An item with this ability causes one spell in a school you have mastered to cost 2 fewer power points to cast (minimum 1). The effect does not stack. You may not use another item that is a Master's Staff]] (or which has this craft on it) during an event you benefited from this item.

Uncommon Language

Epic Only Epic Only 12 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) a uncommon language chosen when the item is crafted. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of the language.

Rare Language

Epic Only Epic Only 20 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) a rare language chosen when the item is crafted. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of the language.


Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) blackspeech. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of blackspeech.

Immortal (Language)

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24 A character attuned to this item can speak (and understand) immortal. A single item can only allow a character to speak one language. This does not allow reading and writing of immortal.

Unspent Craft Points

Epic Only Epic Only Variable An item with this craft feature hasn't had all of its craft points assigned. The total number of unspent craft points will be listed in the item's description. Any player who acquires this item may use preproduction to decide how to spend those craft points on any non-epic crafting features that item could have. This does not require any skills nor does it require the player to spend any craft points. This is compatible with the 'Exceptional Item' craft feature.

Weapon Exclusive Crafting Features

These features can only be applied to weapons.

Weapon Type

All weapons must have exactly one type (no more, no less).

Weapon Type

Crafting Skill Crafting Cost Combat Skill Damage Skill

Crafted Ammunition

Weaponsmithing Training None Projectile Training Accuracy

Crafted Bow and Crossbow

Weaponsmithing Expert 4 Projectile Training Accuracy

Crafted Great Javelin

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Thrown Expertise Circumstantial

Crafted Great Weapon

Weaponsmithing Master 16 Melee Expertise Might

Crafted Javelin

Weaponsmithing Expert 4 Thrown Proficiency Accuracy

Crafted Martial Weapon

Weaponsmithing Proficiency 4 Melee Proficiency Might

Crafted Non-Martial Weapon

Weaponsmithing Basics None Melee Training Might

Crafted Standard Thrown Weapon

Weaponsmithing Training None Thrown Training Accuracy

Standard Weapon Materials

Weapons may be crafted with one or more special materials. Each material lists any restrictions on what it can be paired with.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Elven Steel Weapon

No Yes 20 This weapon has been made out of Elven Steel. Attacks with it call for 'Elven Steel!'. Elven Steel weapons cannot be paired with any other special material.

Goblin Iron Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon is crafted out of Goblin Iron. Attacks with it call for 'Poison!'. Goblin Iron weapons cannot also be made of Silver.

Silver Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon is made of or coated in silver. Attacks with it call for 'Silver!'. Silver weapons cannot also be made of Goblin Iron.

Thermium Weapon

No Yes 8 This weapon has been made out of Thermium. Attacks with it call for 'Nature!'.

Epic Weapon Materials

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Improved Goblin Iron Weapon

No Epic Only 16 This weapon is crafted out of exceptional Goblin Iron and may not use other special materials. Attacks with this weapon call for 'Poison!'. Blade alchemicals applied to this weapon get an additional use.

Improved Silver Weapon

Epic Only 20 This weapon is made of pure silver, it cannot be crafted with additional materials. The bearer may replace their next hit with 'Dispel Magic!' once per event.

Improved Thermium Weapon

No Epic Only 16 This weapon is made out of exceptional Thermium and cannot be crafted to have another material type. Twice per event this weapon may replace its next hit with a '4 Acid!' call.

Primal Weapon

No Feb Feast Only 20 This weapon is made out of raw elemental power. Attacks with it call for 'Primal!'.

Standard Weapon Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Master's Blade

No Master Weaponsmith and Master Tinkerer 8 If the wielder of this weapon is a weapon master they gain an additional master's strike each game day. Can only be taken by a weapon once. A character can only benefit from one additional master's strike from a master's blade each game day.

Master's Staff

No Master Weaponsmith and Master Ornamentor 8 Must be crafted onto a great weapon. The weapon is a Master's Staff. A character can only benefit from one item that counts as a Master's Staff per event.

Select a school of magic at when this is crafted. When the staff is used by a master of that school the weapon reduces the cost of casting any spell from that school by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This does not stack with other effects. The feature can only be crafted onto a weapon once.

Masterwork Weapon

No Yes 4 Strikes with this weapon have +1 Might/ Accuracy. Can only be taken once. The prop for this weapon should look above average.

Epic Weapon Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Extra Master's Strike

No Feb Feast Only 16 This weapon's wielder may perform 1 master's strike per game day even if they could not normally. Can be taken more than once.

Spellstore Weapon

No Feb Feast Only 20 This weapon always has the effect of the Spellstore spell on it. You may store one, non-self range spell in the weapon at any time. When you cast it, you may immediately store a new one. Should anyeone cast a spell into a weapon that is already holding one, the older spell is gone forever.

Armor Crafting Features

These features can only be placed on props that count as armor.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Enhanced Armor Craft

Yes No 8 Provides +1 physical armor points to the character's best source of physical armor points. This must be crafted onto a piece of armor which now takes up a slot. Does not stack with other crafting features that enhance armor.

Epic Armor Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Epic Enhanced Armor Craft

Epic No 16 Provides +2 physical armor points to the character's best source of physical armor points. This must be crafted onto a piece of armor which now takes up a slot. Does not stack with other crafting features that enhance armor.

Example: One of these features is placed on light leather bracers. The bracers by themselves would provide 1 physical armor point. However, the character also is wearing a chain shirt which provides 3 physical armor points. The character therefore has 4 physical armor points.

Spell Related Features

Many magic item features replicate spell casting. These are sometimes refered to as imbued items.

Standard Spell Related Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

1st Level Spell

Yes Yes 4/ cast Selected a 1st level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

2nd Level Spell

Yes Yes 8/ cast Selected a 2nd level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

3rd Level Spell

Yes Yes 12/ cast Selected a 3rd level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

Restricted Incantation

Ornamenting 1 Weaponsmithing 1 None The incantation used to cast a spell on this item has a requirement that must be met. This could be using (or not using) a certain language, using certain words, a specific incant, or an increased incantation length. Logs staff may restrict overly complex or long requirements.

Epic Spell Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

4th Level Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 16/ cast Selected a 4th level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

5th Level Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 20/ cast Selected a 5th level spell when crafted. This item casts it once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts per event or to add casts of other spells.

Prismatic Level 1 Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 8/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 1st level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 2 Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 12/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 2nd level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 3 Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 16/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 3rd level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 4 Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 24/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 4th level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Prismatic Level 5 Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 28/ cast Allows an item to cast ANY 5th level spell once per event. May be crafted multiple times for additional casts.

Change Spell Yearly

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 4/ Spell At the start of each calendar year you may change one spell this item casts (chosen when the item is made) for another of the same level. May be taken multiple times for an item with multiple spells.

Spellburst Spell

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 8/ Spell All castings of one spell on this item, chosen when the item is made, is always affected by the Spellburst spell. May be taken multiple times for an item with multiple spells.

Extra Tag Bag

Feb Feast Only Feb Feast Only 8/ Spell All copies of one spell, which generates tag bags, on this item (chosen when the item is made) now generates an extra tag bag. This may be taken multiple times for an item with multiple spells. Can also be taken multiple times for the same spell, its effects stack.

No Incant Spell

Epic Only Epic Only 12/ Spell All castings of one spell on this item can be cast with no incant required. May be taken multiple times to for items with multiple spells.


Rods can only have crafting features explicitly designed for them. The following lists are all inclusive.

Standard Rod Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

1st Level Spell Rod

Ornamenting 2 No 8 Select one 1st level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

2nd Level Spell Rod

Ornamenting 2 No 12 Select one 2nd level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

3rd Level Spell Rod

Ornamenting 2 No 16 Select one 3rd level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

Epic Rod Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

4th Level Spell Rod

Epic Only No 20 Select one 4th level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

5th Level Spell Rod

Epic Only No 24 Select one 5th level spell, when holding this rod you may cast it as if you knew the spell.

Yearly Spell Change (Rod)

Feb Feast Only No 4 The spell in this rod may be changed to another of the same level at the start of each year.

Master's Rod

Feb Feast Only No 8 The spell in this rod costs one fewer power point to cast (minimum 1). This does not stack with other discounts.

Spellburst Rod

Feb Feast Only No 8 When using this rod if the spell generates tag bags it is automatically affected by the Spellburst spell.

Extra Tag Bag Rod

Feb Feast Only No 8/ tag bag When using this rod if the spell generates tag bags it generates an additional tag bag. May be taken multiple times.


Tomes may only have crafting features explicitly designed for them. The following lists are all inclusive.

Standard Tome Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

1st Level Spell Tome

Scholar 3 No 8 Add a 1st level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

2nd Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 3 No 12 Add a 2nd level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

3rd Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 3 No 16 Add a 3rd level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

4th Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 4 No 20 Add a 4th level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

5th Level Spell (Tome)

Scholar 5 No 24 Add a 5th level spell to a tome. The spell must be the same school as all other spells in the tome.

Epic Tome Crafting Features

At this time there are no epic crafting features for tomes.


Wands may only have crafting features explicitly designed for them. The following lists are all inclusive.

Standard Wand Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

10 Power Point Wand

Ornamenting 2 No 4 A wand with 10 power points

20 Point Wand

Ornamenting 2 No 8 A wand with 20 power points

30 Point Wand

Ornamenting 2 No 12 A wand with 30 power points

Standard Wand

Ornamenting 2 No None Choose a level 1, 2, or 3 spell for this wand to cast. A wand can only have one spell.

Epic Wand Crafting Features

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

40 Point Wand

Epic Only No 16 A wand with 40 power points

50 Point Wand

Epic Only No 20 A wand with 50 power points

Epic Wand

Epic Only No None Choose a level 4 or 5 spell for this wand to cast. A wand can only have one spell.

Recharging Wand

Feb Feast Only No 8 At the start of each year this wand's power points replenish.

Wand Changes Spells

Feb Feast Only No 4 At the start of each calendar year this wand can change the spell it casts.

Item Slot Modifier Features

There are some epic crafts that change what slot the crafted item will occupy.

Option Name

Ornamenting Craftable Weaponsmithing Craftable Craft Point Cost Description

Variable Slot

Feb Feast Only No 4 This item must occupy a slot, but the player may choose which slot each event. Variable slot items may not occupy the weapon or shield/ buckler slots.

Slotless Item

Feb Feast Only No 12 This item which would normally occupy a slot does not.

Producing Items

Production rules can get confusing; new players can safely skip them until they are interested and ready to start making consumables of their own.

Are you here to fill out your preproduction form and just want a quick cheat sheet? Here you are:
The cost formula is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For the list of consumables, click "Preproduction" in the sidebar and then click the relevant item type.
For ornamenting, tinkering, and weaponsmithing, see this page.

Characters use production points during preproduction to produce a variety of different paper consumable items. Consumables produced last until they are used, allowing characters to stock up on tools for future encounters or to barter for other goods.

Production Points

Characters can gain production points through a variety of means, most commonly the skill of the same name. For each production point a character has they may spend that production point between events and 1 coin to produce consumable items. This is done using the pre-production system.

A character may not have more than 20 production points unless an effect says that it breaks the production point cap. Characters may also purchase additional production points for 2 coin each up to the normal cap. Because of the 1 coin cost to use production points, this effectively means extra production points cost 3 coins each (total).

Confused? That's okay! Production can be confusing, and trips everyone up occasionally. The easiest way to understand cost is 1 level of a consumable = 1 production point = 1 coin. For example, a Potion of Dissipate is a level 2 consumable. It costs 2 production points and 2 coin to make.

What consumables a character can create is based on what other skills the character has. A consumable requires a number of production points equal to its level to produce. Scarce items may not be produced by player characters through any means unless those means explicitly say they let you make a scarce item.

There are four subtypes of consumable items made with production points: Alchemicals, Potions/ Oils, Scrolls and Trap Tags.

Alchemicals and potions/ oils will also require containers to keep the finished product in. Players are responsible for supplying their own containers, but logistics does sell them at cost to players. There are no specific requirements for appropriate containers, except that for safety reasons glass is prohibited. In this instance plastic is completely acceptable (and standard).


Alchemical items represent mundane chemistry that has a particular effect.

Using the alchemy skills a character can produce alchemical items of any level the character has the appropriate skill for. There is a list of all alchemical items and any player with enough skill levels can automatically produce anything on that list.

Each alchemical item states how many copies it produces per time it is made. For most this will be 1, but for some items it could be many more. When ordering these items using preproduction list how many times you wish to pay for that item with production points, logs will multiply that by the number produced and get you the correct number when assembling your order.

Potions (and Oils)

Potions are spells prepared in advance so that a user simply drinks to benefit from them (a potion that is rubbed on equipment or skin is called an oil, they are mechanically identical the only difference is how usage is roleplayed).

Spells can be prepared in potion (or oil) form using the Brew Potion skill. To produce a potion (or oil) the character must know the spell they wish to produce a potion (or oil) for, and the spell must indicate that it can be made into a potion (or oil). Each spell has in it's entry whether or not it can be made into a potion (or oil). A character with the Savant specialist title may alternately copy any non-scarce potion (or oil) they have in their possession instead of needing to know the spell.


Scrolls are spells partially prepared in advance that must be read aloud by someone who has the Read Magic skill to activate them.

Characters with the Scribe Scroll skill can produce scrolls. To produce a scroll the character must know the spell they wish to create a scroll from. A character with the Savant specialist title may alternately copy any non-scarce scroll they have in their possession instead of needing to know the spell.

If the spell being put into a scroll is level 4 the character must possess a ritual quill as well. When the spell is level 5 not only must the character have a ritual quill, but they must also consume one dose of ritual ink (an alchemical item) per level 5 scroll produced.

Trap Tags

Trap tags are placed in level based traps to bring a variety of devastating or problematic effects to those who trigger the trap.

Characters with the tinkering skill can produce trap tags. The character can make trap tags of a level up to their level in the tinkering skill.

Production Point Items

There are a variety of different consumables players can get as loot which grant additional production points. These break the production point cap when used. State that you are using them when you fill out your pre-production for the month, and then be sure to turn them in when you pick up your order at check-in.

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